>at dinner table
>family making small talk
>mention how I was hitting the heavy bag at the gym and some boxer said I had great form
>mention how he said I had boxing in my blood
>that compliment made my day
>mom just goes off and says I'm wasting my time "with this whole gym crap"
>continues to say my hobby of MMA and lifting is retarded
>continues to go on saying my career in law enforcement is a waste of time
>starts comparing me to other people I know
>leaves the table telling me to grow up and talk about something serious next time
At dinner table
Rape her to teach her a lesson
>not beating her up to show her youre serious
>You do have other hobbies, right?
Your mom is sad that her little boy is becoming a man. She can no longer control you.
Many succes stories begin with defying your parents.
Your mom has problems.
>mom is a mad jelly cunt who eats nothing but delusional soup
>this upsets you
lmao you should be sad by this
you should be happy that your life is going so great even your own mom is seething with hate over it
you've gone beyond the point of "I'm proud of my baby boy!" to "who the fuck does he think he is, showing me up like that?!?!"
grats brah
>OP wants to be a cop
lmfao fucking bootlicking faggot. gtfo you pig
if you made this post to upset me you did well user.
if not look her dead in the eye and ask her why she is trying to make you want to be unhappy. Ask what she is done other than reproduce like a rat.
my family was legit toxic af until I constantly said every time they acted up this is why one of us will commit suicide one day and we are all fucked up on antidepressents and it is all their fault.
My parents also wish for the most unhappiness for me. As soon as you accept they are not on your side and will always stand in the way of your happiness and even do things to hurt you, you can abandon this idea your parents on your team. Its me against the world, baby.
Since i have been injured and unable to woek and trapped at home i have told them unless they stop putting me down and telling me i will fail i will kill myseld but that didnt stop them. Its hard to take but i hope i can manage to overcome.
The brightside is i dont care what they think of me anymore. It is a little freeing not caring what folks think of you.
Your parents sound like toxic cunts user, consider filming them secretly and showing their close friends. These rats feed off of other approval. You will probably find your family gets bullied by their peers.
if they are legit this toxic and you can not move out consider poisoning them with something like the rats they are.
>tfw parents are complete brainlets
>they decided to breed for some reason
>i pay for this every single day of my life
>says career in law enforcement is a waste of time
put her in a bad retirement home
it is though
>t. criminal
keep bootlicking people who could literally murder you and get away with it.
>im doing something criminal
>ah fucking cops busting my ass wtf
pic related (You)
The thin blue line is a rewarding career and if done properly is the bedrock of society. Boxing is a science and one of the most tough sports to maintain and compete at.
Tell your mom to fuck off, move out and hang with le buddies / aspirants.
Edgy teenager
>come home for holidays
>mom hugs me and almost immediately goes "wow! you've gained some weight!"
feels good lads all that eatin is paying off
Don't give in OP. You set your own destiny.
Is 100% on point.
>Dad was abusive alcoholic
>Had nobody to teach me to be independent
>Dad died early
>Mom and older sisters begin bullying me regularly
>Enter intense depression
>Learned to fend for myself while piss poor
>Told family to fuck off
>Now have GF, just got a decent job, and life is improving
>keep bootlicking people who could literally murder you and get away with it.
translated from democrat:
>keep supporting people who legally kill violent niggers for non-compliance when said non-compliance creates a reasonable fear for one's life and/or the life of others - as determined by a jury of one's peers, subject to the rule of law, and the standard operating procedures of the elected sheriff.
Will do friend.
I had a injury and the doctors refused me surgery at last minute. I told my parents i needed to find a doctor that would do it, my dad told me im an idiot and i dont know anyhing in different words. I tried to work labour job but pain was too bad, i lasted a week. Meanwhile my dad gets his knee surgery and is on his way to recovery, meanwhile ive missed out on life for 5 years now. They dont help me, hey dont at positive and meaningfully caring, i dont know i cant cope sometimes and just sob uncontrollably. If i typed it all out and told you about the things ive missed and lost in my life i think reading it all in one place wouks make me an hero. Its tough. The worst is knowing there is no bright day automatically reserved for me, my capacity to suffer is boundless. I feel so alone and empty.
between the mma training and career in law enforcement confirmed op has 2 inch penis.
You’re literally retarded.
This shit right here
My mums doing the same shit because I wanted to go into the military as an officer instead of working in an office.
Just ignore her
If your mom was a stacey it makes sense, women love to control and hold men down
Go back to your cuckporn
Wow, Veeky Forums can sure be depressing
Now people shit on you for doing your job.
Then a redguard tries to kill you, if that weren't bad enough, if u succeed you could go to jail, lose your job and pension, and or get death threats.
Wouldn't wish that shit on anyone.
What surgery?
>mom insults me 24/7 and calls me a failure because I didn't want to follow her way of life
>say anything back to say she is wrong
>"We feed you, give you shelter, etc. and you dare disrespect us?"
I never fucking asked to be born into this family.
damn bro, I really didn't need to read this b4 bed, lift ur demons away brah
you're gonna fuckin make it brah, Zyzz and Piana are watching over you, be a sick cunt!
I cannot tell you, its confidential. Anyway, how is your sex life?
keep going user, you're doing just fine.
Your mom's a cunt m8
>have job that is less dangerous than delivering pizza
>create a culture within the profession that any amount of danger to the public is worth not putting yourself in danger
>absolutely refuse to help prosecute those within the profession who break the law they are sworn to uphold
>allow the largest precincts in the country to be known worldwide as beacons of corruption
>wonder why people hate you
Only niggers and bootlickers with nigger tier intelligence think this is as simple as hating them for "doing their job".
I never realized how many people have fucking pieces of trash for parents until I came to this shit hole. Just remember that when she's sitting in her shit brain dead you'll be living your dream that much better off without her.
Lifting is for you on your own time. No one gives a fuck about your hobbies. Talk about normal shit like politics or movies.
how old are you?
22. Waiting for my job to start in a month so I can save up and get my own place
my mum is doing the same. Shes happy I'm succeeding but gets mad when I mention moving out.
I'm moving out anyway.
>he has an entire essay written about hating cops because of a speeding ticket
Yeah she was for sure a Stacy.
>that lack of any actual argument
Ive never so much as been pulled over. Try not gurgling those government balls for a few minutes and you might be able to admit there are some serious problems with our law enforcement practices in this country
Your mom sounds like the one that needs to grow up. She's just jealous that her dumb ass doesn't get complimented by people.
So you assume OP is an asshole because he wants to be a cop?
Go ahead and show me exactly where i stated that, you illiterate nigger.
Strong this. Seen it several times.
>OP wants to be a cop
>lmfao fucking bootlicking faggot. gtfo you pig
He doesn't have to, he clearly gets cucked on the daily.
>links a comment that wasnt even previously connected to this thread of comments
Whats it like being an actual retard?
>tfw parents are supportive and encouraging.
>tfw mom is such a softie she flies me out from uni to see me any time it's possible.
Guess having loving parents isn't something that always happens.
Wonder what makes parents put their children down on the daily. My theory is that they're unsatisfied with their own lives and try to live through their own children and when that doesn't work they start becoming dicks
kys shitskin
>career in law enforcement is a waste of time
She's right about this though.
Mummy sounds jealous
No need to be such a cunt mate. Cherish what you have, but don't rub it in to people who didn't get as lucky as you.
> continues to go on saying my career in law enforcement is a waste of time
yeah she's right about it you fucking pig. I hope you get ambushed by a gang of niggers
Found nigger.
I didn't know law enforcement was a dying business
This. It's not a puberty thing, when you think you know the best and your parents are dumb as fuck. This is later, when you are becoming a man. In a way it's actually good that you have disagreements. It means you are curbing your own path based on what you think is the best. Just lift heavy and continue with martial arts. Every man should be able to deal damage and have a potential to be dangerous and aggresive. When you're able and you choose to not cause harm, that makes you a good man. Your mother should be proud
but it is a DYING business
Get it? P-Please laugh
fuck off nigger.
What's it like lifting in jail?
Yep, on point.
My parents hate that instead of getting a degree (meaning I have to rely on them for a long time), I found a good job and can move away wherever and whenever (I work from home). They keep telling me to stay till I’m old enough to buy a home. Which is nice of them but there’s no way I’m going to do that.
>parents say I’m the only person who trains like this every day, getting up early and sacrificing things for the gym
>apparently no one else eats clean like me
>”but user, how will you ever find friends?”
>”why is no one else like you if your way is so right then?”
Fuck that last phrase, I’ve heard it so much it physically hurts me to hear it. So I have to stoop low and be a lazy dad retard just so I can be like “everyone else”?
Not very intelligent, are you?
Cops are the ones getting their boots licked, not the ones doing the boot licking.
Never give up lad. the sign that your lazy parents don't want you to improve yourself is proof you are doing the right thing.
I'm not a nignog so nah
holy shit is this you??
I had a similar shituation growing up
>mother on welfare
>dad works minimum wage
>be 11
>my mom meets this guy 15 years older than her
>he makes 3 figures
>dad leaves a few months after
>mom would rather crash at his place
>does this 5 days a week, staying home only wednesday and thursday
>have shit grades in school
>fucking cunt doesn't understand why
>skinny fug, barely enough food only frozen processed shit
>bullied in high school
>drop out
>be depressed teen in empty apartment while my mom goes traveling with older guy
>got a job
>packed on weight thanks to the money I made
>told her to fuck off and moved out
>23 now, on my own with my girlfriend
Just cut her out of your life user, you are much better off without her
Can you be a nigger somewhere else? Like fuck off to Africa or something?
Found the nigger. Umad blackboi?
That made me giggle way more than it should have
Your mom sounds like a bitch
Sounds like something a nigger would say
For whatever reason your mom is putting you down, fuck it. Crabs in the bucket. To ascend you have to leave negative figures behind. Good speed user, u're doing great
Jesus fucking christ, have any of you gone to college.
Rich fag here, I made it from from nothing and had parents like your's (I think).
They didn't have anything against my fit habits but thankfully stopped me from wasting too much time on them.
Discipline is good but it in itself doesn't make something good. Consider the end too, it's thanks to my parents that I spent time getting an education respected in industry and working on my career, landing me in the 1%.
I wouldn't trade this to be slightly more well built, much poorer, and have the ability to beat intruders to death in self defence (my security does that for me).
In terms of getting money and hence power, lifting/martial arts are about as useful as playing video games or watching anime.
>reddit spacing
do you want to know how we can tell you're an underaged fag?
Yeah, I am the President of the Milky Way Galaxy and I can bench 130 easily. You are just a faggot
I mean your mom might just want you to do a job that won't get you killed
>if u succeed you could go to jail, lose your job and pension, and or get death threats.
Literally thousands of people are killed by police every year and less than a dozen cops have been convicted for killing someone in the history of the entire country.
Also most of the cops end up getting gofundme fundraisers and a paid vacation.
Your mom is right. Grow up you loser
You're literally a criminal
Yea none of that is true. You sound too stupid to hold a job.
>create a culture within the profession that any amount of danger to the public is worth not putting yourself in danger
Why the fuck would it be? They’re cops, not superheroes. You don’t even expect this shit of soldiers.
>reddit spacing
Can this meme just fucking die already? I’ve been on this site since the pre-DESU days and never used reddit and I get accused of this on occasion. Some of us have a basic sense of readability, you daft cunt.
you can still undo their fuck ups :^)
>Newfag detected
Ikr cant be the only one thinking this shit
God i love this saudi wife beathing board
damn your mom´s a fucking bitch
fuck off newfag
Something I realized recently, the second you look or sound like you're making progress with yourself physically EVERYONE becomes a doctor/expert on YOUR life/health/choices.
Each and everyone of these people, no matter how close they are to you, no matter their good intentions, no matter how innocent they are they are saboteurs and want to see you fail or be the same as them because you are an example of WHY THEY ARE NOT WHERE THEY WANT TO BE IN LIFE. end rant, I feel for you. Family and close relations will not help you.
Uh oh, a couple thousand out of 300 fucking million. Guess what, the more people on the planet, the more people are going to die, what doesn't make sense about this. If you are mad about people killing you who are supposed to be protecting you then why aren't you bashing the medical field? Compared to "thousands" of people killed that probably more than half deserved it. There are roughly 200,000 deaths per year from medical malpractice each year, really puts a joggin in your noggin.
lmao this is the first time i laugh at this stupid joke