What does Veeky Forums think of him?
What does Veeky Forums think of him?
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Bald manlet
Manlet who sucks everyone's dick and is pro roids. Also a pseudo-intellectual
retarded ugly jew actor
Good guy doesnt afraid of anything
Wait so Joe Rogan says you should never train to failure and that if he can lift for 10 reps he would do 6, afaik while having low rest times. Is this a legit workout plan?
Some people say you should lift the heaviest you can for 5 reps and rest as much as you need between sets (Rippletits and Clarence say you can rest 10+ mins) while on the other side we have Joe Rogan and Dorian Yates, both of whom say that you should be doing fast workouts with higher reps and lower weights.
Is one more correct than the other?
He is me, but taller.
I don't know what you're going on about, but Joe has said that as he has gotten older he takes more time between sets. He has also said that he doesn't follow a specific time limit for his workouts. He even said this while talking to Yates. Stop being autistic.
Yates literally said he is doing 45m-1h short workouts. What are (YOU) on about?
don't go to failure on heavy compounds. you can go to failure on isolations
take long rest times if you're doing sets of heavy compounds and train for strength. bodybuilders use shorter rest times for hypertrophy work or conditioning
Everyone has their own techniques and their own preferences on what they think works. Here is my broscience on it.
You can go to failure each set if you want, or you can choose not to it really doesn't matter. What matters is the lactic acid feeling you get when you work out. You want to feel the burn for as long as you can. If that means going until failure and taking large/short breaks, or not going until failure and taking short breaks, while still feeling the lactic acid burn.
But this is just broscience, there is no ONE correct way, no matter what anyone tells you.
An acid trip can change lives
It's the pseudo intellectual part that bothers me the most. Man he tries so hard, and it's cringy. Otherwise he can be entertaining sometimes.
>but taller
are you 5'1?
his podcast guests are interesting
Jesus, I didn't know this world held such beauty.
He's not a pseudo intellectual to me. Some stuff you may agree with some stuff you may not. It's the same with anybody. He's just a dude like any of us.
the buildup of hydrogen ions is just a by-product of cellular respiration and doesn't cause any hypertrophy by itself, you can however train for endurance and increase the rate that you can remove the lactic acid
What is it that makes asian women so hot? Is it the fact that they are considered exotic?
Because we know for a fact that their eyes (and faces in general) are ugly as fuck, their asses are the flattest of all races. And not like big tits are unique to them.
People's bodies respond to different kinds of lifting differently.
Some will explode on low rep high weight others will explode on high rape moderate weight.
It all depends on what you're trying to do.
I love asian women and their eyes. True they're not known for having the biggest asses but at the end of the day that's a preference as well. Petite is hot too, and there are some asians that just do have breeding hips.
Blue board buddy
he wouldn't know a prefrontal cortex if he saw one but he mentions it in EVERY fucking podcast. he's king /pseud/
That does sound like something he'd say kek
Didn't this guy destroy his own shoulders with kettlebells? Despite his reputation the guy is pretty close minded.
He's anything but. He's the first to admit he has no fucking idea what he's talking about and takes the time to interview experts on the subjects he's interested in to learn more about it.
I can count on one hand the number of Asian women I've found attractive, those unreadable eyes and blank, unexpressive faces are a major turn-off
His lifting philosophy is basically "muh functional strength" so I mostly disregard his opinions when it comes to strength training.
However I think his podcast is a great source of nutrition knowledge, especially when he has Rhonda Patrick on.
True, that's why I like Joe.
You obviously don't watch his podcasts, he's far from close-minded.
To each their own.
He watches cuckold porn.
I dont remember exactly at which point in the video he says it, but its in the 1:20-1:30 range. I understand why no one else really noticed, it was an awful fucking episode that everyone turned off after 5 minutes
Joe Rogan is the King of Veeky Forums
I've unironically changed my life for the better because of Joe. Big inspiration
More like joe rogaine amirite guys
joe rogans a cool guy with the right amount of curiosity. How someone can call him a pseudo intelectuall is beyond me. People on Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums have become so arrogant it has ruined the vibe.
Depends on goals, this is a fairly complex topic
But basically Rip and Clarence are right.
No mention of cuck porn. In another podcast he was mentioning how he just found out about it, and he thought it was hilarious that it was a common insult nowadays.
>Rip and Clarence are right.
Gear heads who've never coached a single person of note
Yeah, they're the holy grail of lifting info.
no more milkies for you. you're cut off.
and in the future, just use google ffs
Joe Rogan has been on enough HGH to give himself the hormonal profile of a male fucking elephant so he could probably train at 10% of his max and still make gains
i want to see alex jones & joe rogan on a podcast
said a random guy on the internet, while failing to offer any suggestions
Been listening to his podcast for 5 years, grew up with it.
I second this.
Joe is really good at interviewing people who know more than him, as he is a good listener and asks relevant questions.
>i want to see alex jones & joe rogan on a podcast
you didn't know about this?
>mfw my ex was a petite korean and had the best ass I've ever fucked
Those were the days.
>and is pro roids
Oh, the humanity. People want to inject hormones into their bodies. they must cease!
Fuck off, you authoritarian prick
steroids are the same as obese people
sure do whatever the fuck you want until the rest of us have to pay for your healthcare, kys
This. He constantly says that he's retarded and doesn't know what he's talking about.
He's kinda annoying anyway though.
you sure? it might be later
First off, obesity is clear and cut absolutely shit for you. Roids are so widely different in the risk/reward depending on the genetics, dosage or the kind. Roids can be taken without any great side effects, depending on a great many things
Second off, you have better apply this sentiment in every fucking regard, then. You will have to think any unhealthy thing is unacceptable, and I refuse to believe you don't do fuckery that will potentially end up being a bill other people has to pay. Get hurt in the gym and I'll have to pay for your fucking shit, don't I?
And this is a quarrel you have with the healthcare system, not the roiders.
>t. newfag dyel
I don't even blast test either
i hope youre merely just pretending to be retarded
first off, roids is clear and cut absolutely shit for you. Why do you think they are banned you fucking idiot.
food is so widely different in the risk/reward depending on the genetics, dosage or the kind.
food can be taken without any great side effects, depending on a great many things
>do fuckery that will potentially end up being a bill other people has to pay
theres a difference between accidents and actively injecting poison straight into your veins KNOWING its not good for you
hot. i'd fuck that little twink.
>first off, roids is clear and cut absolutely shit for you
What is TRT?
>Why do you think they are banned you fucking idiot.
Oh, yeah, just like Alchohol is bad, that's why it's banned. No, wait, it fucking isn't. That's because whether or not something is banned doesn't inherently say anything about its quality
>food is so widely different in the risk/reward depending on the genetics, dosage or the kind.
food can be taken without any great side effects, depending on a great many things
Way to reinforce my argument. If you abuse food, you're going to get obese. If you abuse roids, you're going to get fucked
>theres a difference between accidents and actively injecting poison straight into your veins KNOWING its not good for you
True, but that's where the risk/reward factor comes into play. Would you refuse health care to someone that lifted heavy as fuck, despite knowing that it greatly increases their risk of injury?You also definitely do shit that's unhealthy willfully, I all but guarantee.
You seem to forget that roiding CAN also improve aspects like mental health and physical well being. Look at people like Arnold, whose life was definitely enhanced by the usage of roids, and who is still alive and kicking, and in very good shape for his age, as well
And like I said, and which was honestly the most important part of my post; You have a problem with healthcare, not roiding. Would you give a fuck about obese people if your taxes didn't go to their treatment? I agree with you. People who fuck themselves up with roids shouldn't be paid for, but that isn't an indictment against roiders
>high rape moderate weight
isnt that the average swede?
>hurrr ddafafsg muh objcetive beauty standarsd fed to me by the media
>i neeeed scientific jusstificashun for why muh dik is haaarrd!!!
Hey Joe
How unironically retarded do you have to be in order to willingly listen to his podcast?
I think it depends on his guest. The ones with Jordan Peterson are interesting. If he has some retarded comedy friend in the studio with him, I usually dont listen to it.
He’s Veeky Forums and /x/. The most redpilled combination. What’s not to love?
you just cant make this shit up.
It was the whole point you fuckinh cockmongler faggot kys
You sound fake
Is this supposed to be roasting him or something?
that's so perfect
>doesen't like animuu faced girls
>is a faggot
Maybe he likes a woman with an actual face.
Fuck off, too beta for white girls?
Whjat are some good podcasts to watch/listen, only watched some with this ugly ass but smart chick.
Paul Stamets was based also the Archeologist guy was really interesting too
rhonda patrick is goat. and joe has been killing it with the training/nutrition podcasts lately.
>never coached a single person of note
what's more noteworthy, taking a random untrained shmoe and getting him to squat 350 lbs in a year, or taking a genetically elite monster that could do literally anything and still be elite and have him run around with a barbell on his back like an asshole? really makes you think.
A random shmoe who has the potential to get to that can get to that squat with literally any program if they work at it, put weight on the bar consistently(doesn't matter when it isn't a fucking race), eat well, rest well, and aren't a retard.
You're out of your tiny fucking mind if you think otherwise.
>literally any program
do you even browse this board? most of the retards here are on 6day splits and look like shit and squat sub 2pl8.
>all it takes is good programming, good nutrition, and good sleep
wow no shit and you think ABCABCx IIFYM classify as such?
a chill guy who lifts and has a wife aka Veeky Forums kryptonite
you could certainly do worse user
Bro science 101
He has a great outlook and work ethic. Funny dude who tries hard at life and gets results.
I'm a fan.
I think he could beat the shit out of every single person on /fit
She has fetal alcohol syndrome.