how do i cope with being a glutelet
6'2 32 waist size skinny jeans and theres plenty of room.
i deadlift 405 for reps and squat 315
how do i cope with being a glutelet
6'2 32 waist size skinny jeans and theres plenty of room.
i deadlift 405 for reps and squat 315
Ask women
Romanian deadlifts
half repping? hit depth when squatting
ATG squats, work on hip abductors, do single leg side press on a machine - my ass has fucking blown up since I started the side presses.
just be glad man. i hate not being able to wear skinny pants without looking gay as fuck. if you are in fact homo, i would recommend isolation for your glutes, since your legs seem to do all the work on compound exercises (kinda jelly, i'll admit). those typical gym bunny exercises should do: glute bridges, stiff legged deadlifts, donkey kicks, abductor machine, etc.
unrelated, but buy looser-fitting jeans that taper more towards the ankle
i squat to depth, not ATG tho since my long ass legs cause me to go into buttwink, maybe would be better if i used oly shoes but fuck that i squat and DL barefoot
i do them and i did notice some gains for ass, i also do glute ham raises (especially with band for that harder lockout) which i feel best in glutes
yeah i guess grass is greener on other side
sometimes i see people with big asses and it doesnt look good always
your numbers are still bad, get your form fixed and squat lower
>deadlifts and squats are a good glute builder
>falling for Veeky Forums memes
pick both and then try hip thrusts
of course i have plenty of room to grow
im 6'2 just shy of 200lbs, and lifting for one year.
But my mother and father both have had hank hill genetics
Those are barely intermediate numbers, first of all. Secondly, barbell hip thrusts are your friend.
You do more squats and deads, your legs in general are pretty poor.
But don't worry, most girls like 'slim' legs anyway
my lower body volume is ptrtty huge compared to upper body
i squat almoat everyday, and do deadlift variation or heavy bent over row almost everyday
yeah i love em
i did 3.5pl8 x5 byt then i drop down and do high volume like 3x8 with 3pl8 or take 2 plates to almost failure
its amazing how lats traps on top of glute and hamstring get hit.
Same reason i like touch and go high rep sets if sumo deadlifts
Shit genetics. I'm barely squatting 2pl8 and I can't even fit into jeans anymore.
I'm 6' and weighed 135 pounds when I started lifting. I now weigh 200 at 15% bf, my lifts are complete shit, but at least I can put on mass easily.
Glute bridge 1xfailure
I hold it for 10 mins personally but I have a massive ass, gets an insane pump
>High intensity biking
Literally look like a sausage in my old skinny jeans and have a smaller waste
>3x8-12 low bar squats (go as deep as possible)
>romanian deadlifts
>eat tons of fats
>isolated exercises for glutes
>take estrogen
>not resting
Fucking autist
Take this advice and you will have big glutes. Switch to Bulgarian split squats and afterwards do single legged hip thrusts with a 45lb pl8 on your hip crease. You. Are. Welcome. Merry christmas
>taking rest days
projection? 4pl8 diddlys and 3pl8 squat is not good. you shouldn't expect to have a juicy ass when you still have intermediate numbers.
I don't DL and squat 315 my butt is big. I guess genetics
its not good
but my dl form is pretty good, altough not ideal
squat yeah, its kind of meh because i have lanky proportions, but i squat to depth
Those are mediocre at best. Getting stronger and eat some oats
>tfw ass is too big for my size
>lol cool bro im 15 and lift 400lb for reps
>6'2 32 waist, skinny jeans
sound and look like a twink
i was skinnyfat for longest time
im 90kg rn, one day ill be 100kg daddy mode, but my lanky build doesnt help
other pic for reference
squat MORE.
Do hop thrusts, if you can hit 800lbs your glutes will be thicc