Why do people recommend this?



Because it's the best of all worlds
>assistance lifts addressing weaknesses in advance
>motivation to accomplish something new every workout
>while STILL keeping volume low enough for speedy recovery
>actual numbers instead of le "moar wate next tyme XDD"
It's fuckin perfect, would do it if I were home gym master race. But since I don't like wasting my life on the bus, low-frequency full-body workouts will have to do.

>tfw too brainlet to understand the text in that image

i'm doing the bbb routine along with some bullshit accessory stuff afterwards if i feel up to it. so far it owns and i'm enjoying setting the rep PRs and getting stronger

the pic is saying that it's often the case that people who mock others for wanting a better life do so because they are fat shitbags

With most loads below 80% 1RM, nice one

Yeah but there's much more fun ways than "5x10 @ 50% of 90% of your 1RM
>>assistance lifts addressing weaknesses in advance
Because no other program has that. Also he doesn't tell you how to program for addressing weaknesses really

>>motivation to accomplish something new every workout
I'll give you that

>>while STILL keeping volume low enough for speedy recovery
If you can't recover from doing one lift once a week you're a GDE or your recovery is fucked

>>actual numbers instead of le "moar wate next tyme XDD
"Actual numbers" are you talking about percentages? Loads of fuckers got big and strong without knowing 67% of their training max

It's a pretty good advanced routine. Keyword there is ADVANCED. It's meant for lifters who have been lifting for 5+ years.
However, it's often touted as an intermediate routine. It's not.
It's much better to do The Texas Method or a modified version of the The Texas Method. Brainlets think you have to take it as is but as long as you follow the loading scheme it works with any compound lift.

Meme program designed for redditors

i've been lifting around 4 months and just started bbb. assume i ought to be doing ss to continue my linear gains but i really enjoy the 5/3/1 structure to the sets. how much am i fucking myself doing 5/3/1 but just skipping the deload week and adding more weight than the 5/10lbs it calls for?

For how long? And do you look Any better?

been doing it 2 cycles and im too fat to really look better but im definitely looking swoler

Rippetard alert. 5/3/1 is far superior to the Texas Method at any stage.

>most loads below 80%
The 5+ set is 85%, the 3+ set is 90%, the 1+ set is 95%. The others are basically warmups, although Wendler did remark that he got weaker when he skipped them. Maybe you're multiplying those by 0.9. Fair enough. But JW says the 90% TM is to correct for guys bullshitting--if you really know your 1RM you can use it.
>Boring but Big is boring
We know. You can do something else.
>volume, recovery
I agree for intermediates but once you're advanced squatting say 5x5 heavy on Tues will fuck with Friday deads.

I didn't specify this earlier but the important thing about volume is the one core lift/day, unlike that back-shredding barbarity the Texas Method.

You can actually compress 531 into 2 days of training. Just do Bench and Squat and respective assistance on one day and OHP and Deadlift and assistance on another day.


I don’t even go on Reddit phaggot. Rippetard seems to think anyone above novice level has the recovery ability of a starving African child and so prescribes laughable volume. Volume days on Tm = 5x5 squat, 5x5 bench and 1x5 deads (lol)

>theyre from reddit
>they dont understand programming and the major shortcomings 531 has

The hell are you on about? It has several different templates to work off of and can be completely customized.

What are the major shortcomings of the program?

And why is everyone so obsessed with training 80%+ all of the time? CWS's programs have you training far below you 1rm and he has some of the best programs available.

>Says the Texas Method is "low volume"
>Prescribes 5/3/1 instead
LMAO 5/3/1 is ridic low volume
How is 5x5 of two compound lifts at 80% 1RM + deadlifts "low volume"?
PROTIP: You can add as much assistance as you can handle, Rippetoe even says this.

You can drop to 4x5 or 3x5. If you can't make steady gains on TM you have shit genes don't blame the program, many people have ran it for years.

Works for me too. Excellent results in strength and size gain. Not the most exciting program but highly effective.

Lol 5/3/1 low volume, you clearly don't know shit about 5/3/1/. AMRAPS, BBB, BtM, Triumvirate, Jokers, etc.

Here's what Rippetits says on adding assistance to the Texas Method:

"If it were up to me, I'd limit any assistance exercises to some brief arm work on Monday."

People who think of the idolisation of the BloatLord™ as a stupid joke probably think that because somewhere in their weakling twink minds they are jealous

C6W is better in every way if your'e not a GDE

Pros: you can make it into whatever you want
Cons: you can make it into whatever you want

Anons shouldn't recommend it on here, people who solicit Veeky Forums for advice don't know enough to modify it to suit them.

Thank you. Most reasonable response I've seen in all of these 5/3/1 threads.

i dont understand bro splits are regarded as terrible why is this any different

>advanced routine