>63 year old raw vegan for 27 years
Uhh, I actually want to look like this when I'm 63. Are raw vegans right?
>63 year old raw vegan for 27 years
Uhh, I actually want to look like this when I'm 63. Are raw vegans right?
Other urls found in this thread:
How can you be vegan when you're injecting HORSE steroids into your bumhole op?
No steroids here, sir.
LMAO this
>caring enough about how you look at 63 to live a miserable existence where all you can eat is cold uncooked vegetables
But doesn't a few decades of eating meat and animal products lead to a miserable life when you hit 50? Why would you want that? This dude is healthy as fuck. How many 63 year olds do you see kicking like this?
>But doesn't a few decades of eating meat and animal products lead to a miserable life when you hit 50?
thats basically a majority of 50 year olds, are they all wheezing and getting bypass surgeries because they eat normal diets with meat and cheese and cooked vegetables?
How many 50 year olds do you know that aren't overweight or on some kind of pill for high cholesterol, high blood pressure, ED, something?
>eating unprocessed Whole Foods is good for you
Not that shocking. If this guy incorporated a healthy amount of meat into his diet he would look the same if not better. It's more the fact that he's not consuming processed, unnatural garbage like most people in western society.
Holy shit dude, find me a 63 year old that looks better than him. How emotionally attached to meat are you?
Nice bait, I'll entertain you anyway.
Two guys his age or older that have comparable bodies.
How many of those people pay attention even remotely not to have shit tier diet and do some sort of excercise or sports?
My history/philosophy teacher was around 60 and he played football with us in secondary school. And he wasn't the slowest. He just ate properly and exercised every second day (mostly swimming)
Great, but weight isn't everything either. Plenty of fit-looking dudes get ED in their 40s and 50s.
So the request is fulfilled, twice.
They don't look better than him you autist. They all have very similar physiques. You have no idea what they're eating either.
Meanwhile we have a dude in his 60s who's ripped to shreds without any health issues eating nothing but fruits and vegetables.
>Are raw vegans right?
THey're all either brain damaged or liars, the latter of which will do or say ANYTHING to advance their agenda. Don't fall for it.
I was born in 1965 and have eaten meat and dairy my entire life, and I'm a goddamned athlete with
What if they're telling the truth? People who do these juice fasts are claiming ridiculous health benefits like restored eyesight, "incurable" diseases going away, and change in eye color. What if this is all possible if you take the trash out of your diet and only eat raw fruits and vegetables?
This guy is a decade older and looks better. He makes no mention of a non typical diet, so you no he's not a faggot vegan.
Daily reminder that this physcho tells women that they shouldn't have periods.
What if they aren't?
You lose fertility, and since our bodies evolved to pass their genes in the most efficient way, you are going against your own nature.
But they're still ovulating.
So long as you roid you can look exactly like him at 63. Soy or no soy.
He's senile as fuck and says that when a vegan woman stops getting her period because of the vegan diet then that is healthy. Why? He says so that's why. No sources to back this up, as is typical for vegans.
Trt is steroids you retarded faggot
>He's senile as fuck
He's been saying this for decades you moron.
>No sources to back this up, as is typical for vegans.
I mean, you have to have your brainlet head buried in the sand to actually believe this. Most people just say that vegans cherry pick when they don't want to admit that veganism is backed by science.
Also, good luck finding someone who would fund studies like this. Anecdotes and experience are what we have to go by here.
Raw veganism directly threatens pharmaceutical industries.
>He's been saying this for decades you moron.
So he's been senile/has alzheimer's for decades now? Why the fuck do you believe anything he says then?
>Most people just say that vegans cherry pick when they don't want to admit that veganism is backed by science.
It's a video of him incoherently rambling on about a subject that he is not qualified to talk about. Please tell me where anything science related comes into play in that example.
>Also, good luck finding someone who would fund studies like this.
You'd be surprised what college kids do for studies.
>Anecdotes and experience are what we have to go by here.
So nothing legitimate or based on facts, as usual.
>Raw veganism directly threatens pharmaceutical industries.
Right tell me then how that statement is true when vegans have to buy 10 million supplements a day just to keep on living.
>typical braindead head-in-the-sand Tucker Carlson watching alt-right fatass DYEL
You're right that this is just a video of him talking without any science to back it up. The difference is that this guy is in a position to directly work with thousands of people. He has more indirect experience than most.
Though I don't suspect people will give a fuck once there is actual science supporting raw veganism. Very few seem to give a fuck about all the tens of thousands of studies proving veganism to be the best way to eat.
Enjoy your meattrash diet and ED at 40 years old like every low T overweight limp dick middle-aged man that thinks eating dead flesh makes him manly.
My grandma looked better and she eats milk, butter, and chicken etc
>You're right that this is just a video of him talking without any science to back it up.
Well that's settled then, thread over.
The difference is that this guy is in a position to directly work with thousands of people.
Messaging other mental patients via youtube inbox is not "working" with them. The man's not a real doctor so I don't know what you mean by "working". You didn't even define and explain what you are talking about.
>He has more indirect experience than most.
How so? You have not supported this statement with evidence.
>Though I don't suspect people will give a fuck once there is actual science supporting raw veganism.
There's no evidence of raw veganism having mystical healing powers because what you are describing is just that, a myth.
>Very few seem to give a fuck about all the tens of thousands of studies proving veganism to be the best way to eat.
There are many studies supporting the claims of both sides, more often than not the vegan studies are misconstrued or misrepresented. What is curious to me is that I have never come across a study that proves that a diet of lean meats, dairy, and fruits/vegetables along with exercise to maintain low bodyfat has been proven to be inherently unhealthy. Why would you say that is?
Oh and also please link me the "tens of thousands of studies" that prove veganism is the superior diet.
>Enjoy your meattrash diet and ED at 40 years old like every low T overweight limp dick middle-aged man that thinks eating dead flesh makes him manly.
K thanks, think I will. It's actually vegans who have lower testosterone than non vegans btw. Not sure how you missed that, I suggest you go back and do your research.
Since everything else in your post is retarded I'll respond to this.
>There are many studies supporting the claims of both sides, more often than not the vegan studies are misconstrued or misrepresented.
Care to elaborate here? Even the WHO says that meat is carcinogenic trash. The AHA says that saturated fat and cholesterol are unhealthy. The people saying otherwise are keto/paleo bloggers that use industry-funded studies to push an agenda.
>It's actually vegans who have lower testosterone than non vegans btw. Not sure how you missed that, I suggest you go back and do your research.
Already did.
This dude is tiny OP. Take into account how small and fragile he is IRL and you've got a victim of the inner city waiting to happen.
>mfw this guy literally makes videos about how Hitler did nothing wrong
Literally the most woke fucker out there.
63 and ripped to shreds dude. Good luck being alive at 63 with your meat and animal product trash diet.
Very cringe and forced. Not to mention youre basicaly calling the dead animals you love so much "trash"
My dad is 62, has a full head of dark hair, and eats like shit. Vegan shill btfo
Very cringe that you think engaging in animal sacrifice and flesh consumption is normal or healthy.
And he's on a dozen drugs for various health problems.
>Even the WHO says that meat is carcinogenic trash.
You're misrepresenting here. The WHO study stated that processed meat was now being labeled a "probable carcinogen". With the word probable being significant here, if it was definite then processed meat would have been labeled a "definite carcinogen".
It does not really matter anyway, just about everything in life has a risk of cancer attached to it. UV from sunlight can cause skin cancer, if you truly are that worried about cancer then you would practice what you preach and never go outside again. Lol.
When I wrote that comment about studies being misrepresented I had the example in mind of the study(or statement really) done by the American Dietetic Association in regards to veganism. In the study it stated that veganism was healthy for all stages of life, which is clearly contradicted by the multitude of studies and case reports that prove that veganism is unhealthy and kills children.
>full head of dark hair
Your dad dyes his hair you idiot.
You dumb brainlet, red meat was labeled a probably carcinogen. Processed meat was labeled a definite carcinogen.
Living things eating living things. Stop acting like youre better than others plz. Humans are omnivores if we where meant to be vegan we wouldnt have to supplement b12, omega 3 dha, vitamin k2, vitamin A if youre white and possibly zinc. Enjoy your shitty 90% carbs diet you dumb goyim
Everyone should supplement B12 you idiot. It's not a vegan problem.
>supplement Vitamin A
You're actually mentally retarded if you think vegans are deficient in Vitamin A.
Funny, you post a study supporting the claim that vegan men have normal testosterone levels compared to non vegans, yet this claim goes against many youtube vegans that claim that vegans have higher testosterone. Well which one is it?
My great grandfather lived to 94. Ate eggs every single morning. Its the processed inflammatory shit and vegetable oils that are killing people
OK that does not really change anything, see rebuttal argument number two in the post.
Vegans are deficient in vitamin A though.
>Vegans had 13% higher T concentration than meat-eaters (P= 0.0001) and 8% higher than vegetarians (P=0.001); adjustment for BMI reduced these differences to 6% (P=0.07) and 7% (P= 0.02), respectively
My grandpa smoked everyday for 60 years until dying at 81. Cigarettes must be healthy.
It changes everything.
>confirmed that carriers of both the 379V and 267S + 379V variant alleles had a reduced ability to convert beta-carotene
You posted an abstract that is completely irrelevant.
I'm done responding to actual illiterates and retards.
>You're actually mentally retarded if you think vegans are deficient in Vitamin A.
>he doesnt know what Retinol is
>You posted an abstract that is completely irrelevant.
In my post i specified white people. It explains why white vegans look like death
I eat carrots, sweet potatoes, and goji berries almost everyday. Get ass fucked you moron.
>vegan intellectuals
>he thinks beta carotene is actual vitamin A
No it really doesn't. If you believe otherwise please explain why you think that that.
The holocaust happened, get over it alt right cuck
Instead of taking a risk consuming something that MAY be a carcinogen you're knowingly consuming a carcinogen because you're so emotionally attached to it that you can't imagine a life without it.
Talk about being a spineless meattrash beta...
>taking advice from this pencil necked faggot
Yes, dirty Jews were rounded up and put into camps. Show me one piece of evidence that there were gas chambers and that 6 gorillion of them died.
>Instead of taking a risk consuming something that MAY be a carcinogen
See sunshine a couple posts ago.
>you're knowingly consuming a carcinogen because you're so emotionally attached to it that you can't imagine a life without it.
Not sure where you are drawing this from. When you assume something you make an ass out of u and me.
Dont forget soy lol. TONS of studies suggest it may increase estrogen and mess with your thyroid
You can look like that at 63 by eating meat too.
Also rawism is retarded. Cooking INCREASES the biovailability of a shitload of vital nutrients. It's one of the things that helped us evolve beyond apes.
Link them.
You mean aside from the near countless sources and first hand accounts that came out after the war?
Are you really that dumb? Why the Fuck am I asking that
>first hand accounts
Were they the same people that lied to you about soap and lampshades? You do realize these people still get checks in the mail every month as "reparations", right?
>Were they the same people that lied to you about soap and lampshades?
I'm actually tempted to ask you what retardation you're referring to here out of sheer entertainment value.
>You do realize these people still get checks in the mail every month as "reparations", right?
Okay I can't resist. Show me evidence of this fuckery you speak of
>I'm actually tempted to ask you what retardation you're referring to here out of sheer entertainment value.
>Show me evidence of this fuckery you speak of
Never heard of those before, but so you're aware the soap one as per your source is true in a small scale.
As for reparations, yeah they are paying that to survivors for life long trauma it would seem. What does that have to do with anything?
Are you 15 or something?
>young enough to not have been taught soap and lampshades in school
>can't see the clear motivation to keep the lie going
Almost 30 actually but hey you were close.
Being that neither the soap or lamp shade allegations were brought forward by Jews but rather reporters and trial investigators your theory falls flat on its face there.
As for "keeping the lie going" there are plenty enough accounts of Nazi's involved with the atrocities that one could easily dismiss all Jewish testimony and it would still bw pretty clear what happened. The fact that you're willing to dismiss claims that have evidential backing in favour of "conspiracy theories" with no actual evidence to their claims really says a lot about your reasoning skills.
>reasoning skills
You mean like everyone calling anyone who questions facts surrounding the holocaust an anti-Semite, racist, or "Holocaust denier"?
You're too emotionally attached to the official story to be open-minded about it.
>implying the (((meat and dairy industry))) don't have an agenda
Wake up.
>anti-Semite, racist, or "Holocaust denier"?
Ah yes, all of those things I just called you. You got me.
You remind me of someone that shadow boxes and thinks they know how to fight. You simply mimic the moves of an imaginary fight as if your opponent is always just slightly too slow to catch you or avoid your shots which has left you woefully unprepared for an actual engagement.
I'm more than willing to entertain claims with actual evidence to them, but as of yet you have not presented any. This I have been left with no option but to dismiss you as any sane and logical mind would.
You have still yet to address any of my counter points and now seem to be moving towards strictly emotional responses.
>everything is cancerous
>there I should consume the most cancerous diet possible
>because "it all gives you cancer anyway"
Also I've only seen studies showing vegan diets for children being the healthiest possible? You pulling shit out your ass user?
There IS no evidence of gas chambers. People still have yet to prove the existence of them.
This. Cooking meat, in particular, allowed humans to grow large brains since that takes a hell of a lot of nutrients.
>Also I've only seen studies showing vegan diets for children being the healthiest possible?
Are those the same ones where the children died of malnutrion?
So those ACTUAL gas chambers they have at thr old concentration camps like Auschwitz are.... Imaginary? Or where those actually rooms where they sent people to do arts and crafts?
>thinking only vegans need to supplement
>thinking you're not deficient in B12 because you eat meat
>not realizing B12 naturally comes from the soil we don't consume anymore because it's soiled with all kinds of garbage
>not realizing the animals you consume are supplemented with B12 so that meat even has any
You are literally retarded.
"Re"built after the war. Rooms with wooden doors aren't gas chambers m8.
>the animals you eat are supplemented with B12
So if humans don't produce it, animals don't produce it, and vegetables don't produce it, WHO DOES?
Still yet to see anything implicating a vegan is unhealthy for children; or adults for that matter
That is absolute nonsense.
Bacteria/bottom-feeders in the soil. Git lernt.
vegan diet*
Is that really the best you've got? Surely you have something more compelling
Took. Me 20 seconds to find this
>could be
literally nothing
look at his teeth
>if you get hunger pains it's because you're still under the bad food spell, and you need to take a food vacation
>remember guys, 6 small meals a day!
Children who are raised on strict vegan diets do not grow normally:
Children develop rickets after prolonged periods of strict vegetarian diets:
"There are some links between vegetarians and lower birthweight and earlier labour"
Effects of vitamin B12 and folate deficiency on brain development in children:
"Particular attention should be paid to adequate protein intake and sources of essential fatty acids, iron, zinc, calcium, and vitamins B12 and D. Supplementation may be required in cases of strict vegetarian diets with no intake of any animal products."
These next five are case studies:
Cerebral atrophy in a vitamin B12-deficient infant of a vegetarian mother:
Severe megaloblastic anemia in child breast fed by a vegetarian mother:
Consequences of exclusive breast-feeding in vegan mother newborn - case report:
Nutritional vitamin B12 deficiency in a breast-fed infant of a vegan-diet mother:
"We report the case of a 7 month-old girl that presented with acute anemia, generalized muscular hypotonia and failure to thrive. Laboratory evaluation revealed cobalamin deficiency, due to a vegan diet of the mother."
>are they all wheezing and getting bypass surgeries because they eat normal diets with meat and cheese
Yes little boy they are.
Where does vitamin B12 come from? I'll wait.
>born in 1965
>posts on Bavarian line dancing discussion forum.
I'll take things that never happened for 200 Alex.
by living not in a first world country?
It comes from bacteria bros and archea. Probably accumulates as you go up the the food chain. Therefore, grind up oysters and bear livers into a smoothie every day to fight possible cyanide poisoning.
cum homie
You know how you can look like that at that age? Stop worrying about aging, positive thinking lets you live longer. Diet and lifestyle are having an big impact too, just don't smoke, eat non processed stuff and do some exercise and you'll live probably til 150 with medicine evolving further and further.