is SS a good workout for skinnyfags or just a meme?
Is SS a good workout for skinnyfags or just a meme?
It's a good routine for gaining strength at the start.
wont I look like a treetrunk tho?
You will look like someone who just started strength training.
Meme, just go start doing some beginning bodybuilding routine and see results faster
try this
SS is a dogshit routine. Only use it if you want to become a Trex.
Depends what you want. It's not a routine designed to make you look good and that's why so many people seem to shit on it
No. Why would you think that you're gonna gain muscle mass 10 times as fast as everyone else? You're just gonna look slightly more muscular than when you started lifting.
if you're gonna do SS you should read the whole book.
not op , but i gonna try this wish me luck fags
is this shinuki? why does her ass look so plastic? she used fake ass too?
underage dyels/redditors
Only if you completely neglect accessories. So do the big 4 + Isolate your triceps, biceps, lats and abdominals.
>t. Never did SS
DL and chin-ups
Squat and DL
Accessories are pointless and only accrue unnecessary stress. Get STRONG then worry about physique
I just finished my second month and already doing 1/2/3/4 for 5 reps. You're a pathetic dyel who didn't do the program correctly
Found the source. Kind of wish I didn't though desu. Chelhellbunny
rancid swine/5
>breast props
>not implants
>silicon overlays
I have never felt this cheated before.
>tfw no 2B gf
no wonder her ass looked weird, then. fat fuck
I've never understood what Veeky Forums means when they say "SS is/isn't a "meme"
does "meme" mean it doesn't work? Because that's not true, it absolutely works in getting a novice lifter strong
does "meme" mean it won't get you aesthetic? Well, yeah, that's true, because it's not a hypertrophy/bodybuilding program, and everyone who does it is a novice lifter. You are not going to be "aesthetic" after 4-6 months of any program when you first start out. Too many noobs do SS thinking they're going to look like Zyzz when they're done, and when they dont, they say "SS is a shitty program because muh t-rex mode"
by the way, if you ended up looking like a t-rex with small arms after SS, it's probably because youre a weak bencher and presser and you didn't do your chinups.
For those wondering looking for her pics/videos. NSFW.
It's a pretty gud routine. Stronglifts is similar and free:
Also All of these routines are similar 3x5 or 5x5 programs aimed at beginners who want to become Meat Titans.
Wait a second, are her smaller boobs fake props too? She pressed milk out of them in one of the videos.
She has implants but she fake props over her real ones, I dont think shes ever showed her actually tits before, just fake toys over her real ones
Which makes no fucking sense because shes still showing us tits that look real (ish)
Oh, nvm. It's spit.
What are you talking about?
Im also a dyel 65kg skinnyfag, I've been doing Stronglifts for nearly 3 weeks. Do pull-ups every workout.
I started with the bar for everything now I'm squatting 45kg, benching 40kg, and deadlifts 60kg. Aiming for 60kg bench/squat and a 90kg deadlift and I'll move to a hypertrophy program.
I haven't gotten any bigger, still weigh basically the same, but definitely programming myself for strength.
I'm definitely happy with the program as a beginner and it's helped me enjoy workouts.
Are you retarded? The book suggests adding accessories.
Rippeltoe actually spits on anyone who even suggests adding accessories. Even mentioning a curl gets you laughed at by him and his fuccbois.
Only when he was called out by actual lifters and people with some pull did he start talking about adding accessories to fix his imbalanced clusterfuck of a program.
>hypertrophy program at those numbers
Yet it still says in the book to add them past a very very intro level, as in after a couple weeks.
His attitude is more that accessories are to assist the big lifts, and should be chosen as such rather than just saying do accessories all the time.
So he's a fucking lunatic who shills terrible lifting philosophy to absolute imbeciles an naive children. GOOD!
You didn't read the book. The advanced novice routine has you power clean and chin-up on day B. Those aren't accessories and are essential to the program
t. redditor who doesn't have anything to shill or hopes to get some runoff from rippeltoe's cult of personality.
Hey thanks mate.
Much appreciated.
just do curls at the end of every session? its not hard.
Well I haven't gained any muscle at all yet, nearly doubled my numbers but still lanklet
Do newfags read the sticky or do they just ask the same question. Don't forget gomad
>deadlift once a week
Wew lad
Yeah, righto buddy. Does it get you going to lie about easily checked stuff online?
depending on your height, you will probably stall at the bench
60kg squat will be relatively smooth, just make sure to always hit parallel. You won't 90kg deadlift if you are at 60kg squat anyway.
But what is a good 3day a week hypertrophy program if not SS for novice lifters? They never get to that part.
Hypertrophy is pretty pointless if you're barely shifting the bar and don't know any form at all.
Just do a strength programs until you're a green boy (intermediate) on symmetric strength, with no obvious imbalances, then try some hypertrophy stuff.
You'll just have issues down the track otherwise, injuries and imbalances to work out.
Hurrrrr me read may may on 4chin, me repeat may may and no lift durrrrrr
You have to remember most of Veeky Forums doesn't lift. Instead, they read about lifting online and memorize factoids like when they were kids studying their Pokédex and they pick up and spread a lot of bad bro science and falsehoods. It's fashionable to bash SS, so the kids pick up on that and follow suit. Then, after a rousing game of role playing a fitness expert, they go to a new thread and ask for advice on working up the courage to leave their house.
i'm doing phrak's gslp because reddit told me to. Wish it had more dl tho.
lol i could do 2/4/5/5 for 8 after only 2 months. You suck!
>look mom i can E-stat on the internet now!
Do it as axbxaxx bxaxbxx and you have your friendly dose of diddlies as well.
God I want to fap so bad but I've endured nofap for two weeks. Tell me it's a meme Veeky Forums.
It is a good beginner program. It gets you under the bar lifting a manageable volume while you learn how to lift.
The book is the best single piece of technical lifting knowledge money can buy.
>but Rip doesn't even train people who compete LOL
Can somebody please point me toward the novice weightlifting competition?
It's a goddamn novice program. It gets you through the linear progression phase of weightlifting. If you diet & sleep properly, and do SS, you will exhaust linear progression in 6 months or so. If you think your legs are getting too beefy, squat less, it it literally that simple.
It, and Stronglifts which is pretty much a knock off that starts with more volume and has an app, are great linear profession novice programs.They will get you strong and if you follow the book they should help teach you proper form.
Once you finish linear progression you can focus on a specialized program for your goals.
I think SS great but deadlift won't make your lats grow bigger, and accessories don't eat into your recovery. You can do curls and lateral raises every fucking workout until your arms fall off, you won't eat into your recovery at all.
Hell I am doing lateral raises and biceps every DAY and my OHP went from 70 to 82.5 kg 3x5 no problemo.
Dips/db bench press/incline bench might fuck up your recovery if you go overboard, but isolating small muscles will only help.
I agree that SS is the best.
I think Rip is slightly retarded, but was trained by Bill Starr, and honed Bill's routine by training many novices. Most of what he says is correct, but you understand how true it is later on. He also switches between being authoritarian without giving explanations to "I'll be honest I don't know much about what I'm about to write now" and that can throw people off.
Fucking these
Well no shit you have been lifting for 3 weeks you fucking idiot. How much muscle did you expect to put on in 1 month?
I've already got a big ass and thighs for a dude and I'm doing SS. Can hardly fit into pants because my ass is so big. Should I only do squats every other session instead of every one?
Thanks bruh!
What's a good program for hypertrophy?
I have a barbell, power rack and ~500lbs worth of weights.
I've done programs like SL5x5 and 5/3/1 for a few years.
Squat 420
DL 450
Bench 275
OHP 170
I'm 5'8" 185lbs (gained 10 pounds on bulk these past two months).. is there a good hypertrophy program I can get on with my equipment? Also, should I cut or continue eating as much as possible?
your willpower is a meme.
The novice program is for novices and the adding of accessory work is frowned upon, because the novice's job is to get strong in the basic movements while learning them for the first time. For those who think SS is the meme and have never read anything actually written by Rippetoe and Kilgore or Rippetoe and Baker etc., CHIN-UPS ARE PART OF THE NOVICE PROGRAM **as well as back extensions/GHR** and are added only a few weeks into the progression.
In Rip's scheme of things, assistance work is for intermediates and above. Quotes from Practical Programming (3rd Edition)
>Assistance exercises will be used by intermediate-level trainees. These movements are more valuable here than at any other period in a training career. An intermediate trainee is developing a feel for the direction he wants his training to take, and assistance exercises are a necessary part of learning the ropes. There are thousands to try, but only a few are valuable. The most useful assistance movements are functional in nature (they utilize normally encountered human movement patterns), use multiple joints, incorporate a balance component, and contribute to the performance of the basic exercises. Chin-ups satisfy these criteria, for example; wrist curls do not.
>The best assistance movements are always those that most closely resemble their parent movements in both performance of the lift and in load. These high-quality assistance exercises will almost always be barbell-based. Many of them are so close to their parent movements that they can create the same level of stress on the body, so care must be taken when adding these types of exercises into the program in addition to the basic movements. They are probably better used as short term replacements to the parent exercises, for a period of time that could be as little as one workout or as long as several weeks or months, depending on the lifters purpose for using them.
More quote:
>Some of the most useful barbell-based exercises are done inside of a power rack for the purpose of training a very specific range of motion, or initiating the movement from a very specific starting point. For the bench press and the squat, the lifter can do “dead-stop” sets, with each rep started at the bottom of the movement where leverage is the least advantageous. For presses and deadlifts, partial rack presses, rack bench presses, and rack pulls can be very powerful tools for working the lockout portion of both of those lifts. Other barbell assistance exercises, such as the Close-Grip Bench Press or the Snatch-Grip Deadlift, mimic the parent lift very closely, but slightly change the mechanics of the lift so that the range of motion can be manipulated to alter the stress.
>The important point to remember is that rack presses and rack pulls are far more taxing on the lifter than things like isolation triceps work or weighted back extensions. More thoughtful care and planning must be used when programming these types of very stressful assistance movements. By and large, it usually interferes with nothing to add 2-3 sets of light weighted back extensions after a deadlifting workout or 2-3 sets of cable triceps pressdowns after presses. A well-conditioned lifter will be able to add this additional workload without any disruption to the program and get the extra work he needs. However, haphazardly adding in sets of 500+ lb rack pulls to any already heavy pulling schedule will throw the lifter’s program completely off course.
Still more quote from the section on assistance exercises in the intermediate training discussion:
>Front squats can be used by intermediate trainees interested in Olympic weightlifting as a squat variant; they are regarded by Olympic lifters not as an assistance exercise, but as another core lift. They are a critical component of training for Olympic weightlifting, but their omission of significant hamstring involvement limits their consideration as a primary exercise for strength training. Chin-ups are an important upper-body exercise that supports pressing strength and functional arm strength for sports that involve throwing or pulling with the hands – so important that they have already been introduced in the novice program. Romanian deadlifts (RDLs), a deadlift variant that starts at the top instead of on the floor, and barbell rows (pulled from the floor on each rep) can be added at this stage of training.
>Lower-back-specific exercises such as glute/ham raises and heavy abdominal work such as weighted sit-ups can be used by intermediate trainees to improve trunk stability for the basic movements. These exercises can be varied along the repetition continuum depending on the result desired, but generally they are used at higher reps than the basic strength movements, since they cannot be trained in the same sense that the primary exercises can. They function more as extra work and active “rest” than as critical components of the programming, and in the event of a back injury they should be discontinued because of their tendency to irritate an injured spinal component that should be kept stable while it heals.
Final bit.
>There are times when non-barbell-based assistance exercises are appropriate. Barbell exercises are very stressful, and there is only so much that a lifter can recover from within the training program, and only so much he can do within a given workout. There are no strict guidelines that govern exactly when a lifter should employ dumbbell, bodyweight, or even machine exercises, but there are instances where they are appropriate. Dumbbell presses at all angles (flat, incline, and seated) can be useful tools to add mass to the shoulder girdle. Knocking out 3-5 x10 after heavy barbell work, can be a powerful stimulant for growth. Isolation triceps work is good for lifters who are focused on building up bench and pressing strength, and can be done with e-z curl bars, dumbbells, or machines for multiple sets of 10-12. For the lower body, exercises like glute-ham raises and back extensions can add a little work without the stress of heavy stiff-leg deadlifts, RDLs, or good mornings.
When you finish the program, ANY program, you will still look like a DYEL piece of shit. The difference is that by the time you finish SS you should probably have somewhat acceptable numbers for the big lifts, so you have a decent strength base for a more advanced routine. So ask yourself, would you rather spend x months following a routine, still look like shit but have good lifts, or would you rather follow a routine for x months,still look like shit and have shit lifts?
Your squat looks disproportionately high compared to your other lifts, makes me think you're half repping.
My stats are
505 dl
395 squat
305 bench
205 ohp
>goal is for bench = squat
jesus dude at least get your squat to 2plate before switching routines. Also if you fuckin weigh the same you aint gaining much strength. Just lift and eat for at least 6 months christ
Lately I've been going just below 90 degrees. I was going deeper in the past but my left knee started to bother me a tad.
I think it's higher because of the 5x5.
You shouldn't go too deep anyway my man