What's an optimal amount of volume for arms? I do 3x10 for skullcrushers, bicep curls and raises as well as all of my compounds. It's been months and as my arms are stronger, I'm not seeing many hypertrophy gains so I'm curious if I'm overtraining.
Just dropping in to say that's a heckin cute pupper.
3x10 is nutting. Do the amount you think is overtraining, that is probably decent amount of volume.
Thanks :)
He's 14 years old
How many times week have you been training arms?
How many months exactly?
My routine is
Ive gained 2 solid inches on my arms in the last 2 years following a slow lean bulk, went from 15.5 to 17.5 cold and flexed
Whats your diet like, are you actually tracking everything?
A good guideline, from RTS
I choose not to use it. Rather train until I can only lift bitch weight, then I know I got the volume I needed. No reason to overcomplicate things.
This isn't complex at all, but if you can't read past its simplicity there's nothing, eh what gonna do. You already got someone telling you to do 3x10, which is fine.
If all you've ever done is 3x10, you need to change that up.
Do sets of 5 for heavier weight, and try supersetting or running these accessories as a circuit.
Try a hepburn scheme. 8x2 for your 10-12rm, and add a rep each workout until you are doing 8x3. If you're doing a unilateral lift, try doing reps on one arm then the other, take a 10-30s rest, then next set.
Drop sets are always nice. Start with a heavy set, back down 15-20% and bang out 3-4 sets, then back down again.
Try new variations. Hyperthophy disappears rapidly, strength remains. If all you ever do is one variation you'll never reach your potential and lose what you worked for soon after you stop
3x10 isn’t doing shit. OP need to blast his arms to get that pump boi.
3x10 is minimalistic af, and you deserve minimalistic gainz.
care to post your exercises and rep ranged on push pull -chest back-arms shoulder days? Ive been doing PPL for quite a while now,great gains,but been wondering if I could do like half ppl half brosplit with more volume
3x/week. I do 70lb hammer curls and 85 lb skullcrushers. Also bench, ohp and pull ups. A lot of these compounds hit arms too as a secondary target, hence wondering if I'm overtraining
This is what I'm telling the dude, this table is literally the mega TL;DR version of experiments, tests, theories and hypothesis on volume training from experts and athletes that dedicated their education to it. But no, this table is made of alien sorcery, with no connection whatsoever to reality.
Been serious about lifting for a little over a year now. I've gained about 1 inch so maybe I'm just impatient(years of construction and welding gave me super dense 13.5s to start). I track my calories and protein intake pretty closely and try to keep low carbs and high fat but I'm not autistic about it or anything
I will post all my exercises in a bit
Push is 6 sets 5-6 reps chest, 6 sets 8 reps shoulders, 6 sets 8-10 reps triceps
Pull is 6 sets 8 reps biceps, 5 sets 8 reps back, 3 sets 8 reps forearms
Chest and back is 6 progressive sets for chest, 3 sets 12/10/8 reps for incline dumbbell press and 3 sets incline barbell press 12/10/8. Back is 5 sets, 8-10 reps. I dont do pull ups really
Arms and shoulders is
6 sets biceps
6 sets shoulders
3 sets forearms
6 sets triceps
All 8 reps
Non of weight is light, I lift as much as I can with good form. I made this routine up 2 years ago after doing different stuff. Ive been on a slow lean bulk since
1xF with repeated rest until your mind gives up
Not OP, but what is this bullshit supposed to tell an inexperienced lifter, ffs? Other than "Frequency" and "Body Part" I have no idea what the initials mean and the "Loading" column is mystery numbers. This is meaningless without some sort of index or verbal explanation. And inb4 "kek you can't figure out what "MAV" means, go fuck yourself, would you rather let a beginner like me guess wrong and do something incorrectly for weeks based on a misunderstanding instead of throwing in some text? Ah, but of course you're a phoneposter so no you can't do that, even typing two sentences is a chore.
I do 4 sets of 12 reps with 4 different lifts and I've put on more size in the last three months than i did in years of lifting for strength.