I had some chicken drumsticks in the fridge and made some deep fried chicken today. Problem is I left it in the fridge for almost a week which is way longer than recommended.
It smelled kind of chemically, and I looked it up; that's a sign it went bad. I knew it might be bad since I left it in the fridge so long but I was so hungry, I ate one and a half pieces before I checked it. It tasted okay, but a little weird, like it was a bit burnt or overcooked. It was breaded though which changed the flavor.
I did cook the chicken thoroughly. ~12 minutes in the oil on medium and at least 20 minutes boiling in a pot on high. Maybe I cooked it well enough that I'm okay?
It's the start of the holidays for me and I'm terrified of getting food poisoning. What should I do?
Nathan Lee
I ate it less than an hour ago if that helps.
Connor Rogers
Throw it up if you're so worried. I ate half a packet of ground beef once, then saw the half that was leftover raw when I went to put it in. Completely rotten. I've got a chronic stuffed nose so I couldn't smell it, but I remember it tasting a bit funny, but I use a lot of spices and shit so didn't think it was the meat.
Barfed the whole meal up into the toilet and was fine.
Nathan Ward
how do I throw it up on purpose
Nathan Gonzalez
OP, go to the bathroom and stick your finger down your throat. NOW.
Chicken is only good for a few days in the fridge, and if it smells bad, it IS bad. Unless you REALLY want food poisoning.
Adrian Rodriguez
stick your finger really far down your throat? don't little bitches in high school do this shit all the time?
cooking does kill bacteria, but they still leave behind toxic compounds, if it's even slightly off, you should still consider throwing it up for your health... not that throwing up is good, but off chicken could make you really sick.
at the same time, supermarkets across the west sell off-chicken by covering it in seasonings.
Jeremiah Ortiz
You kneel over the toilet, then put your fingers and push into the back of your throat. Feel around a while and you'll probably find a spot that makes you start throwing up.
First you'll gag, but if you continue it starts pouring out. Brush your teeth after to get rid of the stomach acids and make something new to eat.
Owen Miller
if you brush your teeth right after throwing up, you'll wear away the enamel because the acid will soften it, and then brushing it will just fuck with it. this is why brushing after soda is not the best idea. better to drink some neutral ph water, or alkaline, assuming he has some, which I should probably not.
eat yogurt after throwing up instead
Caleb Stewart
Huh, learn something new everyday.
OP, don't brush your teeth. But report back if you succeeded barfing.