Let's all congratulate twinklex on achieving the minimum competitive deadlift edition.
/plg/ - powerlifting general
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>congratulating a 260 bencher
I guess it's xmas, grats on 500 dl lad
The previous one had a better picture tho
I remember when i first pulled 500...
I thought i was amazing, crashed down hard from that hype train
>minimum competitive deadlift
did somebody try jim wendlers building the monolith? it seems like a good bulking plan and has some aesthetics as a cherry on top of it.
Slightly similar, I squatted 200 for first time, thought I was the hottest shit around, went to a strongman gym and saw guys doing that for binch lel.
It's a fun challenge, and you will build mass.
>couldn't hold on to the fucking bar because in the gym I was in today the knurling is sheit, the bars are fat as fuck and I forgot my chalk
I just squatted my deadlift workout then..
Was supposed to test deadlift with 177,5kg for max reps
I HIT MY 20LB PR (365)
inb4 plz be in kg
idc im proud :)
merry chrissy guys!
>benching with shitty knurling
>sweaty spaghetti and no chalk
>left hand keeps slipping further out every rep
send help
>chest freckles
Ooh, exciting
is that bullying me???
No, I'm saying that sounds exciting because I want to die
Well done lad. Knew you could do it.
Merry Christmas
reminder that measuring limb circumference favors obese people
>I want to die
Nigger, go have some fun!
Life is great if you have fun. Meet a girl, set some lifting PRs, go hang out with friends.
Are you even trying, lol.
Daaang this is 2nd chick you've posted and she's 10/10 as well upload collection pls if rest are like that
165kg Squat is what I consider respectable (>140kg or 3pl8 is past gymbro level).
Congrats, you are finally part of the small big guys team.
Next stop is 200Kg (440lbs) Squat.
I used to post them all willy-nilly. I use them to emphasize certain posts now.
trip on fat retard
fat retard cant even squat 165 kgs tho
He can, he very ugly squat morning'd 175kg yesterday. Then failed 185kg.
what if i cant meet girls
>only 25kg from gymbro to respectable
>next stop is 35kg away
Tbh i would argue 200kg is repectable depending on weight class
Heh, not him
>so ugly no girl is attracted
>avoidant personality, so always seem emotionless ->no friends
>back hurts
Thanks for reading blog and sorry for making plg shit
There are 4 billion of them, queer.
Lol, just try.
i cant try
so frog snapped his shit up and canät even do bw squats now?
>Life is great
objectively wrong.
Unironically fake it til you make it and do something about your back.
thanks for the update
how do i try
No way, lol
Who could have seen that coming.
Hancoooooooooot, LMAO
hancott stayed natty though
he could be joking
Is cuckol's 3xint med volume bench routine any good? I did high and quite liked it, but was looking for something with slightly less volume, anyone here tried it?
>congratulating a 260 bencher
We all started out weak bro, don't discourage improvement.
The only difference between the two is no cgbp on day 1.
It's probably fine.
well post em all or upload as mega file pls
I'd say respectable is 200 because, 180kg took me about 1 year from untrained wow addict then again i have proportions for skwaat and binch
The 3rd session of each week of int medium is 1x8+ @80%, if you get more than 8 then you push your max up, it's different in the high volume version. This is the main thing that I was wondering about
Yeah the back is the easy part to fix. Apparently I got some thoracic rounding on rows, which caused discomfort + squat 8RM yesterday on top.
But how do I fake a good face? I tried talking to some girl year back, but was rejected with an ice cold tone...
Who is this guy and why do we care about his mediocre deadlift?
has anyone here tried jm presses as a bench accessory
are they good for developing the long head of tris
Yes. Great accessory
>Who is this guy and why do we care about his mediocre deadlift?
a nobody if you dont frequent the thread
Would take far too long to upload them all.
Oh I see. Sounds fine if you can still progress weekly. Go for it.
You have to fake the charisma and confidence. Grow your friend circle and it'll come with time. Fake it til you make it is not a meme.
>Would take far too long to upload them all.
It's xmas won't you feel charitable with a zip file :(
They're good for tricep strength.
Unfortunately they're also really prone to tearing up your elbows. Keep an eye on that if you're going to make heavy use of the movement.
I'll post one of my favorites for you right now. I have to take over driving in a minute, and won't have time until sometime tomorrow.
200 in a year from untrained? holy shitto it took me like 1 year to get to 120
how much do you weight?
Are my biceps supposed to be giving out on pull ups? They gave out after my 3rd set desu.
I usually do them weighted for lower reps, but my biceps are giving out on bw.
yeah i need some major movement that is easily loadable that isnt cgbp or dips
>easily loadable
Do you ohp? Idk if you can call jm press easily loadable..
I tried. The only girls who want to talk to me are 7 years older and lithuanian. And they don't want a norwegian autist with self-worth issues. All my old friends stopped caring about me because they became hippies and I tried to be a respectable adult.
On the bright side I did 185kg squat for 3 on tuesday, and 170kg for 5 (easy) today. So that's nice, previous 1rm was 185 back in may.
180 in a year (maybe 1 year and 1-2 months) was 92 kg @ 5'7 at time.
It's not all glamourous tbqh, I spent loadsa time afterwards chasing abs and cut down to 68 which wasted about a good 8-9 months training then I managed to get back to 180 @ 82 and bulked up to 91 for my first meet managed to hit 205 then I hurt back and just recently hit 215 after 1 year rehab.
So in total 3 years to 215 @ 87 but guess that's what I get for falling for ab memes and for deadlifting with shit form.
Why is the go to version of nuckols bench programs? I like U/L, so the two day int program is more up my alley. Is it good?
I got similar results, 13 months for 185kg at 97kg bw at 183cm from 90kg skinnyfat wow-nerd. Cut some weight and hurt myself. Now at 185kg for 3 after like 1 year and 9 months.
I meant to say why does everyone do the 3*int. The second day is light anyway
>I like U/L
How does this affect your ability to bench 3 times a week?
How much did frogs monolifts cost again?
Two upper day and too much other stuff to do on lower days. I already do back every day and will probably fall for the triceps everyday meme too desu. I did the 3*int a while ago and I just feel more like 2 times a week.
maybe if you did 3 upper days instead you could do less on lower days lmoa
5 days a week seems excessive. It's a hobby and I have a full time job as well as other hobbies and occasional social obligations.
>not being an autist willing to do whatever it takes
how isnt it easy loadable, just slap on a microplate
my 2018 resolution is to pull 500 and weigh under 200
wish me luck boys
My gym has one, I fucking hate it. It's heavy and difficult to rerack.
Did anyone ever do any research on whether or not you are actually weaker earlier in the day?
So if it is better to lift later in the day?
Congrats on planning to reach a one year milestone
Who here is cashing in one of their Christmas blowjobs tonight ;)
Powerlifting is an accessory to Oly lifting.. not a sport lol
something something CNS
>t. powerlifting failure
>i hate it
>it's heavy
ever considered if this hobby isnt for you? hahaha blown the fuck out
What are your Christmas plans stud?
Probably gonna put bofa
Jacking off to traps alone then?
What do you not understand about what I just told you.. I'm gonna put bofa
Have fun.
I'll have fun with bofa alright
Enjoy your new dragon dildo.
Nice projection
sean am i invited to your mansion party for nye?
You are not, no
you are however invited to this exclusive lifting discord
wow rude
Pathetic. I'm at a party with sluts on Christmas sweaters.
Neck yourself.
No you're sitting in your moms basement posting on Veeky Forums