I'm sick of women being able to modify everything they want easily and we have to stay cucked with what we have
Like, is there anything like what she did to her hips but for shoulders? I want to go from Charlie to Chad like she went from Kylie to Kyliesha
I'm sick of women being able to modify everything they want easily and we have to stay cucked with what we have
Roids and plastic surgery? The only thing you can't really do much about is height
You could always hop on dat der vitamins cycle
Could a guy with under average shoulder width look like this with just roids?
she unironically got surgery. they spend over a million dollars a month marketing themselves, I wouldn't doubt she spends some on surgery, too. duh
No. That body is achievable natty but the dude just has broad as fuck shoulders. Luck goy
>like, is there anything like what she did to her hips but for shoulders?
Overhead Press and Lat Raises?
I dont understand the hype behind Kylie, I've seen much more natural and beautiful women just walking in the street, all she has going for her is fame, yes she's attractive in the sense that shes not hideous or overweight or underweight but she looks so goofy with her fake hips that it's mind boggling to me how other men find this worth their attention over the other thousands of ig models that look much better than her
You have to imagine what he would look like with normal non-muscular shoulders, no lats, and arms by his side. You may not end up as wide but with the right exercises you'd look plenty wide.
i mean id still fuck if she threw it at me but she's just looks silly on the other picture
>taking a niggers sloppy seconds
bish already preggo with niglet
she's hot because you're being told she's hot.
never underestimate the power of media persuasion.
another e.g. is ryan gosling which is 100% pure unadulterated manufactured attractiveness.
I just like her slutty nails and her lips tbqh
I can't walk into a store and buy roids like this thot can go to a doc and get surgery.
Agreed. I'd fuck but she's nothing special. See better looking chicks on the daily.
Fuck you the Goose is hot as fuck
Yea he’s not jacked but he’s got good facial asthetics, 6ft, and
The level of muscle mass is achievable natty but that level of dryness, that saran wrap granite looks is only possible with roids
his face average as fuck, that's why he wasn't considered hot until his hotness was manufactured by literally THAT film.
that film portrayed him as the hottest dude on earth, mad style, mad charisma, mad body, blah blah.
before that? ryan was basically never heard of in regards to 'hot celebs'.
infact, anytime somebody refers to gosling as hot they use almost exclusively pics from that film lmao
niga u just got sucked in by the media machine.
top kek that body is retarded
Go to /pol/ forget this crap
Is this time frame real? 1 year of 200mg test does that? Fuck really?
yes but left pic is someone with poor genetics, who eats a bad diet and doesn’t train properly at all. Jeff Cavalier the manlet who instructs DYEL to not go to snapcity is a good example of a natty with a good body to show for his patience.
It's Jeff really impressive for natty though? Never really seemed that way for me