Am I the only one that absolutely hates running with headphones or distractions...

Am I the only one that absolutely hates running with headphones or distractions? I know some people prefer running without when they are outside in nature, but I even prefer it on a treadmill. Am I the only one?

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my ears get so sweaty that they fall out lmao

Dude, yeah. I never understood that. Like I don't want my headphones covered with sweat. Plus, I just don't know why people always need music to motivate them during workout? Like I'd rather just enjoy music as music, and my workout for what it is.

Normies and new lifters are the only ones who listen to music exclusively for motivation.

I listen to a ton of audiobooks. I've been through hundreds in my years of lifting. Self-help, educational, or some pleasure reading if I'm feeling it. I've made it habit to only listen when exercising. If I want to read more, I better hit the gym or run longer.

I especially don't like music when I'm running. Distracting.

I don't like listening to other people in the gym talk about their normie shit. I came to the gym to forget about my life, not to listen to theirs.

from what? automatic leg work? are you a little slow or something?

next thing you're gonna say is that you can't listen and breathe at the same time fucking christ nigger

These are great when it comes to comfort and situational awareness, can't really block anything out though.

I fuckin wish I could do this with all the time I spend at the gym. But no way I could focus on my workout if my audiobook or podcast is actually interesting.

>Am i the only one...
>Planet of literally 7590575515 people
Sure you are...

I wear headphones almost all the time, unless I'm at home and I'll just play music through my speakers. Any negative effects are counterbalanced by the fact that I love listening to music.

Actually, breathing. I pay attention to that and my environment.

I have a nice set of bluetooth headphones I wear when I run. I don't even notice they're there and the beat of the music helps me run.

Yes. You're fucked up, seriously. I only jog at night and It's something that makes me go out. So climatic....

I listen to a podcast called podrunner it has a bunch of mixes specifically made for running in different tempos even has a few with slow and fast parts for Intervall Training I love it when I'm running sounds like shit when I'm sitting ony ass though

My ideal lifting environment is no music at all. I literally never listen to music when working out, lifting or cardio, unless forced to by the gym's sound system.

When I run with music I cannot control my tempo properly and tend to slow down and my form gets worse too. And since I run outdoors it's also unsafe to block your hearing because of the traffic and bikefags.
Fuck headphones

Top 5 recommendation?

I'm the same way, OP.

I don't understand why everyone seems to need music constantly anyway. What's so bad about being alone with your own consciousness?

Not to mention nature...

There's a reason lots of races are starting to outlaw them. Even when they are not, they heavily discourage their use.

Used to. But, I found out that it is actually better. You become more meditative after you adjust to running without music. It's good for beginners to listen so they can use beats as a way to learn proper cadence. Otherwise, you'll be the person everyone else laughs at.