>tfw ex that cheated on me 2 years ago and i went completely no contact with wished me a merry christmas today
Tfw ex that cheated on me 2 years ago and i went completely no contact with wished me a merry christmas today
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so what, she's only texting you because she knows you're doing great with your life and she's depressed and run down and is dumb enough to think that you're going to pick her up
ignore that shit nigga
Same to me but it was 8years ago, it was my first love and she has a bf
Same to me, but on my birthday
is Veeky Forums for fitness or the emotional and depressed ?
don't even think about it
Mental fitness is important you fuck
Veeky Forums has always been a >tfw no gf board
> be me
> get dumped 8 months ago
> wishing she would text me today
> nothing
Got a better site for you friendo, Reddit.com shhhh don't tell anyone though
She is a fucking snake. Don't play her snake games. Ignore. Don't even send a shitty reply.
Same situation but 4 months ago.
She knows I'm alone on Christmas every year due to no family (apart from last year which I spent with her family) and was hoping she would at least say something but no
> 5 year relationship
> Ended 2.5 months ago
> wished me happy birthday in november
> Say thanks, nothing more
> her birthday in a couple of days
Recently deleted her off all social media, is it poor form not to say happy birthday back?
I know she shouldn’t be on my mind, but first christmas with no gf while all friends do. Quite demoralising
take a second and consider why the two would go hand in hand
>no text from her
No you newfag it has not
>5 year relationship
HAH you absolute woman, should've married her
Nope. Forget her. Hold strong. You're good.
Eternally, this.
Depends, do you want her back? If yes do not say it because she could see it as a needy excuse to crawl back into her life and if she expects it and you don't then she also thinks about you and why you didn't say it.
If you're still friends with her and do not want her that way then by all means say it.
^Probably explains it better
hope it helps, user
All my family is dead.
I hope for your sake OP you aired her message, or at least gave her a curt "you too". She cheated, now shes struggling without you. You should be happy you came out on top.
Hold on bro, time heals all. The memories will fade, I promise.
Thanks lads, much appreciated.
>Be OPs ex
>Just had my back blown out by hot guy I think I'm in love with
>He can have me anytime he wants
>Remember how I became this way
>When I gave in and cheated on that loser I used to be with
>Finally felt like a real women
>Being taken by a real man
>He was so pathetic that cheating on him was what made me alive
>Smile at the thought
>Text him "merry christmas"
>Know he'll get emotional about it
>Roll over and lovingly and passionately kiss the man beside me
>Fondle his cock as he plays with my tongue
>Wonder how I ever settled for OP
i dont think this is very common...
Eh, close, but not exactly the psyche of a Roaster-Toaster. Basically, two years have passed and she has FORGIVEN YOU for having to cheat and then go through the trauma of being fucked and chucked by Chad because you were emotionally neglecting her. She now see's you have grown as a man and hopes to give you a second chance.
Key notes:
>The Roaster-Toaster has never done anything wrong.
>You were "emotionally neglecting" the Roaster-Toaster by simply not being Chad enough
Anyways, you should reply back and give her a second chance. It's always fun to get fucked over twice by the same person.
Probably not. She's probably alone and seeking attention. Op is a familiar person and she figures he'll give a little to her and it'll make her feel a little less lonely but it won't.
>Depends, do you want her back?
Wanting back an ex is the definition of being a cuck. You're literally taking a female back who's had a magnitude of dicks inside her since you broke up. Remember, you can be a fat obese whale and post up on Tinder and still have 10 dates a week to satisfy your gaping holes.
>tfw sent ex photo of joke christmas tree on snapchat with some lame snapchat filter on it
>tfw she replied with a pic of her smiling to the camera with the caption saying merry christmas
ffs she looked so cute
>5 year relationship
>Ended 2.5 months ago
u me literally exact?
Lol, that is pretty funny dude.
s a v a g e
thank god im gay nohomo
>this Cuck fantasy
call her a nigger and show off ur abs
now why would you torture yourself like that
Well this is Veeky Forums, so...
Move on m8
wasn't expecting it desu. we have a pretty weird situation going on, we are best friends on snapchat and I was on facetime with her for an hour about a week or so ago so it's not as if I haven't seen her in ages. still though, she looked so adorable and it hurt a bit.
>we are best friends on snapchat
>ex wishes me a happy birthday few months ago
>figure we’re on good terms
>text her Merry Christmas this morning
>get ignored
Why are people so cruel?
when/why did you split?
sounds like you're either going to get back together or she's going to keep stealing your (psychological) gains
i dont talk to my ex anymore because i probably would have kms by now
I just meant to reference how often we send snaps to each other. she sent me like 4 yesterday, and only the merry Christmas one was in reply. the rest were on her own accord. it's a very strange situation.
Cause she played you, son.
This just happened to me too except it's an email because I blocked the bitch.
Gonna introduce you guys to a new word for an age old concept;
Like Hansel & Gretel but for dick. Happy with your partner? Nice. Sure you're gonna be happy for ever? Exactly. So keep in touch, periodically, with past and potential lays.
Bitches do it as a reflex. Those messages are a 'just in case'. Now that you know, you can do it for your own 'just in cases' and understand better how to act.
You give her attention, she likes attention. It's the opposite of strange.
Play with this knowledge to fuck her or move on you god damn beta (by definition) bitch.
I really dont care about her, I just thought it wasn't very nice to ignore someone wishing you well on Christmas. Also I need to text her in a few days to get my sweater back that she has so its gonna be awkward now.
My ex of 9 years ghosted me and got engaged not even 8 mos after going AWOL on me so hey, better than me bud
>hes not dead yet
we split up middle of november. its a pretty long and complicated story but basically her parents moved interstate, she got a very mentally demanding grad job, was forced to move out with her parents going interstate all within 6 weeks. this is in addition to managing a small tutoring business, playing social sport and going to the gym. she just had no spare time at all, and felt feelings of not wanting to see me because of that.
when we broke up, she was incredibly upset. she said she was terrified that she would regret the decision so much, that im amazing, best bf she's ever had etc. she's currently overseas with family so that's why i facetimed her. there's no real awkwardness at all when we talk, especially face to face. it can occasionally feel a bit forced so i back off for a few days and she will either start something or I will.
>the feel ex that I dumped in an immature as fuck way after 2.5 years of dating hasn't contacted me since
>even the girl I fucked around with for 4 months then tried to get with her friend in front of her texted me happy birthday couple weeks back
Must've been a bad relationship that bitch used to text me literal essays every day for years
I don't mean just the snap stuff. the entire break up in general is strange. I'll see what happens when I see her in person again. if it's done, then it's done for sure and I'll move on.
I really need you to understand this, user.
Take a deep breath. Really center yourself, maybe take a cold shower, have a quick workout, eat a meal, whatever works for you to reach your optimum mental state, you know?
If you think you're ready now, read on.
You are a bitch.
I know m8. this is the first time ive ever given a fuck what happens after a break up or stopping talking in a fling. she was just an unreal girl who I got along with better than any other girl ive met, ticked all my boxes and made me laugh. im basically as over it as I can be while still waiting to sort it out. if I get the word to completely give up, then ill know I did everything I can and fill the rest of that recovery in.
Thanks my guy. Was debating this allllllll day. No I'm not.
>Meet girl at party... legit 10/10
>BF left her that day... fucked her brains out 45 mins after meeting
>Talking for a few days and then GHOST
>Contacts me a month later and apologizes.. BF had come back
>Me: "meh... happens"
>Become good friends
>Become best friends
>Three years later, both single and go to the bar together
>Kiss on her neck.. she tilts head the other way and exposes more neck
>fuck in my car in church parking lot
>begin relationship, best I have ever had
>She begins modeling career... my insecurities start mounting as rich dudes constantly hit on her
>Finally reach a breaking point
>Her: "I'm not that person. I just wanted to have a family and grow old with somebody, I wanted it to be you" ::tears::
>The One That Got Away
Nine years later...
Christmas Eve, 2017
"Hey, user.. what gym do you go to?... oh really?.. Do you like it?.... Yes, user. I could totally use some help. I need a workout buddy. Yah, lets meet up after Christmas."
What do?... She has been modeling all over the country over the years and dating douschey bartenders and shit. I have built up a few companies and am full-blown Chad but monogamous to the core and have a kid. She's telling me she wants to put that life behind and have family now.... is this the bagel hole meme? Am I a stupid for even considering entertaining "gym buddies", knowing I'll catch the feels for TOTGA?
>girl gets old
>goes to, what sounds like, a rich beta
Ahh. A story as old as time itself.
Yes user. Take that beat up, used pussy. Be her second (third? let's be honest, it's much more) choice, and care for her, as the hundreds of cock's who've ravaged her never did.
don't do it please it'll fuck your shit up, tell her nicely that you've moved on, and that she should too
>be OP
>claims to cut contact with someone
>obsessively posting about it on Veeky Forums
>the rest of this entire thread
this board is so autistic holy fuck. how do you people even get girlfriends
She wants your security now. She just needed to find herself amongst all those cocks
>guy on Veeky Forums with a 10/10 model girl is a full blown chad businessman
will literally
fall for this bait
>be 17
>dating girl from england
>long distance but she's a NEET like me
>cosplayer too but not a slut about it
>would doodle shit for me for when I came home from work
>would skype me all day on the weekends
>broke up with her because i was a christfag and thought god wanted me to
>broke her heart only for her to hook up with an asian faggot and become an SJW
7 years later and it still makes me wanna drink.