target or walmart when it comes to gains?
Target or walmart when it comes to gains?
Local farms
>3.19 bucks for half a galon
Fucking nigger how is milk so cheap in America? It cost around 3usd converted from my country's currency for 1 liter of milk
i thought breast milk is the superior milk?
Dude that's expensive as hell. In my state a gallon of whole cost a little over $2. I couldn't find any prices on Walmart so I just looked up the average for the state.
>not getting your food freshly delivered from amazonfresh
>1 liter of whole milk
I'm seriously jelly at this, and like I said, 3usd converted per liter of milk average
Target doesn't have a butcher. Wal Mart.
Because we have entire states that do nothing but make dairy farms.
Always target. I only go to Walmart to buy consoles
Walmart is far cheaper for food, although neither are great as groceries. I prefer based Publix, amirite FL/GAbros?
>using (((amazon)))
Enjoy your new world order
that's stupid expensive
hello boltsbro
All milk is breast milk. Plant extracts called “milk “ notwithstanding.
That’s expensive. I get milk for $3.70 a gallon and I think that’s a little high
Can’t imagine being outside the US and spending so much money on food, that must suck
Target is MILF HQ.
that's absurdly high m8, whole milk is like 2.30/gal here
target because like said it's for white people and not ghetto niggers
target has pawgs
target gets you gains n blood flow
Best answer
FL Publix Master race checkin in
if you;ve got gains in mind i say wal-mart
not only is their food cheaper, they usually have a bigger selection, but you can also get a good look at all the GDEs that you're surpassing everytime you go to the gym
>$2.13 for ONE dozen eggs
>mfw regularly buying eggs for $0.39/dozen in the midwest
Why are paleo fuckwads so stupid?
Walmart. They usually have meat discounted every day. Their Savings Catcher matches prices from other stores as well, got $3.50 59oz of OJ matched for $0.99 and $6.50 bacon matched for $2.99
Winco is probably the best for discounts though. Got 1lb of 93% lean ground beef for $2 and 3lbs of carne asada for $5. I'm sure it was only that cheap because of the holiday needing to unload their food.