I've started lifting, give me a cookie. I'm striving to be "the alpha nerd" and I want to keep my geeky hobbies but pull in 8+ women.
What sort of women do Veeky Forums men end up dating considering how socially inept some of the posters here appear to be.
Where did you meet her? What hobbies does she have? What do you two do together?
Jose Wright
Thicc and black desu. Loves the benis though :DDD
Ian Clark
The Autistic Chad
Mason Powell
Idk I was just unironically beeing myself. She knows my fatfur fetishes and has come to hang out with me and my friends while we play mtg or yugioh. Maybe I just got lucky
Grayson Lewis
on cheat days i use to order a large pizza and she would eat two pieces while i crushed the rest. now she has almost half the pizza and im still hungry when its gone. she was always thicc but in the last 2 years has put on 15 pounds with no hope or slowing down...
Jack Parker
Leggy brunette with an accent. Good shit. We fuck and chat, constantly doing one or the other.
Gavin Adams
Mixed, 32DDD and currently working on her squat to get dat ass. Based af, somewhat redpilled and traditional. Couldn't ask for more desu
Aaron Lewis
Met her on OKCupid. She's 5'10" and lifts. Studies design and works for a game dev studio. We work out together, go cycling, drink coffee, read to each other and fuck a lot.
Dylan Bailey
nice try globalist shill
Alexander Evans
qt azn 5’3 with nice tits and ass. she wants to be fit but doesn’t have the motivation. love her and want to get her in the gym but you can’t really force it.
Jordan Ramirez
She's a bit handsy. Always knows how to scratch my itch.
Anthony Reed
>I'm striving to be "the alpha nerd" God, that's cringy. You're going to die alone.
I've dated a ton of different girls - some good, some bad. Thereally hot ones tend to be crazy. I've dated a 10/10 model and it turns out she had BPD and tried to kill herself and me.
Now, my gf is a qt smol thicc latina. She's a nerd who loves anime and video games. Max comfy when we play cuphead coop and she makes hot cocoa. Been with her for over 2 years now.
Chase Peterson
Asian, met through friends, we eat together, watch teevee, and screw. We have nothing in common so I'm going to break up with her when she gets back from visiting her parents.
David Smith
phat ass, nice perky tits, wide hips tiny waist, italian and likes to cook, traditional home-maker type gal, low raspy feminine voice
don't really care much for her being fit since I kinda like the "softness" and she naturally distributes fat pretty good so there's really no need
Ayden Garcia
met her in physics class she crochets and makes ceramic art and plays vidya we do all sorts of things together she's an old fashioned kind of girl and likes cooking and cleaning and having long sex sessions with me she also watches anime and turned me onto several shows I wouldn't have watched otherwise sometimes I cook for her instead of her cooking for me any other questions?
Evan Wright
>met on okcupid
Cameron Watson
She's a solid five
Ian Harris
Dylan Gutierrez
instagram optimist, delusional, backs off at the slightest confrontation, annoying
Chase Lee
>Be me >Work in bar >Get offers every night >Currently seeing two different girls >One is a hot, slim 21 year old brunette with a crazy sex drive and a banging ass >The other is an intelligent, funny and sexy 28 year old "strung independent womyn" >The first provides the playful, innocent yet naughty appeal of a young girl in her prime >The later provides the confident touch of a refined woman who knows exactly how she wants it
Both are into design. I mostly cook with/for them, go out to museums, cafes, the gym or a bar, bring a bottle of wine somewhere, fuck whenever, wherever. Personally, I am very assertive generally, and I usually always get away with mostly anything I say to girls and I think its because I am charming and funny.
Jordan Miller
I mostly attract kinda ugly women with good yoga bodies now. Before it was cute girls who were fat or borderline obese. I guess my dick prefers the former but you can't have em all. Perfect (body and face) dont exist, and they sure aint going for us.
Austin Ward
Not OP but why shit on someone asking for genuine advice?
OP, can't help you as I suck at having girlfriends/don't want one.
Tbh I'm curious how fit does. I get laid regularly but can't for the life of me hold on to a girlfriend.
Jackson Carter
OP here. You just ignore it. He's not wrong, but he also could have kept it to himself. Some people need to jump at any opportunity to knock other people down and make themselves feel better. It's easy to on the internet so it happens often especially in places like this.
It doesn't ultimately matter though and learning to deal with it will make you a better person in the long run. Just ignore it, choose to put your energy into something else more worth while. And you can't even be sure his post is legitimate. Trolls gonna troll
Hudson Clark
She looks way better as a thumbnail lol
Nathan Price
Mine is an artist/graphic designer
Likes the outdoors, beach, art galleries, travelling, pretty normie stuff tbqhwy
She’s 184cm, 1cm taller than me but it’s not an issue for either of us. Good body, if somewhat unfit, but I’m a tubby fuck now so I can’t complain.
Matthew Robinson
>What's your girlfriend like? 4'11, big tits and ass, pretty. Very caring, mommies me a bit. Genuinely the nicest person I've ever met, not a nasty or irrational bone in her body. Conservative world views, met at 16 so we were both virgins. >Where did you meet her? School >What hobbies does she have? She makes music, bakes and knits >What do you two do together? We live together so basically most things; play video games, go for walks, cook, go for coffee, etc
Jaxson Carter
Most of us end up dating male girls
Jace Stewart
So what’s wrong with her?
Connor Edwards
>Male girls
Carson Powell
Post her bobs and vangen
William Sanders
All I said is that he's cringy. And he is. Anyone who tries to be an alpha will be a beta forever. OP is going to end up being the virgin chad (aka not a chad/alpha at all).
Elijah Howard
She's not very tidy Never
Logan Martinez
5'3" brunette with big submissive green eyes. She works as a nurse while I'm in med school, so she's the bread winner for now. She is sweet, feminine and conservative, comes from a good family and I'm really close with her dad.
Prolly gonna tie the knot soon.
Joshua Edwards
why are so many people on fit in medical school
i swear guys with all the doctors and engineers on here, fit is probably the smartest group of internet posters of any website
Gavin Wood
Fell for the STEM meme awhile ago desu
Aaron Thomas
I met her in a dungeon in gw2 at 2am may 23rd
Hudson Rogers
>always struggled to talk to girls >had 2 long term relationships I stayed in out of fear of being single >finally started improving myself >went from 135lbs to 170 lbs >got decent job >met current gf at a social gathering >she's is easily the most beautiful woman I've fucked/dated >half brazillian girl with great body and enjoys lifting >she's getting her PHD in counselling psychology >we live together and have a cat >we watch arthouse films and listen to music together
I love her.
Lifting definitely made it possible for this girl to consider me, but honestly I'm lucky she's a little nerdy and introverted, otherwise she could have any guy she wanted,
Liam Perez
What do you expect to get out of marriage? Serious question
Why not just remain committed partners but unmarried?
Mason Young
I bought a £300 coat with my first month's pay from my first internship. I wore it the first time I met my wife and she thought I must be rich. She soon learned better but stuck around.
She works shifts and I work days, it's been like this for years. The only thing regularly do together is fuck, because we can't find time to go out together and do much.
I'm thinking about divorcing her because of it.
To meet women you basically have to meet other people. Find new social groups in pubs, hobbies etc.
Joshua Adams
Non existent of course. Forever and always.
Christopher Ortiz
people still play that game?
Gabriel Gutierrez
They all do
Tyler Evans
I want to start a family, and I'm Christian so I don't really believe in cohabiting long term. Marriage to me represents stability and comittment, which I think is necessary to creating the proper environment for raising a child.
Juan Sanders
no one gives a fuck you loser LOL
Joshua Gomez
She's very similar to the square root of -100
Logan Perez
Joseph Sanchez
I can only answer for my only serious girlfriend (we went out for 2 years or so)
>What's your girlfriend like? Started off slightly over the edge of being thick. We both put on a heap of weight during the relationship. She really tried everything to stop me from exercising (I was young and stupid so I went along with it)
>Where did you meet her? Through a friend from uni >What hobbies does she have? Whinging about what people put on Facebook >What do you two do together? Sex and We used to play video games together. It's not as fun as you think. There aren't that many coop games and she would only play a handful of genres (also she was took her time when playing games which is annoying when playing something like left 4 dead for the 100th time)
Blake Sanders
Fair enough, good for you, hope it works out
Joshua Martinez
>where did you meet her? tinder. went on a coffee date and hit it off so we started hanging out and eventually dated
>what hobbies does she have? she has a marketing/advertising background so she does a lot of crafts and interior design stuff. she’s also into travel and does a bit of modeling on the side so she exercises a few times a week
>what do you two do together? we’re both homebodies, so we usually pick up some takeout, sip wine, watch always sunny, talk, and fuck. when we feel like going out we’ll grab food and drinks and go to a museum, movie showing, art exhibit, ect.
i’m not socially inept but my self-esteem and concept of women/relationships was ruined after a long and emotionally abusive relationship throughout college, so in a way you could say that i had a lot of baggage that made it difficult for me to get back into the dating scene. i was basically just myself and was straightforward with both my needs as well as my limitations and i guess we just meshed well.
pic related is me, a 6’ 165 dyel. if i can do it we all can bros
Carson Walker
Michael Peterson
serious question here, im 5'4, are there any 5'4 anons or under here who actually have a gf and have been together for more than a couple months? i'm legit worried and even have a 5'2 friend who is going under depression since he sees a lot of people with a gf. (he has lots of friends, and better social skills than me but has never had a gf)