Whom here like to get BAZONGO'D before their workout, or after?
Any of you freaks use satan's cabbage to help with bulking? Favorite strains? Hemp protein?
>ITT why cannabis is the ultimate supp
Weed General
>he uses whey protein
Always after workout but i love it.
Makes everything better. I also sleep more than enough and really enjoy eating clean because of it.
Stopped smoking four years ago and i now love vaping it with pic related (no mouthfedora, actually healthy, no nicotine or artifical chemicals)
I came to this thread to berate you low-lives for smoking, but what is that vape called? I have an old cheap mouthfedora which sucks and I refuse to smoke.
same here, quit the flower after i learned about the oil vapes. usually before cardio days and after weight days.
th real magic is the topical oil and Ill even get the one with a lil thc in it if im bein cheeky, DOMs have never bothered me less.
Pax 3 master race
I vape sativa pre workout and indica post workout
Tfw homegym so i can get bazoonked mid set
Pax 3 + water adapter = damn boi
Smooth like arnolds pecs
IIRC there were some interviews were Arnie would bash milk and say he preferred beer, and that after his first olympia he never would've gone on without ol mary jane lol what a lad
Arizer air
The man is my fucking idol
The last thing he did before leaving his sweet ass job at cali was make weed legal
Seriously national hero right there also massive troll
Stoner bodybuilder somehow gets a position as mayor because of his crazy charisma (ultra chad). Last minute before leaving he presses the legalize weed button flips everyone offs and rides into the sunset blazing
Also hes a fucking tobot sent from the future wtf
i bet you lift with gloves on and your keyboard lights up
No but i make more money in one month than you do in half a year so theres that
Oh shit actually my keyboard does have some lights
Nice its still illegal here so i dont get oil that easy. Would love to taste that too.
Should i try pic related?
>first laptop in albania
If you want to waste like 80% of the bud then yeah go ahead
How did you know? At least no one can witness it in my homegym
What are those vape things like lads? Trying to give up tobacco but every time I smoke a joint it brings the cravings back.
Really poor student though so does anyone have any cheap ones they can recommend?Nice
How can you start craving that filthy dirty tobacco when smoking a joint? Try dropping acid once and then hopefully you will realize how blatantly retarded smoking cigarettes regularly is. It's easy to get caught up in what you're doing until you detach your mindset from it and get a better look at it.
Dont buy a cheap one. Its well worth the Money. You get more taste and much more out of your weed. A good one will start at 150€ .
I got the Arizer Solo since 2010 in daily use
I live in a country where legal weed is available. it has negligible amounts of THC but high amounts of CBD. I was thinking of making edibles with some for the physical properties (anti-inflammatory, relaxing) to aid in recovery and lower anxiety.
anyone have experience with CBD and its effects?
Would not recommend mate, just wait till you can get the real deal imo
It vaporizes the weed instead of smoking eat
Save bud
Tastes very good
Better high (clearheaded)
The cheap ones are very shitty but its realy worth getting a proper vape.. Get a pax 3. It has 10 years warranty and its an awesome vape
This and this
Yes! I can get these ridiculous 300mg gummy bears in FL here in burgerland, all CDB. Great clear feeling in both my mind and body, also good to give to someone if their greening out or on some pussy shit getting “too high.”
I like to roll a skinny joint or two in the evenings but it
>makes me fappy
>kills all motiv8ion, I won't even clean up after cooking
>reduces sleep quality
Once in a blue moon is best. Day after I toke I feel great, all smiles and positivity. After I've dug into the bag 3 or 4 nights in a row I feel like a hobo
Like user said earlier, the topical cream works wonders if you can get your hands on that, and edible CDB btfos ibuprofen and co.
sai + solo 2 masterrace
You should try out different strains and conc. If I smoke on a lil of a heavily sativa strain, I find myself so high I’m almost hyper aware of my lack of motivation. There’s even this crazy THC-A compound that some strains have been bred to express dominantly, and from what I’ve read it’s basically speed in marijuana form lol
If you vape your weed you dont get thc a because it vaporizes in higher temps. Vaoe is usually 180 thca is releases at like 200
I meant THC-V my bad
fucking damn thats sicck man
I have a grasshopper and that use with my bong.
>fat rips
>hits hard
>no smoke
>can do it indoors
everyone needs to come to DA VAPENATION. I used to love smoking, still enjoy it but vaping is sooo good. The hits are good, no smell, much better for you, and you use less bud.
>doesn't know that cannabis reduce levels of testosterone
sorry user, I'm not a idiot
>can do it indoors
your room must stink like cat piss
>Doesn’t stack his daily smoke with TRT
Lol stay poor and small
Think it has something to do with the nicotine in tobacco being one of the most addictive substances known to man.
I don't smoke unless I'm drunk but I get really bad headaches whenever I smoke a j with tobacco in.
na bro fuck cats, they suck
Weed doesn't reduce test you fucking mong
since this thread is open already, i'll ask here: how long do edibles need to kick in? i got weed candy that i want to eat on new years eve, but it's not enough for two hits, so the first one must be in time. any experiences? alcohol is an option to accelerate if necessary, but if it hits too soon, the evening might turn out disappointing
just VAPE bro
Owns a tank and cooks eggs and bacon on it
This + you hot the stealth aspect. Its totally illegal here and i dont give a fuck using my Arizer Air literally everywhere. I greet cops passing by, vaped it in a full cinema, in a bus and everyday on my walks with my dogger. No one even recognized it yet.
I used to love smoking but now it just makes me extremely paranoid and anxious. If I smoked and went to the gym I'd just get VERY nervous and feel awkward. Would probably do 2 sets then run away crying.
Night before christmas and I feel kinda shitty.
Can't drink because I'm almost a month sober after over a year of drinking daily.
Any tips for vaping and not freaking out?
nah i already got the candy, so i want to try it. gave my vaporizer to a friend
>This + you hot the stealth aspect. Its totally illegal here and i dont give a fuck using my Arizer Air literally everywhere. I greet cops passing by, vaped it in a full cinema, in a bus and everyday on my walks with my dogger. No one even recognized it yet.
are you nuts? Vaping a stem of an arizer air takes at least 10 minutes to extract even half of it. Just do portable dabs off a sai, takes 1-2 min tops
go out in the nature, where there's no other people around. that works best for me at least, even better than sitting at home
Try a nice Indica. Make it cosy and enjoy it while eating and watching something good. Or fuck while high, even better. Just make sure you have done everything you needed to do before.
Sometimes I like to get blazed and roll with my partner. That's a Brazillian Jiu Jitsu term for those who don't know.
I cant do dabs because i cant get oil here. Also i love walking in nature or at fresh Air while vaping that thing. Makes me feel like a handsome young Gandalf. Its great that it takes up to 20min.
you can get oil anywhere, you just have to find the right people. Look for people that have tattoos
Weeds bad mmkay
Give it an hour to be safe man
Get out a here Joe
Depends on how full your stomach is beforehand. Usually 30mins to 2 hrs.
So thats why they look like that
thanks. so i'll probably have to eat it right before we enter the club. don't want to risk it melting in there
no, they get tattoos because their tattoo artist sells drugs. Thats a quick way to launder money
Yeah 30m-2hr
So, what's with all the vaping? Nobody else a fan of the ol' rolled joint or a few bong hits?
I bought a $500 vape and also tried some honey dab, but man, while the high is clean, it doesn't seem to last as long, even if I keep reusing the vape.
A joint or a bong with ice water hits me like a motherfucking train and I find that I need less weed to get high.
Anyone feels the same?
Also, how the fuck I deal with weed boners? I'm there doing deadlifts and I get a perma-chub out of the blue. This happen to anyone else?
>$500 vape
you should have just gotten a $250 solo 2
>A joint or a bong with ice water hits me like a motherfucking train and I find that I need less weed to get high.
you need exponentially MORE weed to combust than to vape
>Anyone feels the same?
you're a fucking idiot
this is true for me as well. wish i could smoke daily but it totally kills my motivation and makes me fall asleep at like 9pm.
I love the story in Pumping Iron how he told one bodybuilder to scream while flexing at a competition in Munich.
I'm literally buying a vape/pre filled oil cartridge today. Shit is revolutionary, and it doesn't shred my throat and lungs like facing blunts
edibles aren’t good for going out IMO. much better for chill times where you don’t have to interact much.
I roll joints mainly or use a bong. I dont really feel like investing in a vape
You can put the excess into food after making it in butter
I vape about once a week before I have a girl come over, gets me in a relaxed mood/ self amusing and makes sex that much better.
Can't even ask for advice without being called an idiot? How am I supposed to learn if I can't ask questions?
You seem like a pleasant individual.
Most people go with vapes and dab pens I’ve seen because they’re cheaper, cleaner and more discreet. I usually bust out the blunts and glass for social occasions. Also weed boners?? Lol
>Also weed boners??
I can't even see a 4/10 and the thing gets hard as a rock if I happen to be high.
>Not using the mouthpiece with the little black tip
>Not using the cool and refreshing blue setting temperature
>Not gonna make it
>using first gen arizer air
>doesnt even have 1 degree up and down temp control
never gonna make it
Powerful! Keep that high T under wraps buddy lmao
glass pipe master race reporting in
Grow up kid and do the gentleman's drug of choice.
Love weed before, during and after workout/ runs. Makes my exercise high more powerful, the tunes more juicy, gives me more energy and takes edge off any DOMS. Makes my housemates lazy as balls though. Herb is best for workout, hash increases my affinity for couches a little too much.
Never been more disappointed with a drug. Got some primo uncut from source a couple times and huffed till my face was numb and heart about to explode, did not satisfy. Lasts fuck all, expensive as fuck and only gives decent euphoria when drinking. It's like super expensive super coffee. I can buy a year's worth of acid or MDMA for a night's worth of coke. Won't pass up a line if offered, but damn, coke is as big a meme as weed IMO.
I ate 1000 mg brownie and I passed out a whole day ama
Nah, that's a cop-out, bullshit if you will. You can get nicotine in a lot of different ways that don't fill up your lungs with smoke. Bullshit.
Yeah, using a vape which lets you actually inhale the vapors, as opposed to a ... whatever the fuck the name of that piece of hair equipment is called.
Why are you a faggot?
Good job wasting a good high on overdoing it, we're all very proud of you.
The thought of having a nice shit while I toke keeps me going during my end-workout cardio. The session is so much better after a hard workout too. I just wish I could stop smoking cigarettes. Can’t eveb properly enjoy my weed without chasing it with a Newport.
Are you black?
trying to get a job at a place that for sure tests, but i love weed as a compliment to almost everything - notably sex, vidya & movies. traditionally smoked after gym, not before; but have definitely killed it on a good high before.
So like in between sets or midrun or wtf?
I gave up blunts when I realized that I was just replacing the nicotine from cigarettes with the nicotine from the blunt wraps. Still smoke joints/bowls and it hurts my lungs less but I’m waiting for dat sweet Christmas bonus from work to buy a PAX3 and start vaping oil
Usually mid-way through, I just smoke a little bit to maintain the headspace, then a bigger one after I'm finished and ready to relax/before I hit the shower. I run at night and lift free weights at home so its a pretty chill experience I really look forward to at the end of the day.
The pax3 looks sharp as hell, good choice
To everyone in this thread saying they work out high, be aware that your lifts are shittier because of it.
Honestly I don't get why you feel the need to smoke before or after a workout. After, I always feel pretty good anyway, sometimes great. Is it because you need to be high all the time? Literally never going to make it.
no one cares about your madeup salary, this is a fitness board not a small dick support group.
Although I'll admit that it sometimes doubles as the latter
my names joe and i also smoke weed and roll
So are you my brother or our buddy?