What do you mean don't eat the fucking yolk? There are like only 17 calories in egg whites. Why are they trying to trick me like this?
What do you mean don't eat the fucking yolk? There are like only 17 calories in egg whites...
>eating any part of eggs whatsoever
eggs raise the good cholesterol
the bad cholesterol comes from white flour cakes and other shitty fats
There is no “bad cholesterol.”
Wait so who do I believe now? I've started eating more eggs to raise T levels but VG says it's raising my cholesterol???
It also contains ZINC.
Cholesterol is necessary for testosterone synthesis. Your body makes a certain amount of baseline cholesterol from blood sugar, but for some people, that's not enough.
Defects in cholesterol biosynthesis are extremely rare and usually embryonically lethal
I just googled "zinc in an egg" and it says 1mg. fucking dogshit lol just supplement boys
Your liver can balance good cholesterol and bad cholesterol up to a point. you're fine. Eat some eggs biatch
Eggs have the worst texture, flavour and smell. How do you eat them, cause I cannot do it plain. Do you omelette that shit up?
I normally boil or try 3 and have a sandwich but I want to cut out bread.
get a little chick and raise it with a lot of corn and plants, then you'll get tasty eggs with good smell and orange yolk, telling you by experience;)
>egg industry lobbyist opinion piece referencing low quality studies not controlled for background cholesterol intake and done on fatties and people not in energy balance and conveniently ignoring all others that actually do this
the absolute state of Veeky Forums's scientific literacy
What the health?? I'm going vegan now
Crack one into your protein shake and milk. I have that with banana, blueberries, lsa, cocoa powder, creatine, and glutamine. It's fucking delish.
brah scramble them with cheese, sriracha and pepper. shit's cash as hell
Scrambled, omelete or fried - garlic powder + pepper + bit of salt
boiled for 7-8 minutes, so the yolk is still a bit moist FUCKING DELICIOUS
Who /boil/ here?
Eat 50 eggs a day and you will be good and won't need supplements.
Broccoli and feta frittata
Scrambled with spices and sriracha
Crack a few into some stir fry vegetables
Eggs in purgatory
If you hate eggs, everything up there apart from scrambled is a game changer. Girlfriend used to hate eggs; thought texture was gross, but came around after seeing all that crap get cooked in the house. Ended up making her an omelette almost every night before work.
Hardboiled mode, it has to have that lil black spot for it to be perfect
>starts the video with a strawman
And into the trash it goes
Cholesterol is an ancient meme health-risk, basically the gluten of its day.
Simply put, your body needs cholesterol. If you don't get any from food, it'll make it itself.