Fluff Bois edition
/plg/ powerlifting general
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I used to come to /plg/ when I was a beginner used to get routine advice from trappy chan.
What happened to her(him)?
>tfw have lost track of how many calories I ate this week and already missed 2 upper back days
Who /bloatmaxxing/ here?
>beginner used to get routine advice
wrong thread
what u mean
I approve.
I think i bent the bar deadlifting 170kg. It's a very slight bend though. Tomorrow is 175kg. Getting bored of feeling like shit due to deadlifting every day.
didnt you fail at 165kg
what does this mean?
Hit 170 today pretty cleanly, though had to break set in two due to grip failing.
You're a moron who doesnt actually want to get strong.
if you stop progressing you better stop trying to push it before you get injured
>already put 30kg on deadlift in a week
>don't want to get strong
Pick one and only one.
Best accessories for slow off the floor deadlifts? I already do deficit DL
Also what's the difference between snatch grip DL and deficit DL with regards to starting position?
What program? Bulgarian for conventional with more than 1 rep?
For 5 reps. +5kg each day.
And you started at 3pl8? How's your lumbar?
This motherfucking twink is adding 5kg to his dl every day and basically youre fucking stupid. Learn how
You doing PTTP?
Yes, it's nothing more than regular soreness after DLs.
Doing TM lower body and nuckols bench. Making good gains on everything except DL. Is it really too little deadlifting? How to make TM better for deadlifts?
Hope the gainstrain has wifi. Keep me posted user.
how's your squat? did you focus on squats for a long time neglegting dl?
I want to do the squat part of TM, but do i have to do it on a bulk?
no, TM on a cut works surpisingly well
ok thanks
Paused deadlifts right off the floor are good as well. Snatch grip is also good because you are pulling from a deficit with those as well. As far as the difference in starting position that depends on the height of the deficit.
Thanks. How would one program paused DL, deficit DL or snatch grips into TM?
Probably on volume day, something like 3x5 or 5x3 or 4x4 at something like 80% of the weight you're using for intensity day. I've never ran TM though so I can't give you the best answer.
>hot girl in the gym talks about how she has to poop
Why tho
Thanks my man
girls love pooping
You disgusted her.
Well it wasnt to me but it was loud enough that it was intended to be heard by everyone
>not offering to inspect her rectum after she gets done to make sure she got everything out
You missed your chance.
Is his program to deadlift 5 reps every day and add 5kg every day?
pretty much
The point is you inspect her rectum with your penis.
Why is Panzer so shit? He ruined the whole thread.
He literally made this thread tbf.
Virgin detected
MA has a scat fetish?
>Respect for MA gone down the drain
It was a joke you nerds. I only like the idea of anal, not actually having anal. Butts are nice though.
Any tall guys ITT who front squat? Talking like 6'4 or taller.
Wondering what's your back-hip angle, I'm pretty crushed in at the bottom of front squat desu.
Must be how you got that trip
MA contracted HIV from gay anal sex? This is news to me
This Norman khan isn’t stinky but it’s plenty, let’s flush it back to India to where it belongs
I've never had gay anal sex. Only straight anal sex.
It's mediocre.
I'm the same tbqhfamilam. Anal is overrated.
What's her ig again?
where is trappy-chan
You’re gay lmao
>kinda want to learn piano
>realize that despite my best effort at powerlifting I'm still awful
>can't even follow along super basic synthesia tutorials
I'm kind of afraid of even starting since I still haven't reached decent levels at another hobby I tried ny hardest at. Most internet guides seem confusing and like cash bait, no local lessons that suit my schedule and budget
What do I do plg?
hypothetically speaking isnt a girls ass and mouth built the same like a guys?
so anatomically it wouldnt feel any different just mentally?
what happens if u fuck a guys ass/mouth in a glory hole and think its a girl would that be gay?
>What do I do plg?
Measure vertical. If it's less than 20 inches then end it.
That's a nice projection coming from a lard who has an obsession with a man-faced olythot
I did measure it when this meme started. I was around 22 inches
you need to ask MA about this he obviously has experience
Tfw panzer would probably already have ended up together with Rebeka if he had stopped posting on plg a year ago
this is wrong, you are assuming an obese manlet from america has a chance dating a world class athlete from latvia
What happened to this guy? Who is he?
But what happened ?
The other gym hottie took over the bluetooth speaker and is playing that gay ass style of edm with women singing over distorted beats
Send help
Fell with the bar in a meet and shattered everything in his knee a few years ago
Would you guys recommend Juggernaut Method 2.0 for someone who wants to do Martial Arts besides trainning? Since it's made for athletes in general I thought it could apply to boxing or mma, what do you guys think?
My best lifts are (177lbs / 80kg bw)
150x5 Ohp
225x9 Bench
285x5 Squat
385x5 Deadlift
>already put 30kg on deadlift in a week
>>don't want to get strong congratulations he went from baby weight to baby weight + 30 kg. Meanwhile you'll be burned out or injured within a week. So 30 kilograms on your deadlift over a six-month period to rehab from injury and burn out, verses monthly increases of 5 kg which would give you 60 kg on the year.
Getting respectably strong takes consistency over many months and years.
You don't want to be strong. You just want short turn Gaines, injury, and then an excuse to not work hard anymore.
Learning an instrument is easier than powerlifting lol
My brother lifts and he's worse than me but still manages to learn 3 different instruments from the age of 20 onwards.
>you are assuming an obese manlet from america has a chance dating a world class athlete from latvia
Are you implying that women don't date random pieces of shit every day?
Not to mention that she's from a 3rd world country.
Maybe you are just a bad role model, powerlifting is much easier than mastering a musical instrument.
Any retard can get 400 wilks in 2 years or so, most people can't even figure out a guitar.
You found your favorite buzzword? /plg/ used to be good before you came along
That's literally so far from the truth. More people try lifting weights than try an instrument and they're all terrible at it.
>You found your favorite buzzword
No, he appropriated it from his butt-daddy, sean.
It should be spelled "projectsean"
Figured as much. I gotta ask though, who the fuck is this kid and why does Veeky Forums have their heads up his ass? All I see him do is say 'projection' and shitpost while the rest of us actually improve.
There is a difference between owning a gym card and benching for shits and giggles and getting into powerlifting.
Everybody can get good at powerlifting, most people can't compose music.
Not true, not everybody can get good at powerlifting. You're simply wrong.
No idea who the kid is but having a tripcode and competing once is more than most people on /plg/ have achieved, gets to their heads i guess.
Define "good", everybody can reach 400 wilks given enough time.
>mastering a musical instrument
Well, that is a much higher level of proficiency in that particular field than your LMAO4PLAYT squat is in the field of powerlifting, isn't it?
Anyone who isn't literally retarded can master a musical instrument with some years diligent practice. If you want to "master" powerlifting (read: challenge for at least a national record), even just one of the lifts, it's going to take longer, AND you're going to need favorable genetics, AND you're going to need steroids, because everyone else of any note is on them too.
me in the back wtf
And everyone can play an instrument given half that amount of time. They have been for thousands of years.
It takes a year to get good an instatement
It takes a decade to get good at powerlifting
>real name Arthur
>goes to University of Virginia
>pulls sumo (closeted gay)
>spergs into edgy 13 year old diatribe over any political discussion
>no friends, except isley, who pitied him
>barely benched 2 plates? Maybe never.
>quit poelwerlifting because it is too manly, and he is a mental/physical her
>in live with an Estonian manface weightlifter, but he actually hates women
>bad at weightlifting
>hates eating, pukes from food
>acts like a faggot, then when he gets called out on it he pretends that it is a character he's playing
>wants to destroy plg like sean, despite his only forced friends being here, like sean
>never touched a breast
>only good lift was sumo deadlift (pathetic)
>spends college being a faggot outcast instead of pounding supple college girl balloon k ot, not because it's the superior hole, but for the principle
>balloon k ot
*balloon knot
Don't forget
>gets fat doing meme "get huge fast" program because his coach doesn't know how to get lifters jacked other than feeding them roids
>gets fat doing meme "get huge fast" program because his coach doesn't know how to get lifters jacked other than feeding them roids
Lol, I actually think panzers coach is bullying him because he knows Panzer is a lost cause.
So he flattens him up like a piggy, then makes him Sprint around the parking lot until he pukes, and only lets him on the platform once per week.
His coach is just keeping him away from the good lifters. I bet one of the girls filed a complaint.
Anal's only good with a girl that's actually into it.
Only if he deepthroats and you feel his soul patch stubble on your balls.
Try it and see what happens. So long as you're making some progress it shouldn't really matter that much in the long run. It's exponentially more important that you focus on getting just better at the actual sport. If you're ever at a point where your strength is actually holding you back then it's time to focus on it, but for now just do something that you can adhere to (i.e it's interesting and doesn't feel AID's) and had some element of progression to it.