Really I don't see what the purpose of this is. It is absolutely cringe worthy, especially when people are claiming lifts that are close to world records. I mean ffs if you are going to lie at least make it believable
Why do people on Veeky Forums lie about how much they lift?
1101lb deadlift here ask me anything
double overhand, beltless too
Hello Eddie
>not diddlying 700lbs within your first 3 months
never gonna make it
>not doing 6pl8 barbell flies in the first week of lifting
Not gonna make it
Because strength training is a meme and without their inflated numbers they have nothing
Alright you asked for it but it aint gonna be pretty
Bench: 50kg
Deadlift: 90kg
Squat: 65kg
Ohp: 35kg
Row: 55kg
Pullups: 16 in a row
Body weight: 75kg
Height: 175cm
It's the manlets overcompensating. 6"8 here hte
I got you famalama:
Deadlift: 130kg
Squat: 90kg
Bench: 50kg
Ohp: 37.5
My lifts are shitty but I dont care since I really enjoy lifting regardless of the weights. Im also 60kg manlet.
Ps: bonus: 180kg x 20 calf raises ima calf monster.
well here we go judge away
bench: 135lbs
Squat: 365lbs
OHP: 115lbs
Deadlift: NA
Havent done deadlifts in a long time dont really see the point. Upper body is pathetically weak and no matter how much i train I cant seem to get better lifts
Ohp: 180
Bench: 245
B Squat : 350
F squat: 255
170 lbs 5' 9"
What the fuck, 115 OHP and 365 squat but 135 bench? What is this meme?
You know deadlifts build the whole body not just the legs, right?
it's no meme dude I just have stronger legs and really bad shoulders and weak arms, I mean my max bench was 225 but thats not impressive here or anywhere, now at 135 I get burnt out easily. Also sorry shoulda fixed my squat 365 was max 280-300 consecutive reps
I did not but thank you i used to do them but now will incorporate them
>double overhand
>he needs two hands to deadlift 1101lb
People assume everyone is lying so they lie too. It's a circle of lies.
Same with dick threads.
B-but I actually have big dick and sometimes wish it was smaller.
Im also a manlet but in that category I dont wish to be any taller.
>wish it was smaller
Nigga wat. Answer me why!
IM gonna be honest as well, there are my 3x5 working weights in KG
Squat 80x5
Deadlift 105x5
Row 67.5x5
Bench 57.5x5
Overhead Press 40x5
Pull-ups I can do 10 in a row for 3/4 sets
Body weight 60kg at 5'8
Obviously my lifts will go up if I eat more but I just lost weight from being fat at 70kg so my main focus is cardio and health
Thick thighs makes those dicks rise, good squat man
thanks brah ive always prided myself on my squats, unfortunately that was only my max rep
>tfw unironically have a 200 OHP, 320 paused bench, 520 squat and 570 deadlift in under 3 years lifting @6'2" 215lbs
And you cucks won't believe me.
It doesnt count if your fat
It's still impressive, you're lifting more than most people ever will despite what people say online
The thing is, the people you see on TV, YouTube, insta are usually the best at it, you never see the people who aren't lifting the most cuase they don't want to post videos cause they don't think it's worth posting "only" 300lb squat etc
Tldr; you're doing well keep going
I wouldn't say I'm that fat.
Man i just want to be big
Always was the skinny kid
people have strong opinions but weak results
giving a higher number gives them more legitimacy
ya know that felt really nice, thank you bro, godspeed and may you get maximum gains this year
5 RM:
Squat: 230 lbs
Bench: 145 lbs
Deadlift: 305 lbs
OHP: 95 lbs
BB Row: 185 lbs
Currently 190 lbs, but I've been cutting for over 3 months now. I guess my lifts would be higher if I ate at maintenance.
It sucks hard when your dick is too large to fit properly into her. She cant suck it and you cant fuck without hurting her. Having huge 20cm donkeydick is a very mixed blessing indeed.
pretty much samge just benchpress 75kg with 183cm and 80kg ib4 6“ masterrace
My turn
Bench: 135lbs for reps
Deadlift: stopped doing because I don’t like it
OHP: stopped doing because it hurts to do
Squat: 95lbs for reps
I’m a fat fuck who skips leg day on the regular and says he’s more concerned with losing weight but can’t control himself when there is ample food to eat. I need to take a good hard look at myself and reestablish my goals and what I actually want. Thanks for this thread laddo.
No idea what my 1RMs are, haven't done any in ages. But I do 5*5, use 75KG for bench reps, 45KG OHP, can comfortably deadlift 100KG for reps, 178CM, 77/78KG.
My 5rep Max diddly is 100kg but my bench 5rep max is 37,5kg. Is it your muscles that are retarded or mine? (65kg 170cm)
This may be disturbing for some:
The Press™: 50 kg
Front Squat: 65 kg
Clean and Jerk: 45 kg (Struggle on the Clean)
Snatch: 30 kg
186 cm
99 kg
OHP 65 kg 5 reps
Bench 105 kg 5 reps
Squat 125 kg 5 reps
Dl 135 kg 3 reps
Have to take periodic breaks of around 3 months. Even though ive been lifting for close to 2 years im constantly playing catch up due to my work. Keep at it dedicated anons and you'll be rewarded.
You have to understand that everyone on fit is an antisocial friendless retard, claiming estats is the only attention they get
I was the skinny kid then the chubby kid, hopefully I'll get some nice size
No problem man! Keep the good attitude and nothing will stop you
I used to hate myself for not starting working out earlier but then I realise I can't change it, I'll never be world class, but I can try my best and and enjoy it while I do and I'm sure you'll be the same
Stay strong man... we're all gonna make it, it just takes time for these things
6'2" 84kg 18y, recovering skelly. 5 months lifting.
>OHP: 62.5kg
>Bench: 100kg
>Squat (ATG): 100kg
>Deadlift: 150kg
Pretty happy with the results. Skip leg day often as can be seen, and bench is my favourite lift.
How are your bench and OHP so close together?
Yea ive had to take like 3 months off 2 because i had two jobs and absolutely zero time , and 1 now because I'm traveling in italy. Which has made me a bit chubby so as soon as i get back im smashing through the gym doors and gonna pound the weights like i used to, yea dude we will make it, hopefully sooner rather than later but make it nonetheless. This is why i love Veeky Forums true bros on here
People lie about their lifts because anonymity brings out the worst in people.
I can't bench 225. My max barbell bench is probably 185, if that. I don't even know, because I quit barbell benching. I didn't enjoy it, it didn't feel right, my shoulders always got messed up, and that was with multiple bros who benched more than I could deadlift and PTs/coaches with decades of experience telling me my form seemed fine. I use dumbbells now because I feel it better in my chest, I actually enjoy the exercise, and my shoulders don't hurt. I do the 90 lb dumbbells for 3x5-8.
If you saw me doing the 90s in RL, or just asked me what my regular bench was, face-to-face, and I explained the above to you, even if you still thought I was weak, there's no fucking way you would say it. We'd strike up a conversation about benching and that would be the end of it. Face-to-face keeps things civil.
When you take that away, people are free to be the assholes they truly are. People lie about their stats because no one wants to get made fun of, and/or they want to feel better about themselves.
>inb4 reddit spacing
I think it helps to make things more concise. What are you gonna do about it? Reeee respect our board culture reddit is cancer.
On an unrelated note, merry Christmas to everyone. Anyone get/give anything good?
Da faq
Bench: 65kg 3x5
Diddy: 70kg 3x8
Squat 55kg 3x5
Ohp 40kg 3x5
Row 40kg 3x8
Pullups 3x6
70kg 172cm. Is my shit just fucked or are my manlet ROM changing the stats?
Bench 160kg
Squat 230kg
Deadlift 260kg
102kg bodyweight
You dont understand, they dont lie to Veeky Forums
They lie to themselves
your back and legs are lagging really badly
See, you're determined, which means you'll succeed, sometimes we have to give up the things we want becuase work and life events get in the way.
People who are positive and work hard get the results they deserve, on Veeky Forums we are always happy when we see a brother making it, it motivates us all
Mhmm. Trying to catch them up, but my bench just refuses to slow while my squats are now taking a week to up the weight. Failed last diddy trying to go to 75kg because I dropped the weight due to grip strength issues. I'm guessing eventually my chest will stall and my other areas will catch up?
Lifting 2 years
>bench 90kg x 5
>don't even squat but my best was 105kg x 5
>deadlift 160kg x 3
>ohp 50kg 3x5
roast me
>>ohp 50kg 3x5
how come? do you usually not ohp?
You are kind of fat bro. Probably around 20% bf
mirin that bloatmaxxing
Yeah that was from about 6 months ago. I only just started ohping again recently and I just do high reps. I prefer to just focus on bench. If I kept ohping I would probably be at a pl8 now...
I started going to the gym literally yesterday and I can lift 1pl8 OHP. You guys are pathetic white males.
>after just three months i reached 1/2/3/4!
You can ohp 135lbs / 60kg on your first day in the gym? That's pretty good.
2 years training
OHP 63.5kg
Bench 95.5kg
Squat 140kg
Deadlift 180kg
Hit that bench today and the squat yesterday
I look like shit though LMAO, i started so weak a normal guy should his these numbers in one year from my understanding
not gonna lie, I was feeling a bit unmotivated and a bit down because of my new pudgy body, but you've given me the spark i need and i am ever grateful. Someday i hope to motivate another Veeky Forumsizen
They aren't lying per se. They quarter squat in the smith machine and they say they squatted 315 in the first month in the gym.
do you include the bar, user?
Great! Glad I've helped somebody out, it's good to be motivated and motivate others, you never know how close someone might be to giving up....
These threads always turn into a pissing match
It's always a guy with weak or average lifts posting honestly and then a bunch of faggots come in and start bragging about how they're stronger than him
Whether these people are lying about their lifts or not they seem to have a mixture of narcissism, low self esteem and should be pitied. Something obviously went wrong in their life that they have to come on here of all places to brag
Just something I've observed browsing this shit board. Good day to you m'sirs
IDK about lifting but I have been accused of lying about how fast I am and Im not even that fast (very close to breaking 20min 5k)
I can only diddly
Ohp 45kgx5
Bench 82,5x1
Squat 110kg
Diddle 170kg
Forgot to add, been training for a year
>should be pitied
They should be executed. The faggots on this board are just taking up space in this world.