Who do you lift for Veeky Forums?
Who do you lift for Veeky Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
>no lip white women
your mom
Myself. Anyone who says otherwise is never gonna make it.
i dont lift for anything my time just became so valueless i started working out.
You're like a woman that spend hours infront of the mirror before going out.
Muh waifu
How can you not like this high test cutie?
do we have to have these threads every day
Yes, because everything you need information wise is in the fucking sticky. We need motivation and nothing is better than pussy.
I lift to find her
>niggers trying to corrupt beauty standards
>>>/fat acceptance/
>>>/blue check mark Twitter/
Still trying to find who i lift for :^(
You ok bud?
Health and confidence
ex gf who left me for a jew
but realistically i lift for myself
girl who cucked me back in the day. She would always push me to go harder, and make goals. For some reason I still have her in the back of my head. It's fucked up but shes my motivation.
Anyone have that pic of the gf that loves me for who I am?
more gf pics. I love these
wording this
You and me both brother, I'm gonna try and pic related 2 waifu at the next convention
I do it for cute cosplay girls
>implying they will notice me
Just admit it OP, you like to get fish BJs
I don't really have autism. Wish I did, at least I'd have an excuse
I had a gf with really small lips once and I liked when she gave me the blowy joey
Miyagi gf. I'd sell my life for one.
mien fuhrer
>lifting for a garbage tier waifu
Oh yeah? Show me your waifu, faglord.
A real woman, not some dyke
that's extremely strong and that brunette is fucken cute
As of this morning I lift for boxbox.
>implying that all dykes aren't just straight girls in denial
You just have to persuade them. With your dick.
I know these feels
>be me
>in uni gym for first time
>girl actually deadlifting on platform
>walk up and compliment form
>ask what's she training for
>teehee i have a meet in November
>start helping her out
>couple weeks later i walk into gym ready to ask her out
>she's training with another girl
>oh hey user i want you to meet my gf
ripperoni in pieces
Why are all the good ones gay?
Epitomy of soy boy. Cant even watch this guys videos anymore
Because lifting is for men
So women can forcefully grab me by the dick
>2/10 elbows too pointy
For my People
>implying they will notice me
They will, it doesn't take much to impress the normal anime fan.
>heh, I'll post a picture of a fedora that'll show him
Is this how redditors interact?
That cutie on the mirror.
>Grow up taught to see everyone as individuals, taught not to judge based on skin colour
>Go to College, hear nothing but "Why Pepo Be da worst n Sheit.....now pay my reperations" in a mandatory sociology class, learn about my "White Privilege"
>get told "When people of colour speak up, White people, it is (((our))) duty to be quiet and listen to what they have to say" by the White (actually Jewish professor)
>See nothing but praise for all these beautiful brave strong black and muslim students fighting against the "system", breaking stereotypes n sheit
>have nearly 30 kids in a public speaking class of roughly 40 (also mandatory) agree that you cannot be racist to white people
>Watch Trump win the presidency, get told this is a "White Lash against a changing nation"
>Watch people on my University's social media page voice anti-white opinions with no consequences and nothing but agreements
>come to the conclusion that race is very real and judging from my personal experience there are a lot of people out there against White people
>Have only ever dated white girls (only 2 in my life, I'm not some wanna be chad or claiming to be) and realize I strongly prefer white girls and am only really attracted to them
>Decide I want to eventually have White kids and a White family one day
>Get called an Edgy neo-nazi, neo-fascist fedora tipping, holocaust denying edgelord alt-righter by some retard on a mongolian pottery forum
>triggered snowflake
>being this autistic to type this out
>being this autistic to be a neo-nazi edgelord
What the FUCK bros?
How is any straight male with testosterone in his veins NOT supposed to be attracted to this?
Like holy shit this girl blows me away, and in my state she is 3 FUCKING YEARS from even being legal to look at, 5 years in some states
i'll get him to bed, just watch me.
The game is on.
Fuarrrrrk that separation
it's hard to be attracted to such an unnatural appearance.
Looks like she ate a hornet and developed a gentle underbite.
but what do i know, i'm just a homo anyway.
But once she stops doing whatever she did to her lips and tone down the fucking makeup a notch, and maybe age a little she's gonna be a total babe.
It’s a stupid Snapchat filter or something. She’s a total smoke
yeah you're right, she is absolutely stunning.
Relevant question though, is she 15 or does she just look that way
>buzzword buzzword
I wish, she’s 13.
i need to get off this website.
Same. I also need to stop following 13 year olds on instagram. But they need to stop looking like that at 13
>lifting for grills
I hope people only use that as motivation at the start, not as an end goal. Veeky Forums lifestyle has so much more to offer. You look good, feel great, take control of what you do/put into your body. It makes you stronger, not just physically, but mentally. It gives you confidence and self-respect. When you do end up with a grill and eventually children, you'll have the strength to defend your family, and your kids will look up to your strength. You'll live a longer more vigorous life where your family will never have to worry about the state of your health. All that shit is a lot better in the long term than just satisfying your transitory oneitis.
Why cant we just get along?
Merry Christmas
This is what being out of touch looks like
Lidia Valentin
For him
For that clumsy qt Japanese lifter whose webm I've never been able to find.
I lift for myself. Women are a byproduct. I got rejected so many times and made fun of by women growing up, that all I do now is lead on and turn down the cute girls that do end up asking me out now because I get off on finally being able to do it back to the ones that deserve it.
For my mentor.
to make dad proud
lol same
>go to an almost exclusively white primary school in a nice white suburb
>be told not to be racist by mum
>never understood why dad was racist about lebs and abos
>get into highschool
>povvo school full of abos and islanders behaving like fucking animals
>realise that maybe dad was right]
>was bordering clost neo-nazi by end of high school
I'm not even that racist nowadays, just fucking sick of povvo kiwis and abos shitting up everything
Y__ h___ t_ g_ b___
blowjobs are sodomy
I don't really know.
I started lifting after a girl lead me on for like 3 weeks. I kept going back to her fully knowing I was her orbiter and she basically controlled how I felt. One day after she blew me off again I was so pissed I went to the gym and just started doing whatever until I literally couldn't do anymore. I felt a lot better and kept going and eventually developed a routine.
My goal became to get big enough to have the girl start chasing me so I could make her my orbiter or something, or at least use and abuse her. But after like 4 months I out of nowhere developed the confidence to just tell her to go die in a ditch and blocked her. Still lifting even though the original goal is now unlikely since she never talks to/sees me anymore. I think it is just an outlet my body has come accustomed to. If I ever skip the gym or short change myself I feel like garbage the whole day. It's just part of my life now.
The funny thing is even with my boosted confidence I still don't talk to girls just because I find myself hating them more and more. I want to fuck them and my burning desire for a gf that actually likes me is a never yielding flame inside, but I just won't allow myself to act on it.
>I'm lifting for the man in the mirror
>I'm asking him to bench 225
lifting so when the right girl comes along i optimise chances of making her gf
Only true answer once you've been doing this for a while
>meet cool chick
>checks off all the boxes
>all the dumb cliches, we like the same weird music, food, same quirks
>literally only girl I've ever made laugh
>never felt anything initially, then it hit me that there could be something here
>so what are you doing for the holidays?
>"I'm going to see my girlfriend's family"
R u me?
>Anyone who says otherwise is never gonna make it.
except for the millions of men who lift purely for aesthetics in order to slay puss and don't give a shit about socially retarded "I do it for myself" answers.
the entire point of looking good is to increase your mating value. the entire reason we do pretty much anything to improve "ourselves" is to improve our chances of mating with ever increasingly attractive women.
Sounds stupid but some girl at work
>recently get fitter
>lots and lots of eye contact
>play punches all the time
Asked her if she was single and told her I liked her, she blushed and said it's complicated atm
Man I wish I was not a social fucking retard to know what this means
looks like it will work user
It means she a thot
I lift for kelly
I was thinking the other day that just as some people have destructive tendencies, as if they like seeing themselves falling off a cliff in slow motion, that being with drug usage or whatever, I lift with kind of a paradoxical sense, as if that thing is hurting me but I like it. It helps the fact that actually improves me physically, so I picked the right addiction
I lift because I want to be strong for my friends and family. And to be an inspiration and role model for other men.
Also for pussy.
>Gee Bill, why does your mom let you have two cosplay gfs