>tfw no gf
I hope the rumors of 2018 being the year of gf is true
I just want to give my love to someone
Tfw no gf
It is user. 2018 is the year
Nah having a girlfriend is overrated, just take some Money and go fuck a hooker if you are desperate.
having a hot gf that is also a decent girl and really connects with you and is physically attracted to you is the best thing ever.
Do everything you can to overcome your problems,identify the problem and solve it,get that gf,fuck her everyday,make some babies,become a man.
Sex is the last thing in a relationship that I'm interested in
same here user
holy fuck, I used to fap to this pic religously
pretty pathetic but whatever
Yup, don't just go for the first wet hole u can get yo dick in. Unless it for friends with benefits
>teeth are yellow, chipped, and full of plaque
not gonna make it with that attitude
Wrote to my crush that i liked her
>Crush has seen this
No response
I don't want a gf anymore. Only a few more years and I become a wizard anyways
W-what rumors?
whether you believe it is
or you believe it isn't
you're right
I truly hope that 2018 will be the year when my eternal quest for a gf will finally end.
Talk to people in person if they are important to you, you manchild. Might as well have passed her a folded note written in crayon...
>tfw finally got a gf
>pretty hot, too, most men on the planet would want what I have
>she's stroking my hair, whispering "I love you" in my ear
>I'm still dead inside
wat do
yeah, most of the virgin losers here that complain about not having a gf have this teenage girl mindset that "sex is not important", "i dont want to lose my virginity to a whore".
I'm pretty much a teenage idiot tsun in a fit men's body, life is suffering
I actually wanted to because i agree with you. But the problem is that when we're in school, another girl is crazy for me and publicly in class constantly asks me if i want to go with her to the toilets and fuck her. It complicates things.
>tfw i know that getting a gf or getting laid won't fix the void that my crippling insecurities have left
She replied that she had just started seeing someone.
I thought i was going to feel bad, but i just feel happy that im free from thinking about her? Now i have the experience of being rejected under my belt. I feel really damn good. What the fuck is going on?
Welcome to defining the situation.
Its always better to shoot your shot. Now u know and can relax.
Humans dislike uncertainty. When u think u have a chance, it torments .
Now u free. Merry Christmas.