Am I still alpha if I fuck escorts?
Am I still alpha if I fuck escorts?
Maybe here in Germany we have a different opinion about the whole escort business.
I see no problem in fucking escorts. I do it.
I get happy ending massages regularly and fuck prostitutes occasionally. As long as you know there is no love or affection there you'll be fine.
I reckon most Chad's have fucked a hoooker, it's pretty normal.
What's the point? Sex is way worse with someone who you paid to do it. You just pound a hollow husk and cum. With a woman who wants to be with you, everything is different. You have foreplay, passion, she feels pleasure just as much if not even more than you. It's mutual, it feels like you both want to be there with each other. Why the fuck would you rather fuck a whore instead?
Depends on the caliber. If you're paying five for a handy behind a dumpster then you're a loser but if you're paying for a groomed vision of feminine perfection with the fucking skills of a professional then you're fine.
Cause paying $500-$1000 a session is cheaper than a relationship/marriage.
not eveyone is spoonfed chad genetics
>$500-$1000 a session
Well obviously. But why would you spend it on a whore? They won't look you in the eyes when you wake up and say: "I love you." Whores aren't good moral supports, nor are they inspiring you to improve yourself. They are just there for a session of pointless, bad, sex. Invest in a relationship that is mutual and you'll see what I mean
For me it is Victoria
Here is your tried and true answer:
Yes, one can still be Alpha fucking whores of any kind.
No, you cannot still be Alpha because you asked like a lil bitch.
Case closed
>tfw regularly see this site shilled on Veeky Forums
>was in Montreal last year and considered calling them
>afraid that:
>>they will keep records of my phone number and name, which could hurt me later
>>i will get beat up or robbed
>>cops will arrest me
so i never called
If you have the disposable income and are so important or busy that you don't have the freetime to take a girl on date and prove yourself as someone worth fucking, then yeah, still alpha.
If paying for sex affects your budget in any slightly important way, and you have more than enough spare time to play video games and jerk off -- no, not alpha for fucking escorts. Just pathetic.
>$500-1000 a session
What do you spend that much on?
Do you get two girls at once, get a limo to drive you down there and wait?
Legit curious here
The white has a bigger vested interest in seeing me happy than the she bitch that wants me to settle down and get married
Remaining a virgin until you find someone to marry or otherwise commit to for life is the most alpha thing you can do.
>he doesnt have a sex addict escort friend
t. soyboy
t. dying alone
Not necessarily alpha, but pragmatic.
If every dude on Veeky Forums that regularly complains about >tfwnogf went to an escort 3-4 times a month they'd stop being so miserable and thirsty.
If you need to ask (on Veeky Forums of all places) instead of deciding for yourself, then no.
r selective omegas
This'll probably piss you off to hear but most women give less of a shit about how you look than how you act.
Get your shit together and be the best version of your ugly ass you can and that'll do more to attract a woman than just fixing your face.
That's a neat little project that's gonna take a few months if not years, I need to bust a nut rather soon.
Do the math.
This desu
Imma get one next month and finally piss away this virgin shit.
>pussy on a pedestal
Continue your lifestyle and never pass on your defective genes.
dumb christcuck
it would piss me of because its an outright lie. Some of the biggest spergs i know do well with women because of their looks / height. They all didnt make the first move. Just lol if you believe if some ugly bald 5'1 manlet would attract a women by how he acts
>This'll probably piss you off to hear but most women give less of a shit about how you look than how you act.
Lemme get this straight. Sleeping with lots of women = no kids. But sleeping with one woman = kids? Hmmmmm
r/K selection theory.
>lol atheism yeaaaah
>lol nihlism, i'm too sweet and enlightened dude
>lol yeah, lol, amirite dudebro?
No, fuck you, you are a barbarian and I am your corrector. - Education for pricks like you should've been delivered as a child, one belt at a time until you learnt when to shit and when to sit like a good boy.
I guess you'd better hope we never a meet and if we do, you keep that attitude in check otherwise you'll be pulling your teeth out of the asphalt after I've used its surface for a little attitude readjustment.
And so what if I'm God's whip? So what, who else is going to take up the call in such sinful times?
Don't think I spend 1k a year on my gf. Try not dating a golddigger..
My friend scores endless pussy by pretending he's a hotshot and also by pretending he's rich. He lives with his parents but he's got a nice car and that by itself is a puss magnet, but he also dresses expensive stuff, expensive watches, he plays the game, and people will just buy that he's rich. He is a literal 5to6/10 manlet and woman will line up because he's got this whole rich suave persona going on.
Some do, but for most not.
i don't have feelings cause feelings are gay.
You better believe it faggot
you do realise that is basically prostitution lmao. Legit just being used for his money. Trying to play rich game is beta as fuck. Would probably get more sex and be cheaper just to get prostitutes.kek. Show me an example of a poor ugly manlet that can attract women with his "personality" then we'll tak
That means he's oozing with charisma, do you think that's the case for any of the sad sacks of shit(myself included) on this site?
No, abso-fucking-lutely not. Should we just wither and die because of that, go full r9k? Fuck off, let us do our escorts ocassionally.
Confirmed for soyboy
But these, like irrational animals, creatures of instinct, born to be caught and destroyed, blaspheming about matters of which they are ignorant, will also be destroyed in their destruction, suffering wrong as the wage for their wrongdoing. They count it pleasure to revel in the daytime. They are blots and blemishes, reveling in their deceptions, while they feast with you. They have eyes full of adultery, insatiable for sin. They entice unsteady souls. They have hearts trained in greed. Accursed children!
What does Jesus say about thy neighbor, you stupid motherfucker?
Is it common there? I am thinking about it but I'm hesitant.
No, fuck YOU, YOU are a barbarian and I am your corrector. - Education for pricks like YOU should've been delivered as a child, one belt at a time until YOU learnt when to shit and when to sit like a good boy.
I guess you'd better hope we never a meet and if we do, YOU keep that attitude in check otherwise you'll be pulling YOUR teeth out of the asphalt after I've used its surface for a little attitude readjustment.
And so what if I'm God's whip? So what, who else is going to take up the call in such sinful times?
I'm thinking of flying somewhere where they are legal so I can lose my virginity and stop thinking about it
Literally ever bloke in Sydney. When everyone is pretending to be loaded it doesn't work.
he literally don't spend a dime to fuck em, yes he maybe spent some more money on clothes and on an above average priced car but that's it, nothing out of this world. Bitches will fuck him because they idea of him being rich is hot to them imo
he has no charisma at all bro, he is legit autist when he hangs out with us, like that friend you have playing gangsta. I don't know how girls put up with his acts but then again he aims for slutty normies, a somewhat smart girl would read him in 5 seconds and realize it's an act.
"charisma" is just same made up bullshit so incels think they could learn something tangible to attract women. Thats how that massive PUA shill scam started.To attract women youre either born with good genetics or youre not. INcels complaining pisses of normal people because normals all believe in the just world theory
Where do you live, bro?
>m-muh morality!
kys with your unbearable memery
I'll bite.
user, a top tier prostitute costs under 250$. But just for the sake of the argument let's assume it's really 500-1000$. Why the fuck would you spend 1k to nut? For that kind of money you could go /fraud/ and fuck bitches like in OP's pic daily.
Get your test checked m8.
I'm in Canada. Thinking of flying somewhere like the netherlands, I could probably go see some bands I like too while I'm at it and have a good time
If it works it works, that's charisma. You don't have to be a silver tongued devil to be charismatic.
Fuck off r9k
Anyone who’s done it via a website: do they actually look like their picture in person are or they often much less attractive?
i have an above average cost sports car but girls dont give a shit because im ugly as fuck lol. He probably just has a good face. Legit all the good looking people i know drive $1000 shit boxes and do well with women because of looks.
>This'll probably piss you off to hear but most women give less of a shit about how you look than how you act.
Stop watching RSD shit and try looking at reality for once. This will probably piss you off but what you say is completely wrong but I don't blame you, once I thought as you do.
Sofia you pleb, if she doesn't call you papi she isn't worth paying for
Northern Africa? Fly up to belgium/holland.
Literally just go to Montreal
I see prostitutes from time to time. I just went and saw one yesterday and I'm extremely pissed about it. I paid her like $200 and then she just rushed me into cumming after 5 minutes and then made me leave. Total fucking rip off. No foreplay or massage or anything.
So there's good ones and bad ones. Usually for $220 I can get a whole hour with a really nice girl with some really intense foreplay and a massage afterwards (and a second round of sex if I'm up for it).
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
Please be nr. 2
PRAISE JESUS! Fucking kek
Montreal is great if you're looking for trouble with organised crime
he's average as fuck man, wish i had a pic of him to show you here, but i don't have normiebook anymore. He'll fuck average girls most of the time too, so maybe your standards are too high?
Goddamn, would bust all kinds of nuts inside Louna. What's the site OP?
oh man those bitches are fine as fuck, you'd be dumb not to
Ottawa then
Same story. I'm not looking to get my ass kicked or mugged. I want to go somewhere where it's legal
im 5'3 and horrendously ugly , id fuck anything i could get . I cant even get fatties/belowe average , let alone average . I also make good money so thats what makes me think your money bro anecdote theory is bullshit
Sounds like you're just making excuses to not do it bro, which is fine, first time is scary for everyone.
Or you just wanna take a trip to europe.
Not to get into sob stories but I am disabled and have been abused in the past. I don't want to repeat that
probably, but he is like 5'7/5'8 and average, and he is increndibly normie friendly. Maybe you're jusnt an incel larper, or genuinely ugly. I guess pretending you have money pays off until a certain point.
Fuck off we don't need or want more nogs here you cunt
>Being Alpha
>Posting to Veeky Forums
Escorts(the good ones) want repeat business, customer service and satisfaction is at the top of their list.
no lmaooooo, it just means youre ugly. If you were good looking, or had status, these prostitutes would want to fuck you. Also, 1k a ses is just fucking stupid. Go get facial surgery you moron. If you spent even 50k on facial surgery youd end up getting mad women that may even give you money, dipshit.
What site is this?
Asking for a friend
Chads do fuck escorts and go to strip clubs because they realize pussy like pussy. There's literally no moral difference between getting pussy and buying pussy if you're confident that you can do either. Only insecure betas make a distinction. It's just sometimes more convenient.
t. regulary fuck whores
rolling for brooke
sorry friendo if you regulary fuck whores you arent a chad. Chads can just go to the bar and pickup women easy so the whole convenience argument is bullshit
He'd be flying up there to bang one of your damaged goods, inject money into the economy and then fly back home.
What's the harm?
youre such an incel for even saying that 1k a ses is less than a relationship. A great girlfriend could drive you to be anything in life and she will support you and can have a great income. How the fuck is a prostitute less than me fucking a hot nurse who makes 100k/yr? LOL.
We're here because no women wants us
Obviously not, I never claimed to be. I'm a socially awkward math student and I can't get pussy without paying for it. I'm just saying that Chads do also fuck whores and they don't even care if they pay or work for it.
you cant be that ugly, im not good looking, but im 6ft, good grades, steroid juiced (18 inch arms lean). If youre white you just need a good hair cut and to juice up.
Don't respond, he's sn autistic larping tripfag from r9k
I'd love to sniff Louna's anus.
I agree there's no moral difference between fucking club sluts or having transactional based sex with hookers. Both are equally morally reprehensible and you are not chad if you engage in this behavior.
man have you ever been near a chad. They live in a different world. They would have no reason to pay for pussy when they can get it at the drop of a hat. Strip clubs i can understand for a night out. Do you honestly believe a chad would shell out hundreds when he could just swipe on tinder for 5 minutes and have a girl coming over. Im not even joking it really is that easy for them
No, you are essentially incarcerating yourself into the gynogulag.
It's not about being bad looking. I'm decent looking and even have girls mirin' sometimes at the beach. My problem is social autism. I've had to learn literally everything from scratch that just comes naturally to most people. At first I couldn't even look people in the eyes or talk with cashiers. Today I have friends and can hold somewhat of a conversation but I can just forget about flirting. Even conversations with my relatives is hard for me and I need to constantly concentrate to get all those million social cues in order. I literally register all nouns people say in a sentence and try to come up with follow-up questions, all manually, because I learned to.
chads dont fuck prostitutes stupid, prostitutes fuck chad, some even pay for it dumb fuck. Chad is so alpha that gay dudes BEG to pay him just to see pictures of his muscles.
wrong you tard, the obvious and patrician choice is Louna