Why do people use dumbbells? I see posts here all the time saying they incline db press whatever weight or they farmers walk with dbs. 45lb dumbbells aren't as heavy as lifting a 45lb barbell. or a sled for example. Is it an ego lifting thing?
Why do people use dumbbells...
Other urls found in this thread:
>45lb dumbbells aren't as heavy as lifting a 45lb barbell
Are you fucking retarded?
It's a mechanically different lift in almost all cases.
45 lbs doesn’t equal 45 lbs
Are you familiar with the concept of the distribution of weight?
A and B are equal assuming you have to use the same amount of hands.
No because the arms are extended in A but are not in B
They're all the same weight (+/- a few percent due to manufacturing differences) but option c would be the most difficult to hold.
Assuming you hold both with your arm outstretched they're the same
try it next time in your gym. lifting a 45lb plate off the tree isn't as heavy as lifting a barbell off the rack.
Holy fuck. The weight is distributed differently you moron.
yeah, i know, and thus it's heavier to pick up a barbell because it's longer. that's what the pic is saying. if you think it isn't you're either hulk hogan or havent been in a gym. go test it next time you workout
ITT retards who never passed highschool physics.
this is the correct answer.
It's a trick question
>A is heaviest
>B and C are equal
This. The bar doesn't count as weight, it's just a means of lifting the plates. B and C are equal because the barbell doesn't count as weight.
Think about it though, the bars are not Olympic barbells. They weigh a pretty negligeable amount. You should look at your weights and measure your strength at the most precise degree. Which is counting the plates and not the bar. If you count ibs/kg instead of just stacking on the plates, you might not make it.
But it's not with the arm outstretched in B
you've just restored my faith in Veeky Forums, thanks.
i didn't even graduate hs physics and i get it.
C because of the strain that is put on your wrist due to the extreme offbalance.
Huge moment: c
Medium moment: a
No net moment in sagittal plane: b
All the same weight, but think of it like your delt has to apply a force to counteract these moments, and the moments are different because the moment arms are different. T=FR
I use dumbbells for one handed convenience, or lifts that would be awkward with a barbell, like flys.
>He doesn't do barbell flies
Never gonna make it
because bar bells are only good for compound lifts
This entire thread is so stupid that all these posts have to be trolls
Here's a (you). You deserve it
>it's heavier to pick up
This is your problem, retard. You don't understand how english works.
It's more difficult to pick up and keep balanced because of weight and pressure distribution , it is not heavier.
They are all the same WEIGHT you retard.
Difficulty =\= weight
Jesus christ
Holy fucking shit. OP is a goddamned retard.
Merriam-Webster defines "heavy" as "having great weight."
All three diagrams -- (a), (b), and (c), -- are the same weight. Not one is heavier than the other.
Look up "distribution of weight." This is why it is easier to pick up somebody who is alive, than somebody who is dead (aka "dead weight"). Their weight hasn't changed, they haven't become heavier. Just more difficult to pick up.
Using heavy to refer to "it feels heavier/is more difficult" is bait and everyone who fell for it deserves to be gassed.
>it feels heavier so that doesn't mean it's more heavy
lightweight baby, brb benching 800lbs with this new knowledge
Can you read ? I literally wrote that OP is using the wrong word to rile up neanderthals like you.
heavy isn't the correct word, sure, but it feels heavier and is more difficult to lift.
there's a reason we have every standardized in power sports. someone with a 5' long barbell could lift more than someone with a 7' long barbell. this essentially makes it heavier
You are retarded, are you ? I know this. OP is bait.
>You are retarded, are you ?
sure showed me, retard
Reading sure is heard, f@m
>Why use weights
go figures, user
Some of you badly need this.
Literally the only correct answer itt.
How the fuck can you lift without at least empirical knowledge of torque and leverage?
They all weigh the same dumbass.
>its harder to lift 45lbs in a barbell than 45lbs in dumbbells
Lmao. The absolute state of Veeky Forums in 2017.
Barbells are literally made so you can lift heavier weights easier.
This is like cavemen trying to figure out physics. So many brainlets on fit.
does this surprise you? it's a bunch of meathead bros and gymcels
>its this thread again
Veeky Forums must be looking for some cheap laughs again
Mechanical engineer here.
C is the heaviest.
I’m honestly convinced nobody in the entire world has ever done C
fuck even thinking about A makes my shoulders hurt
All of those weight 20kg, they're equally as heavy.
If you want to know which would be easier to hold, it would be the barbell by the center because you're using your whole body to hold it, followed by the pl8 because it's center mass is more compact than the barbell.
Actually you have it the other way around, OP. Everyone knows that barbells are designed to support weight on them and they aren't actually supposed to have their weight accounted for in your lifts. Barbells are essentially weightless because of their mechanical physics properties.
idk if everyone in here is a troll, but c will seem heavier because of a greater torque. B is a balanced torque that equals 0, A is no torque, and C feels a torque so it has weight and torque pulling down while the other two only have weight. What type of autistic apes visit this board.
Which is heavier?
45lbs of steel dumbells or 45 lbs of feather barbell?
>fuck even thinking about A makes my shoulders hurt
How does it feel to be a fucking soyboy?
b because your body is closer to the weight, thats why its easier to deadlift then bench
45lbs of steel probably, because the feathers will have a larger volume, thus some of the mass will be further from the centre of gravity, meaning a weaker force acting on those weathers which when measured with a scales, would be less weight.
from heaviest to lightest
C > A > B
C because the center of mass is so far out that even if its just a 45 pound barbell it creates this giant lever with your arm that even the world's strongest man probably can't lift with one arm, A next because you're holding it with one arm outstretched and B last because you're using both arms
using both arms at the center of mass
C is literally impossible.
You'd need a machine or pulley system to hold it out like that.
exactly. it got dat m o m e n t
you are fucking stupid
Kek, has anyone been far even with this meme?
how about you find a friend have him hold one side of the barbell and you hold the other
then tell him to let go and try and hold it up
enjoy snap city faggot
They're all the same. C is just the most difficult because the weight isn't equally distributed courtesy of the retard grabbing it by one end.
my sides
Are you guys autistic? Have any of you gone to high school?
C requires the most torque to hold in place by a huge margin. All are equally "heavy" but each case the rotational moment is a different distance from the pivot (your shoulder) so they vary significantly in how much torque they exert on your shoulder. I would venture to say that the person who could do C is very rare actually
t.physics major