whats the deal with milk?
high in sugar? increases estrogen?
i thought this was the drink of choice for chads?
what is the truth about milk Veeky Forums?
whats the deal with milk?
high in sugar? increases estrogen?
i thought this was the drink of choice for chads?
what is the truth about milk Veeky Forums?
Not all sugars are created equal, dumbfuck. Milk is good for you. Literally produced by animals to be given to their young for optimum growth.
its a whyte nationalist thing, its fucking garbage and you absolutely should not be drinking it at all
>just says things
Only the weak cannot drink milk, notice how small lactose intolerant people are.
>thinks he knows better than 3 billion years of evolution because a board full of basement dwelling NEET nazis told him that milk is jewish
The truth is that you should just stop being a goy and only drink raw milk.
Bugenhagen drinks milk EVERY DAY.
The truth is someone figured out you could bottle milk and sell it many years ago, and it's all a scam
Been drinkin milk all my life
>6'3" 235 lbs 1/2/3/4 lifts omw to making it to 2/3/4/5.
>Awkward faliure in all other aspects of life.
Roll the dice OP you pussy.
Don't drink more then 2-3 glasses a day and you'll be fine.
>3 billion
nigger that's 3.3 billion years of evolution to you. disrespectful ass child, think of our ancestors
>whyte nationalists told me it was kike'd
no, I just looked at all the faggots who drink milk at the gym and on here and on twitter and they're all chubby or have way too high BF% and their lifts aren't impressive enough to justify it. Learn to cook you lazy COW
and if you're gonna consume liquid dairy, drink kefir so you get microbiome gains you bugfaggot
>if something has been done for a long enough time, you can determine that it's good
Nice critical thinking skills there, brickhead.
I drink at least 1/2 of a gallon per day of skim - two protein shakes, latte and cereal/milk
Chad tier.
Those are terrible lifts for someone who is 235 lbs
calfs also drink raw milk straight from the tit
If there's so much sugar in milk, how come it doesn't taste sweet at all?
>Holland has the highest amount of milk ingested per capita
>Holland also boasts the tallest average height
the avwrage Durch person is a faggot tho an they’re river kikes
Do you not know what cream tastes like?
and some of their women have deliciously pale aureolas. the difference is i have personal experience on this, and you're spouting hateful bullshit
Tf did i just read?
OP I'll help you:
>raw milk
>hard cheese
>some fresh cheese
>condensed milk
not OK:
anything else milk-related
>river kikes
fuck you, we're swamp germans
Why skim
>what is fat free milk
I can tell you're actually a nigger
ya know that all pasteurization consists of is heating the milk for a few seconds so it inhibits bacterial growth and lasts longer in your fridge. it doesn't add any meme shit. its just safer for us to drink than raw milk. thats the only difference
He's afraid of a little fat
bugenhagen told me to drink whole milk for the extra shit that makes you grow
>drinking milk
>white nationalist
Where the fuck did this one come from? Salty mystery meats whining about how they can't into lactose tolerance?
Fat not what gets you though it's sugar
It originated from the HWNDU stream where some black guy accused the “milk man” for being racist because drinking milk is a white nationalist thing. Apparently it’s not because most non-whites have trouble digesting milk but some other strange reason that you hear frequently from the current left-wing. I still have no idea what the black guy’s issue was or why the milk man kept drinking milk.
Fuck you. 6'7 230lbs Dutch freakbeast masterrace
Soyboy detected
The truth is that whole milk is godtier and the only "people" who think otherwise are lactose intolerant shitskins
Milk doesn't even taste good. Its a globalist, weaponized puss and estrogen delivery system to make people dependent on pharmaceutical companies.
>when you're a shitskin who drinks whole milk
Drinking another animal’s breast milk is fucking bizzare and unnatural. Eating another animal’s flesh, however, is totally normal and healthy.
This is the ultimate red pill dairycucks
>tfw didnt sleep a lot and didnt drink much milk when i was growing
>tfw 5'8.5 at 24
>tfw feels like every younger girl is taller than me and every guy towers over me.
tfw probably gonna be micro man to women in a few decades.
may extremely high doses of milk slightly increase your estrogen a bit? maybe.
you know what will raise your testosterone better then any supplement though? fucking winning all the time dude, GOMAD and PRs!
>given to their young for optimal growth
Are to a calf?
>3 billion years of evolution
>Human drink another animals milk since maybe 1.000 years...
just kys
drink coconut milk instead :)
I'm giving it a shot because of Bugenhagen
but it tastes completely different
The truth is your mom has huge milkers and thats sweet
Why don't you try drinking milk for two weeks, then compare it to how you felt before when not drinking milk. Formulate your own opinion from a self experiment. Fucking crazy, I know.
I remember being 19 too. tradition is tradition for a reason, grand innovation is rare. 9/10 times it's there for a reason. only fools disregard tradition.
Pretty much retard
I think that was the point of the post
It was the hoister's drink of choice for hundreds of years, but modern men have weak stomachs so they can't handle it anymore.
You're buying chocolate milk. Buy the white stuff, it's better for you
Fug that grill is qt
quality post, my friend