After working out for 8 months i fell off the wagon and went on a 4 month weed and heroin bender.
My question is:should I wait a little while to start doing cardio and Exercising again or should I jump right into the fire and get at it?
After working out for 8 months i fell off the wagon and went on a 4 month weed and heroin bender.
My question is:should I wait a little while to start doing cardio and Exercising again or should I jump right into the fire and get at it?
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Not gonna make it brah
go to fucking detox. you're a junkie. obesity is your second most important problem right now.
You need to quit doing fucking heroin you idiot.
You already failed at life.
You're worried about looking cut while doing one of the most addictive drugs on the fooking planet. What's to say you won't just stick with it for another year and then go on another 4 month bender and undo almost all your work?
Why do people even TRY or THINK about using it for the first time
all i can say is boogie has a bigger chance of making it than you atm
heroin is the best shit I've ever done, people dont even understand it yet they bash it constantly. I dont shoot up and I exercise regularly. Stop demonizing the people and offer them assistance if they need it.
Atleast it’s another 8 months clean and healthy.
So no advice, huh?
Being that physical activities help me the most when quitting.
Fuck it. I’m just gonna start running today!
Hahahahaha you get it.
I was out there acting like Vincent Vega. Doing expensive H and chilling.
But the time has come. Changes are not only possible, they are essential.
Who the fuck is “boogie”?
I don’t compare myself to others. It’s unhealthy.
H was fun. But there’s no longevity in it.
I was hoping for a little more insight but I’m a foreigner to this board so I don’t really know what I was expecting.
If exercising gives you endorphins that help you stay clean, then by all means jump into it. You're doing something good while helping avoid something bad.
But if you think we're gonna tell you that you should lift and continue being a junkie, you're on the wrong board. Staying clean is just as important to your health as exercise.
Yeah, I had a friend who starting using heroin but "he didn't shoot up" and exercised regularly, but that doesn't make it okay. It's one of the most addictive drugs in the fucking world you dumbass. It's hard enough to maintain the discipline to work out consistently for a lifetime, but if you're smoking / snorting heroin, you obviously don't have the discipline.
>Atleast it’s another 8 months clean and healthy.
You have no understanding of physical fitness. Binging and then overdoing it is not healthy. Doing heroin, even regularly, is not healthy. You are not healthy and you need to get help.
>So no advice, huh?
Oh, the whole forum is giving you plenty of advice, you're just ignoring it and resorting to junkie logic like "I know better than everybody else" or "you guys just don't understand." Junkies are fucking scum. I'd rather hang out with pedophiles than junkies. Junkies steal from their families and friends, and will do anything to feed their addictions.
>Fuck it. I’m just gonna start running today!
That's not what you need. You need professional help. And even then, the best you can be is an addict.
>I don’t compare myself to others. It’s unhealthy.
You've got a lot of nerve to lecture people about what's unhealthy when you're a freaking heroin addict.
Do the world a favor and just OD.
I’m simply asking if i should get totally clean before starting to work out again.
Or if it’s ok to work out while detoxing.
Nothing more. Nothing less.
Is this Veeky Forums or Veeky Forums?
Whats up with the angsty teen/ edge lord replies? Holier than thou much?
Enjoy your day and have a happy new year, young man.
who the fuck are you to tell me I have no discipline? I work out 5 days a week and have a stable job, can you say the same?
Simply put, because I (and most people on this board) are better you.
You'd have to be a complete fool to put heroin into your body for any reason other than intentionally giving up on life. And now you're on a japanese knitting board talking down to anons on the internet because they're informing you about the fact of what a fuck up you are. Taking care of your body isn't "teen / edge lord," it's called being an adult - something you obviously know nothing about.
The big thing you don't get is - whether we're power lifters, cardio bunnies, runners, Scooby fans, swimmers, vegans, natty, dyel, cyclers, frauds, bear mode, otter mode, twink mode, whatever - all of us are committed to perfecting ourselves physically into what we want to be. That takes a capacity of discipline and sincerity which you clearly not only fail to possess, but obviously don't understand.
Yeah, I can. And the fact that you expect a pat on the back for doing a fucking job speaks volumes about what a child you are. Also, you don't work out 5 days a week - you just spent 4 months binging - so I don't want to fucking hear it you retard.
Stop moralizing. Go to a rehab center or do the world a favor and overdose.
Im not op you fucking faggot, and you're telling me holding a steady job isnt a form of discipline?
>'To be a master one must be willing to become a fool'
Chinese Proverb
Yes, and I workout six times a week and compete in BJJ as a former obese fuck. Doing heroin once or even thinking about trying it means you have a major sadness in your life that you need to fix. It's not normal for a person to take heroin if they mentally healthy. Find your problem before it's to late...
Not convinced you aren't OP, but no, holding down a job doesn't mean you get a special reward. It's literally the most basic expectation society has for everyone except the sick, disabled, children, or elderly.
This is part of being an adult which, again, your complete contempt for my point illustrates you have no understanding of - which is why you are a junkie.
Taken way out of context. Doing heroin is a life destroying decision.
I am depressed, I have been since I was a young teen. I do use it to deal with the sadness and shit but whats the difference if I were taking some antidepressants? They make me feel like shit, I dont work out and I'm generally an apathetic piece of flab when I'm on them. The same cannot be said for h, I'm physically healthy as fuck, maybe not mentally so but many people aren't.
I made a seperate post you fuckin moron, I'm not OP, he sounds like a sad sack of shit. Im not saying i need to be rewarded for it by the way, thats ridiculous. You acting like people who use heroin have 0 self respect and no discipline is plain wrong though
>literally starting the post with I'm better than you
I'm not OP but you sound like a manchild.
>You acting like people who use heroin have 0 self respect and no discipline is plain wrong though
It's not wrong. It's true.
There are two kind of heroin users - heroin addicts on their way to being nonfunctional and nonfunctioning addicts. Period. Holding down a job doesn't mean you should get a special pat on the back - it's expected that you should working this society.
>I'm not OP
Yes you are. And I'll say it again - I am better than any heroin addict by the fact that I wouldn't make such an irresponsible choice.
Anti depressants are equally shit. It doesn't solve the problem just mask the symptoms. I was also depressed when I was a obese fuck but what worked for me was (I'm serious) going vegan and startedes training BJJ. Going vegan for me just generally made me eat A LOT healthier. Like the amount a good diet affects your mental health is severely underlooked. And then BJJ made me a lot more confident, helped me learning to socialize a lot more (diagnosed autism) and really giving me a life goal. I strongly recommend eating a really healthy diet (AKA no meat, dairy, white sugar or oils while eating a minimum 200-500g veggies a day) and starting a martial art. Saved my life so might save yours too.
You are a loser and you don't deserve advice. Kys now loser junkie.
you seem stuck on this job thing when its obviously not the main point I'm trying to make. I practice discipline daily by going to work and going to the gym on a set schedule I haven't broken in 6 months. You're not better than me, you might have made better choices along the way but you're not a better person for it.
you also seem to have this hate ingrained into you, probably from drug "education" which makes taking you seriously incredibly hard to do.
I eat very healthy, I've considered martial arts in the past but I haven't enjoyed any of the ones I've practiced
You're fucked, good job user. Better to just go out with a bang and OD.
Being depressed is no excuse to kill yourself early by doing heroin. Sort your fucking life, starting from the small things that you can change right now (cleaning your house, start practicing again etc) and start working on the things that will take a will to fix. If you're really depressed, go talk to a professional. Try to actually fix your depression. Hiding it with drugs will not fix your depression, it will only make it worse as you will need to inject more and more to get a kick out of drugs.
You have two options: either actually try to fix your life or keep doing drugs and finding yourself an early grave.
>Cutting off your feet can make you faster than Usain Bolt
This is what you sound like.
You are seriously the stupidest person I have ever met on the internet - and that's really saying something man.
No wonder you destroyed your life. Good thing for you there's no hell.
>Good thing for you there's no hell.
hell is real, but its where you are when your life is shitty because you're retarded.
not some tropical place you go to when you die
Lol yeah dude, junkies are fucking stupid.
It's like, they literally have this thing that will destroy you. Everyone warns you for your entire life not to do it. The world is filled with people who die from it. If you ever recover from it, you're still an addict. You have to go to shitty people in shitty places to even get it. It destroys your body. It destroys your mind. There's really no benefit other than it feels good for a little while. There are even ways in which you can take it that will kill you.
And yet, people still do it. Heroin is natural selection at it's finest.
I say, let all the fucking addicts die. It doesn't matter if someone loves them because, at the end of the day, they were in love with who the addict WAS - not who the addict IS.
I live in a society that is constantly doing all they can to defend the lowest common denominator, to protect the stupid and the weak from themselves at the cost of everyone else - and personally I find it infinitely frustrating. I don't want to live in that world.
Really I dont mind dying early, I'm living my life the way I want to and if it ends with premature death then so be it. I'm not going to attempt to kill myself and I'm smart enough to measure my doses out on a scale
You're an ignorant person and honestly you seem like you were sheltered. I don't know how to continue this as you will not meet me halfway for understanding.
>I practice discipline daily by going to work and going to the gym on a set schedule I haven't broken in 6 months
hue ok junkie.
Why would I lie about that? What would I gain?
>You're an ignorant person and honestly you seem like you were sheltered. I don't know how to continue this as you will not meet me halfway for understanding
It always seems that junkies come from the wealthiest, most privileged homes and are quick to insinuate how everyone else is sheltered.
Just saying, you wouldn't last 3 months in the army. There;s nothing to continue because you can't handle the truth - that you're a junkie piece of shit. You've already given up on life and there's no hope for you. You will die a slow and painful death. You mother will cry over your grave, and your junkie "friends" will take from you after you die.
Your adventure is already over - most of ours are just beginning. Have a nice life you fucking deadbeat.
>I work a job and go to the gym. Give me a cookie.
Welcome to adulthood you fucking loser.
>worries about being fat
>does heroin
Youre going to die from overdose and organ failure much sooner than from heart attack so don't bother getting fit.
People are stupid, there are so hundreds of less harming drugs than heroin and they still fall for it
Yeah and heroinis healthy, you delusional junkie
>You're not better than me, you might have made better choices along the way but you're not a better person for it.
As someone whose been watching this whole thing, just wanna applaud you for this point and recognize that you're right.
I'm never use drugs, it's a dumbass fucking thing to do, but I share your belief that the use or absence thereof does not define whether a person has more or less value. I'm more inclined to believe we're all equally deserving of dignity, and that kicking someone who is down tends to take away from our dignity, not theirs. That said, stop doing drugs. Just stop. And make healthy choices. If you insist on continuing to use them, it'll be difficult for people to harbor any respect for you or to see your humanity.
I don't personally know anyone that legitimately quit herion, but I know a few that had horrific lives and deaths on that shit. If you can quit, then I say you are doing pretty good even if you are a fat fuck that does no exercise.
>missing the point this hard
and you have the gall to call me stupid
OP can you tell me how much you were using in the end. How long ago your last hit was and how you took your H? (Smoke, snort or shoot). And with who did you take the drugs?
You should not worry about the weed but your body needs rest during detox. After detox you'll even need to take it slow for a few weeks getting adjusted living sober. Taking to much on at the start will result in relapse. That being said you will also NEED to find stuff to keep you busy or you'll get bored and relapse.
I was addicted for 2 years, even ended up homeless. Now sober for 4 and working at a centre for drugs and alcohol as an advisor and therapist.
how were you going to work every day on heroin?
Alot of junkies do it. If they do their job good, keep their use hidden and keep a common level of hygiene nobody will know.
For 2 years none of my normal friends, my family and collegues knew. Only the junks at the crackhouse I'd get my H knew it. Lost my job after one and a hzkf year thou because my shifts were extended from 8 to 12 hours. There was ni option to smoke it there and I refused to shoot. So by hour 8 I'd stzrt feeling like shit and sweating. By hour 12 I'd be soaked in sweat and working at half the pace I normally would. Didn't take long before I got fired as I worked in the service industry. But alot of junks will and czn find a spot to shoot up at their work to avoid getting sick. They keep grinding because they'll lose their dopemoney if they get fired.
Really, you can work on h? How do you not just nod off in a corner for several hours?
There aren't any people I know who have tried heroine . There are only those who started doing heroine. If you actually had the self discipline required to get off of the most powerful drug in the world, you would have enough to work out. You don't have enough to do either. Get the fuck off of Veeky Forums and call your parents you piece of shit. You aren't smart enough to find any worthy advice here. Call your parents and beg them to forgive you for what you've done to yourself. If your lucky they might even try to help your pathetic self even though you don't deserve it. Don't expect anons here to coddle you and tell you everything will be alright if you excercise, it isn't true.
>4 month heroine binge
That's not a binge, you became a heroine addict 4 months ago. You aren't going to get anywhere without being honest with yourself.
Youre so fucked up you cant hardly type, you might think its possible to do that shit and keep it together but it's not, maybe for a year maybe even 2 but after that it will ruin you if not sooner. Quit now before its too late, get into a good rehab and stick to it or end up either robbing cars and family for change and valuables or dead.
T. Heroin to fentanyl addict of 4 years in recovery for 1.
>Why would I
I don't know why you'd start doing heroin you fucking waste of life
And I don't care.
kill yourself.
>by hour 8 I'd stzrt feeling like shit and sweating. By hour 12 I'd be soaked in sweat and working at half the pace
nope, doesn't sound like an addiction at all.
good post man, I really liked it :)
b.t.w i just got high lol
Yea you're cool. Not.
wtf man i thought we were friends
You worked in the service industry.
Fucking McDonald's faggot. Low skill jackass
If you use for a long time the effects isn't as intense, you wont even feel high after your first gr, just normal.
I'm typing fast on my phone. I've been sober for 4 years aswell. Read the post above the post you replied to. And no I didn't quit in rehab. I did it while being homeless together with a methadone clinic. Didn't even tell my friends abd family I was addicted or homeless untill I was sober for half a year. You shouldn't be throwing out stereotypes and insults that fast being an ex-junkie yourself.
Like I said, they didn't notice untill my shifts got extended to 11-12 hours a day. Before that I would've left work by the time it was noticeable.
Actually I was a cocktailmixer, mixologist at a high end bar. Could afford my use on the tips itself. And I'm not an amerifag so I got a good FT pay ontop of that. If it was macdo they would not have extended my shift or fired me for sweating. But you can't serve businessmen paying 25 a cocktail looking like shit.
I wouldn't want to use a bench after a junkie sweat on it. Detox first.
> I'm gonna quote the ramblings of a potential opium addict to justify my actions
The absolute state of Veeky Forums
>a potential opium addict
The absolute state of /pol/
>I'm vegan
Brave of you to post that on Veeky Forums. Have a (You)
This. Everyone has their fucking own demons to fight.
It's supposed to feel 1000 times better than sex. I want to try it some day (I've tried everything else and opium too) but just have never been in the right environment. Also intimidating because I've never been addicted to anything else I've tried, but this is the one drug that'll fuck you and downward spiral your shit.
Yeah dude, you sound like a shitty person. Even worse than a junkie that you hate so much.
Maybe learn some fucking empathy because the world isn't as black and white as you seem to see it.
Not op but you guys need to understand that being this harsh can be the small thing that triggers someone to start doing it again. But then again, maybe being a decent human being is too much to expect on the Chan's
>I strongly recommend eating a really healthy diet
>AKA no meat
that IS healthy you fucking retard
>I do it so it MUST be healthy
>use to do heroin daily
It's pretty awesome I don't blame you.
All these gay lords in the thread getting on your sick about using are stupid and not even on topic.
I'd wait a bit and get back to a solid foundation of health before lifting heavy. You probably weren't eating much so you're probably malnurished and shit.
*tips fedora*
Alot of the time the first time is mixed with weed just like PCP and they don't know till after.
consider rerolling birth, check em
Mix steroids with it youre killing yourself anyway
>not cool
>nothn to brak about
>people think youre an idiot instead of smthn good
>nobody givrs a fuck about your depression and addiction
Stop doing heroin
Don’t forget to jump right back into it after your break from heroin user, it’s good to continue with your normal dose after your tolerance has lowered.
get back into it ASAP, the exercise will help with withdrawals
t. I'm the son of the bitch who made all these threads three-four weeks ago.
if you have any questions I am happy to answer them as someone who's just been there
gotta ask tho, where in the world are you, what type of heroin is common there, is it good, and how much for a whack in US dollars?
>china white (fentanyl) and black tar (gross)
>not really, gotta supplement with oxy or morph sulf
>$30 USD
you refuse to shoot? You're the reason heroin is so expensive, go fuck yourself pansy boy, NEVER gonna make it. I withdraw my offer to help you.
Fucking pussy nigger soy boy.
It wouldn't matter anyway cos soyboy over here doesn't shoot it, just smokes it like a fucking poofter.
Go dose some codeine, you'll get the same high you low dose having, mongrel dog smoker.
I can't believe I am saying this given the amount of good quality friends I've lost to OD, but I really hope you somehow manage to smoke enough to get a quality buzz and die.
only poofters and wimps smoke any drugs other than weed. real men inject.
Yeah, this is the kind of "empathy" that junkies take advantage of. You're not wise, you're just naive.
This guy gets it.
You need to realize that being naive and tiptoeing around the truth so you don't "trigger" someone doesn't mean you're taking the high road - it just means you're stupid.
Heroin is cheap as fuck here. 60 euro for 5 gr. It's almost as cheap as weed here/gram. And trust me, a g of H blasts you away more than the biggest blunt.
why do all atheists act the same? like you're literally the same whiteknighting asshole as every other atheist ive ever met
its that expensive over there? damn is the US its like 5 dollars a gram
>Being that physical activities help me the most when quitting.
So, you know what helps most when quitting... Yet you haven't quit yet. Maybe what you tried last time ISN'T most helpful if you relapsed?
wow you are a faggot
do you know how fucking hard it is do OD by smoking? why do you think people prefer it in the first place?
I smoked meth once. It was pretty fucking awesome. Then I never did it again. Its all about willpower.
Pop a 30 on pr day.
Shits so cash.
>smoking heroin
>having an addiction
you should talk to a doctor heroin is some serioius shit user.
You still in w/ds? If you can get yourself to go run i hear its supposed to help with w/ds. Just go out and run pussy
>But you can't serve businessmen paying 25 a cocktail looking like shit.
I bet you were "serving" them in another way to pay for your addiction you filthy degenerate.
>all these fucking druggies coming out of the woodwork on Veeky Forums
jesus h christ. Kill yourselves you pathetic unhealthy souls.
I spit on you. S.
You all have this fucking superior attitude about it too, like we're supposed to be impressed you dribble out of your mouth while fucked on foreign chemicals.
I only do it because she doesn't love me back :(
I work as a firefighter-paramedic in a shit city and we get heroin overdoses literally every single day. I’ve even had the same guy twice in one day before.
The part that sort of bugs me is that it’s that same story every single time: “Oh no I didn’t take anything, I don’t do drugs,” or “I don’t know what I took.” Sure buddy.
Any yet they don’t realize what they’re doing to their loved ones when their family finds them blue in the face and not breathing.
>being this mad about it