At what point do you switch to mixed grip on deadlifts? And are there any benefits to doing double overhand, besides not tearing a biceps?
>pic unrelated
At what point do you switch to mixed grip on deadlifts? And are there any benefits to doing double overhand, besides not tearing a biceps?
>pic unrelated
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Mixed grip is a shit tier grip. If your baby hands aren't strong enough to grip the bar then swtich to hook grip.
Never mix grip unless you're competing in a lifting competition and NEED to move the maximum amount of wait to win.
It does allow you to move more weight though.
I was thinking of getting some chalk for the grip, so I can keep reaping those sweet forearm gains.
Don't do that, do this instead:
Without even looking I know it’s Jeff
When your grip strength becomes the limiting factor. You may also want to consider the hook grip although this takes more time to get used to (since you're quite literally destroying the nerve endings in your thumbs).
Yeah well it fucking works, would you stop breathing if he told you that it's good for you?
>destroy nerve endings in thumb
Sounds a bit extreme. Are there any side effects to doing this?
It is what it is.
You won't be able to finger your ass or play the guitar.
Now tell me. Is the trade out worth it for you?
Just use straps nigger.
How do I get huge visible veins like this man?
But can i finger a girls ass?
Of course you can, the finger's still there.
Stop lying to him, I used hook grip for a long time and my thumb disappeared and only comes out when I deadlift.
>At what point do you switch to mixed grip on deadlifts?
Whenever you want.
>are there any benefits to doing double overhand, besides not tearing a biceps?
Not for a deadlift really.
Hook grip does not work well with deadlift type movements, they're too slow.
You fool, don't tell them! My collection of thumbs collected from DYELs attempting hook is the only thing that still drives me forward.
>hook grip is shit for deadlifts
>waa my lil tumbs hurt
maybe youre just a weak cunt
>besides not tearing a bicep
Kind of a big deal user.
At the point where they bar starts to rotate out of my hands during the lift.
That is anywhere between 140 and 210kg, depending on shit I don't even understand.
Why not do low handle trap bar deadlifts?
I find it much easier than double overhand straight bar, atleast for heavier (for me) weights