>oh no, I don't really go to the gym, I'm just a pretty muscular guy naturally
Oh no, I don't really go to the gym, I'm just a pretty muscular guy naturally
Other urls found in this thread:
>5 pushups a day man, that's all it took. gym is a meme
>wii fit and zumba mate
say this to girls for maximum returns.
>i have one of those pullup things on my doorframe and I play basketball at the park sometimes
I just say I have a manly job that's how I'm muscular
>tfw roofer and brick layer
People want to be around people who put the same effort into theirselves as they do for themselves.
If you have to cover up your fitness routine, you hang out with losers, and you need to find more driven friends or you’ll eventually regress back to their state. You are who you surround yourself with.
>all i do is flex for a few minutes in front of the mirror every morning, that's all it takes really
Lol that's what I tell girls. Some of them actually fall for it. really makes you think
>brick layer
Do you carry bricks or do you lay bricks?
You're the diddly lift and carry bitch. I'm the bricksplit upper body lifter
The girls I find tend to like muscular guys but ones that don't put too much effort into it, which doesn't exist but they don't know that for some reason. I don't get it either.
>yeah i don't mess with that fake muscle building protein powder junk
>i just eat healthy whole-grain cereal every morning, sometimes with a doughnut ;^)
nattycuck bucks, fraud fucks
I do both, I'd never work a job that wasn't hard labor
>no, I've never taken steroids, you would be amazed at what the human body can accomplish with hard work and patience
I work in a warehouse emptying containers of 30kg boxes all day and the "manual labour jobs make you muscular" shit is such a meme.
I think rip puts it best in this video as to why doing manual labour does not make you muscular
It shows you have good genetics if you're naturally muscular.
I'd like to think that too, but I'm betting 15 more years of landscaping will have me ready to quit. I don't plan on staying that long though because there's better money earning options anyways
>no no I'm not nearly that tall, I'm only 6'0
>just be yourself
Obviously you won't get gains from doing baby weight deadlifts every day. Most manual labor jobs aren't just repetitive easy shit like yours though. I'm on side of the argument riptit made, but not every manual job is the same thing, with no progression.
>looking bigger user
Must be all that Wii fit and Zumba I've been doing eh?
I know a guy like that but he never admits to being strong. Doesn't go to the gym, bulkier build but not muscled up. Knew him for a few years and seen all kinds of shit from lifting things I didn't think he'd be able to just pick up and stack to getting hit by a massive beam of wood that fell and just kept unloading furniture like it was no biggie.
Something ain't right with that man. Like it honestly kinda freaked me out sometimes. Glad he was (is?) Nice.
I unironically use this line sometimes. Whenever there are any dyel within earshot I can tell they get super triggered.
>feels gud man
>Living with high test
I'll never know that feel.
>Roidmonkey Chad friend always says stupid things when people ask him how he got big
>"Oh you know, I just do yoga sometimes"
>"My standing desk helps me stay in shape!"
>"I only drink diet soda"
He thinks he's so funny knowing he can bench 3 pl8 3X12
Sounds like it could be retard strength. Get him tested.
>retard strength
you mean
>non-millennial strength
Sorry, gotta be that guy. He's a millennial.
None of us woulda known if he didn't get bored one day and started lifting shit he shouldn't have been.
>they stuck him with all the manlets because it's less worry about a fuck up
>mfw I didn't have to work with manlets until he quit
>Say this to girl
>You fall in love and start dating
>Upon becoming a stalwart part of your life, she realises you're a pathetic liar and leaves you.
I shiggydiggy.