Find one flaw with this routine

Find one flaw with this routine

Workout A:
5x5 Bench Press
5x5 OHP
5x5 Squat
3x10 Dips

Workout B:
5x5 Bench Press
5x5 OHP
5x5 Barbell Row
5x5 Deadlift

Alternate A/B every other day

Where are ur pull-ups bro

No accessories?

I have limited time in the gym (1.5 hours max incl. shower)

not enough back

pressing to pulling 2:1 yeah mean really well rounded

is what your front delts will be fag. enjoy shitty posture

If your answer to every flaw is "i dont have time," that doesn't mean your routine is free of flaws, it just means you need more time

At the least get a home-pull up bar and pop a few sets in when you have the free time during the day.

is my push pull ratio okay?

Who is this girl? She is perfect thinspo

Hervé flaw os notre being on n'y dick

this must be a joke...

enjoy the imbalances

Spotted le français.

Okay, here's 3:
>dips after 2 pressing movements
>5x5 diddlies
good luck keeping that up for more than like 3 weeks
you'll last 2 months tops before you can't go any further

yeah I meant to put 1x5 DL

what about this?

Workout A:
5x5 Bench Press
5x5 OHP
5x5 Squat
3x10 Chinups

Workout B:
5x5 Bench Press
5x5 OHP
5x5 Barbell Row
5x5 Deadlift

It's still trash
>pressing heavy every day
>OHP and bench every day
Stick to an established novice routine, you have no idea how to make a functional program

yeah looks good, just make sure you dont forget your bench suit and mini bands

its not a hard concept. just alternate ohp and bench and do the same with dl and squat. also do alternate rows and ohp do face pulls everyday and do some bis and tris when waiting for other shit. its not rocket science.

me again. because you seem super slow

Face pulls


A chest shoulders triceps abs
10x4 Bench Press
10x4 OHP
10x4 triceps curls
10x4 dumbbells fly
10x4 Arnold Press

B lats traps biceps legs (jk lol fuck leg size I like my jeans)
10x4 barbell rowing
10x4 barbell curls
10x4 dumbbell shrugs
10x4 reverse grip barbell rowing
10x4 pull ups
10x4 hammer curls
10x4 neck exercice I don't remember the name of

dont do this. arnold press flies for someone with limited time? lul

No squat

I wondered the same thing, best i could find was another pic

I can do this in one hour, this is my old routine from back I did my service, had good results but had to drop lifting because demanding job.

>bench suit and mini bands

you will end up with overdeveloped/injured anterior deltoids and rounded posture if you do that endlessly.

probably want to start workouts with most neurologically challenging exercises (squat, deadlift)

no real elbow flexor work (not a meme)

would recommend adding a third day e.g.


Reverse flyes

Reverse hypers

Tricep extensions
Leg extensions

Barbell Rows
Calf Raises

Why the fuck would you bench every time you go to the gym

wait, I thought excercises that tire the CNS should go last (i.e. deadlift), guess I'm retarded

also, could you provide some feedback on my routine please?

Too long in the gym
Straight up ignoring some major muscle groups ("the compounds will hit them")
Postural imbalance from too little back work
Gonna have to sacrifice too much weight for 2nd 5x5 exercise
5x5 dl and 5x5 squat every other day will leave you constantly fatigued and soon unable to progress

People with "but I'm a special snowflake..."

x5 diddlies
>good luck keeping that up for more than like 3 weeks
You can do this for months as a beginner

>you'll last 2 months tops before you can't go any further
Confirmed retard

>fatigue yourself with isolations before heavy compounds
Hm yes surely it makes sense to build the tip of the pyramid before the base

now there is too much pulling

Jej, l find a few.
>not rotating the order of your bench and OHP
>no vertical pull
>5x5 deadlift
>pre-exhausting the back and grip with rows before doing deadlift
Why design your own program when you have no idea how to program? Use an established routine instead.

Garbage metaphor

its a disgusting, alien looking post cosmetic surgery asian

Its pretty common for people to modify beginner programs to put squats and dl last so it doesnt fatigue you for the rest of the session. Theres no real reason to do one before the other, its mostly up to what you care about most.

ok i can only see a point to doign all these random things (spoto press, speed work) if you are doing a sport or are trying to fix a specific weakness.

if you are a gymrat, this is pointless

you would likely achieve more doing AXBX, without doing the same exercise on both days

i generally find a 3 day split to be the easiest way to get enough of everything

you also need more volume on your compound exercises; min 3 - 6 x 5 or 7 - 10 x 4

A1. Squat 4 - 6 x 5 - 0 rest
A2. Leg curl 4 - 6 x 5 - 120'' rest
C. OHP 4 - 6 x 5 - 120'' rest
D.Face pull - 8 - 10 x 5 - 60'' rest

A1 Bench press 4 - 6 x 5 - no rest
A2 Chin ups 4 - 6/AMRAP x 5 - 120'' rest
B1. Fly/dips/other pressing movement - 7-10 x 4 - no rest
B2. Row - 7 - 10 x 4 - 120'' rest
A. Deadlift 2 - 3 x 6/4 - 6 x 5 - 180" rest
B1. Incline DB curl - 8 - 10 x 4 - no rest
B2. Incline OH triceps extension 8 - 10 x 4 - 90'' rest
C1. Leg raises AMRAP x 3 - no rest
C2. Calves 12 - 15 x 3 (some people need more sets) - 30" rest

Think this covers all the stuff you originally had

Notice how workout structure automatically controls push/pull ratio

this is dopey

One man's disgusting, alien looking post cosmetic surgery asian is another man's perfect fucktoy. It's what makes the world go round.

because I want to have a big chest? are you retarded user?

I'm doing boxing when I'm not in the gym, that what this is supposed to support.
so increase volume, for each day? 5x5 good on comps? why is that though? thanks for the feedback

I was told you should alternate programs about every month or else your body will adjust to the program.
Is this true? or was the big black dude at the squat rack a lyin' lil nigger?

>alternate ohp and bench
>also do alternate rows and ohp

so... BenchP and Rows on same day?

You should do Inclines and Dips instead.
Bench is good but flat bench won't get dem gainz as quick.

I'd love to look like a gorgeous, plastic alien

Are the letters days? or are the Roman Numerals days?

A1. Squat 4 - 6 x 5 - 0 rest
A2. Leg curl 4 - 6 x 5 - 120'' rest
C. OHP 4 - 6 x 5 - 120'' rest
D.Face pull - 8 - 10 x 5 - 60'' rest

For one day? or
A1. Squat 4 - 6 x 5 - 0 rest
A1 Bench press 4 - 6 x 5 - no rest
A. Deadlift 2 - 3 x 6/4 - 6 x 5 - 180" rest

one day?

I apologize for the autisim, but wat?

No vertical pull. Way too much pushing compared to your pulls. No rear delt exercise at all so you're begging for injuries. Plus You'll stall pretty quickly on this routine since It leaves no room for improvement to handle stalling.
It's shit desu.

You won't ever recover enough to progress, and there is no progression scheme whatsoever.

You're doing the exact same rep scheme every day.

You're not doing enough pulling to offset how much pressing you're doing.

i've been doing this routine at home with some adjustable dumbbells/ barbell, but reading this thread made me insecure about it, critique pls

DB Bench Press
Front Squat
Barbell Rows/DB Seal Rows
Zottman Curls

BB/DB Military Rows
Romanian Deadlift
Dips/Close-grip Bench Press
Lateral Raises

inb4 no vertical pull, don't have any place to hang a pull-up bar, also no squat rack


just do the bridge.

not OP but r8 this one

Monday: Chest/Triceps/Shoulders
>Bench 5x8
>OHP 3x8
>Incline 5x8
> Chest DB Flyes 3x10
>Lateral Raises 3x12
>Rear Delt Raises 3x12
>Front Delt Raises 3x12

Tuesday: Back/Biceps
>Pullups 3x10
>Chin-Ups 3x10
>Barbell Rows 5x8
>Plate Rows 5x12
>Barbell Curls 5x10
>Hammer Curls 3x12

Thursday: Chest/Triceps/Shoulders
>Bench 5x8
>OHP 3x8
>Incline 5x8
> Chest DB Flyes 3x10
>Front Delt Raises 3x12
>Lateral Delt Raises 4x12
>Rear Delt Raises 5x12
Friday: Back/Biceps
>Pullups 3x10
>Chin-Ups 3x10
>Barbell Rows 5x8
>Plate Rows 5x12
>Barbell Curls 5x10
>Hammer Curls 3x12

you have to do more pulling. 99% of people who work at the desk will have naturally rounded shoulders which is why they need more pulling. Plus back volume will not end in posture problems.