A thread for good feels.
Too much negativity on this board.
Share with us your mires, any minor accomplishments, good thoughts wtc.
Sad fags need not apply
A thread for good feels.
Too much negativity on this board.
Share with us your mires, any minor accomplishments, good thoughts wtc.
Sad fags need not apply
Other urls found in this thread:
>been better about my cardio
>Gave up porn
>Found a girlfriend
>Can get consistent erections again
>We're fucking
>Bust hard
>Pull out and notice the condom breaks
>Mfw she has an iud and we just use condoms for STI protection
It was a white Christmas, boys.
>lifting for 2 years from skinny fat
>never have defined abs
>fall for snake diet fast meme
>10 day fast = relatively defined abs for first time ever
>gf says im the hottest ive ever been
feelsgood all around
>got 3 A's for my classes
>boss got me a $100 gift card to Amazon
>practicing my instruments, going great
>lifts going up
>2 weeks no porn
>be me ,140lbs 6’ft dyel
>lifted 1pl8 after 3months of training
Am i gonna make it brahs?
Since I've changed my glasses, I've been getting more attention from women. Never had 60+ matches on Tinder before.
I passed my first semester of college
How does it feel? 1pl8 was pretty big deal for me. I'll mever forget the forst time I bence 95lbs. Then 1pl8. Than 2pl8. Good shit user. Keep going
>1 more semester of school before I graduate and get a stable job with no debt
>got a thicc Latina gf who shares the same values as me
>haven't been able to hit the gym lately since it's closed for the holidays (REEE) but it's a good excuse for a mini-cut leaving me primed for a juicy bulk next year
>aced every class I was sure that I was going to fail or at least skate by with a C
fucking brainlets when will they learn
post pic of glasses
Keep it up user
Feels really amazing , I’m currently at 148lbs and aiming for 165-170 . I really hope i can make it by july!
>reads about sex increasing testosterone
>start jerking off as much as I can
>get red skin and bigger dick
>feel like a martian lord, much more energy for everything
>women sense that I am horny
>approach me
They're pretty normal.
>Lifts are going up
>Reading and Working
>Made President's List
>Getting mired by all different types of women
Even though I may feel sometimes, I could've never done it without you guys.
>finally transitioned from glasses to contacts, actually look like a chad instead of a special education kid
>about to get a $25,000 bonus from my job
>have repaired body damage to my car
>the true cozy season is just beginning
wait you didnt eat for 10 days?
Losing my virginity.
happened over the week, and then we went at it some more. Felt really good bros. Her walls tightening, the closeness, touching and the warmth. Aww man..
feel normal now, it sucks that it took me to this point in time of my life(24 btw) but the satisfaction blows it over.
I haven't told her but i don't think it matters now. but yeah, at least i can come clean to you anons about it. maybe i'll tell her if its right.
>tfw fellow Veeky Forumsizens and you are making good strength gains
Good job bros. Keep going and stay motivated, but don't forget to maintain good form
yah just water with the daily amount of salt/potassium/ other minerals needed check the fasting meme threads
first 24h was rough and all I wanted to do was lay down because the feelign of hunger was overwhlemin but after was p easy
also im just doing OMAD now since im at my goal bf% (ottermode) since it has long term health benifits
The best thing is not sticking your dick inside, it's everything else. Feeling her muscles contracting, the smell of her hair, the way she is twitching when you make her feel good and how she just wraps around you and wants to be as close as she can.
Felt exactly the same as you when I lost my v, user.
I wouldn't tell her, you gain nothing from it but you could lose a lot.
Anyway, congrats.
Blew off a thot who had been hitting on me for a while
>girl fucked 3 of my friends including a girl
>have a drunken conversation with her in the club
>she asks me how me and a fwb got to fucking eachother
>tell her that at some point we both kinda went "why the heck not"
>she looks at me with a smile and says "yeah user, why the heck not ;)" while touching my chest
>laugh it off
>she later mentions how she has like cup G
>tell her I like petite girls
>get drinks for the lads
Felt good.
Flying to New York tomorrow
Company owns my life and have to work this week on some high level things
>Secretly hoping everything works out this week
>Feeling like my project may not actually work and I'll find out in a few days if I'm fucked or not
can i do this while working physical job or will if eel like absolute dogshit?
some girl is revolving around me for a while but im just not attracted to her
>meanwhile im crushing on some chick that doesnt care about me
life is fucking garbage
first 48h its best to do nothing physical but afterwords its okay as long as its not super intense. There is a fast thread up rn with a bunch of resources pls check that out i dont want to clog up this thread
>passed all my CS classes with a B or better
>thot I was attracted to and cuddled with slowly fading from my memory
>family making me feel golden from conversing my feelings with
>President of my uni's Linux club next semester
>finally no longer a fatty, now just skinnyfat dyel
>1pl8 approaching slowly but surely
>getting more mires slowly as I lose more weight and start showing muscles
I think I'm gonna make it brahs
I'll one day post in the CBT
>hit 1/2/3/4 in 2017
>got a gf right before winter break
we're all gonna make it bros
ok im beginning fast now, tomorrow i have day off so it should be manageable. Wednesday will probably shit and i might break. Maybe ill just do one meal a day if i wont be able to survive on wednesday.
Im not like super fat, im like 18% bf rn but yeah
It's always like this user. Human nature and hormones are one big joke.
>Best friend (call him friend A) in relationship with girl A
>Girl A used to have a thing with roommate 1
>Rumor has it she still has feelings for him
>Roommate 1 hates her guts for fucking his best friend after they broke up
>Meanwhile friend B is crushing hard on girl A and messaging her behind friend A's back
>Last week I slept with girl B who is crushing hard on friend A but he keeps turning her down
>Currently have fuckbuddy, girl C, who is developing feelings but tells me not to worry
>2 pregnancy scares so far
>Friend C (more like an acquaintance) trying to get with girl C but he doesn't know I'm fucking her
>Meanwhile I can't seem to fall in love even though I really want to settle down with a qt
Everybody says they hate drama but gravitate towards it like flies on shit. It's a fucking train wreck.
its amazing, i could go on user. the deep gasp when you slide in, hearing her heavy breathing too. omg man lol but you get the idea
you're probably right user. it would just feel lame if i did, im just gonna enjoy the moment.
I live in NY. If you need a friend, I can help.
>always struggled with gym, can't figure out what to do, how long to stay, how to manage social anxiety
>Get a bike, love that
>No real weight loss, gotta force it sometimes and even then not going more than 20 miles at a time
>Go to boxing class this summer
>Basically a boot camp, someone tells you what to do
>Doing all the things. Jumping jacks, burpees, mountain climbers, planks, etc
>8 rounds of 3 minutes on the bag
>Today did my first pull-up in my entire life
I can't wait to go back
>tfw finally starting to feel confident about my appearance
Is 1pl8 just 2 25 lb plate bench?
>mfw I will spend this new years eve with my loving and beautiful gf and not with some one night stand thot like the last years.
>mfw I come home to my old town for holidays. Friends and family tell me I became "huge" and "scary strong" looking (by normie standarts)
I will make it!
We all gonna make it!
Congrats bro, That´s one of my goals as a 23 year old now.
Gym open xmas day. Best feel this time of year.
this is a fucking mess
i got lost at friend b
at least my life is simple, lonely but simple
lol you're giggling, man. I feel like an old man watching kids grow up. Good on you.
It’s Christmas!!!
>Today did my first pull-up in my entire life
Congrats, my man.
I hope you get over it too man
I don't care how old you are user, remember that feeling. That self discovery doesn't end with your first pull-up. Every PR feels like that. Be mindful, people will try to drag you down. Remember you earned it.
this was supposed to be a good feel thread but now my virgin ass feels bad man
were gonna make it bro
eventually brah, eventually :-)
>ignores titcow and reveals his dfc fetish.
Just so you know, I hate you on principle.
I am very proud of this
>finally starting to not be skelly
Feels good bros. Otter mode soon
>got some cool gifts
>gym cutie sent me a merry Christmas text this morning.
Damn bro you look great
Thank you
Thanks! Finally stated eating enough. Used to skip breakfast every day and it made it hard to eat a surplus. Gonna keep packing mass on.
Y-you Look great user! N-no homo
I got nothing for Christmas
>meet family for christmas
>cousins mirin because of my gains and job
>hear my sister say that when she talks to me sometimes she feels retarded because I know so much more stuff than her
I know people on here will think I am LARPing but it honestly feels weird when everybody thinks you are really smart and you have a good body. sometimes it feels like people feel inferior when they are around me recently and I dont like making people feel that way. How do I deal with this ? I try to also ask about their life but they usually tell me that their job kinda sucks or stuff like that, a lot of times what they are doing actually sounds interesting and I ask them more about it but they tend to downplay it. either they really dont like what they do or they feel its inferior to my job, which I absolutely love. Idk its a weird feeling I used to always feel inferior and now that I am finally happy, apart from the missing gf part it feels like everyone around me has these self doubts I used to have...
Sup Chad
>thought I was gonna get like a 3.0 GPA this semester since I got really sick and had some bullshit going on
>got a 3.53
>spent a week with my qt gf who I've been with for almost 10 months now
>got some dank new sambas and clothes for Christmas
Merry Christmas anons
Hey chaddy mcKnowsitall
For real its in ur head, you were smart before, people are just being more outspoken about it now because it's easier to do when the person you talk about looks like a hero this than to admit a wimp is a genius.
I can give you a smile and a song, user.
I need friends, but I'm in town for business for like four days
I leave Thursday night, if everything goes well
can i save this photo
>been reading self improvement Veeky Forums and feel better about it
>come home to see parents for a week or so from work, mirin job gains since I just got a promotion
>picking up a week pass to the gym in town tomorrow
>handling some online classes for my meme degree
>weight isnt quite where i want, but it and my bf% are improving
keeping at it senpaitachi
My Dick is 8x5,6" and the gymlord broke up with his bitch gf. Happy days.
Recently hit 165 bench after just over a year of lifting, felt good as fuck since I've got a mildly sunken chest and been skinnyfat all my life, so even though my chest looks pathetic as fuck the numbers I pull make me happy
the amount of eye contact i get from average and hot girls in the street and at work is UNREAL,sometimes they stare at my face like "wow",it made me realize i was fucking attractive all this time,like,real fucking hot
Absolutely mirin, what's your height/weight?
i broke my closet mirror today i always punch it softly playing around mid work out i hit it very softly and broke it. my chest and stomach have are where i want them to be ive been working out for two months and i will never stop again
nah man 1pl8 is 1 45lb plate on both sides
Haha. That goes away
GF left me for some sport fencing soyboy halfway through the year, won't get into detail because I've posted it before and plenty of others have posted similar stories but she came back after she got dumped and I just shot her down and totally blocked her on all social media. That feeling itself was amazing and I think it'll be a long time before its beaten. However
>cleaning through my room tonight
>thought I got rid of all her shit and the mementos she left me
>uh oh
>pictures, letters and poems she wrote me, gifts, one of her stuffed animals (yes, a 22 year old woman)
But it didn't phase me, not nearly as much as it might have a couple months ago and that itself felt like a victory. The one thing that almost got me were these little books she bought for me, those little Peter Rabbit books. She liked used book stores and would always buy these for me because she said they reminded her of me. Almost cracked up but didn't, they were however the one thing I didn't toss.
>also found a bunch of her bank info including and old credit card and her actual social security card
Tempted to hold on to it but I may just pass it on to a mutual friend to give back to her.
thanks for readin muh blog post
21 here and just getting into lifting. I hope I'm in your shoes soon user, congrats.
>oneitis asked me on a date
>still got a 4.0 in school with 1 semester remaiming
>locked down full time job
Life seems to be going too well...it feels uncanny
so you haven't fucked her?
it's part of the chase user, it's about feeling whole and knowing what your body can do besides lifting. Making it, but do it a your pace and relax.
once that's over with you can just stop feeling so worried about it now
no way, not a chance. kv reporting in
NoFap for 12 days so far. Nutrition is good, body looks good, high GPA last semester so eager for next.
You're the male, you're supposed to take the lead she 'asked' you out.. yeah okay.
>can check girls out all i want
>if i ever hear lip i just say i was admiring their hard work
>was 235 lbs in 2015 when starting college
>gained 25 lbs and now back down to 240
>presidential pick got elected.
>foam rolled my calves and can feel my heel get better
feeling terrible on inside..look personal best out "fit" side!
Got up to 280 at 5' 10. Back down to 220 after working my dick off for a year at the gym whole still eating like garbage. Went back up to 250 once promoted to desk job and not working out anymore.
Now back down to 222 since learning about CICO from fit in two months. Why didn't I do this before?
>be me
>weakest guy in school
>transferred since I wasn't sure I'd get into the level I wanted
>get in anyways
>school has more activities
>principal announces all the sports
>feel inspired thanks to some boxing anime I saw
>decide to take rowing even though I'm only really good at football
>start training on the machines
>it's hell
>coaches encourage me
>keep pushing
>notice myself start to get better with my muscles becoming more toned and veins starting to pop
>go on the boat
>so many steps I feel I'll never make it
>before I know it I've committed them to muscle memory
>girl starts hitting on me and I have some platonic conversation with others
>midway through term take part in the regatta
>lose but never have imagined I'd take part in a sport competition
>keep training
>end of term
>meet Chad from old school
>don't meet him much since he's in Bio
>he asks me how far I can go on machine
>embarrassed and tell him my distance
>he's shocked since that's his upper limit too
>coach butts in saying while I'm not the strongest my technique is one of the best
>Mfw I made it
>Too much negativity on this board.
Fuck off and neck yourself faggot; if you can't handle banter and anything that your weak little mind can't handle, then you should off yourself. Same goes for all other weak faggots, fuck off
Why do you feel terrible on the inside? Tell us,, user.
Someone had a bad day
Yeah, if you pay me 20$ to remove the watermark
Seems like I learned a work ethic this year, I always coasted through life by doing the bare minimum and got stuck in uni.
Now I am able to really work hard, I'm managing well my internet addiction, got a lot of mires for my body too, more and more people ask me for advice.
I feel like i'm finally maturing into a man
good feels!
Throw the books and give her shit back unless your a poor degenerate
>been lifting for less than a year (but previously was a waterpolo player)
>sitting in a pub
>a lesbian starts touching my shoulders and arms complimenting me
the day before
>I have seen this giant construction worker and friend of my father after a couple of months
>"hey user, looks like gym is paying off"
best mires ever
This is literally what I'm hoping to accomplish in 2018. Good on you, user.
>Have insane semester
>working 12 hours + every day
>lose weight, feel stressed out
>drink a single bottle of wine at party at end of semester
>feel like absolute death the day after, throw up all day
>finally getting there
>tfw christmas break
>tfw get to sleep in a comfy bed, eat free food
>tfw I get to watch LOTR and other comfy movies
>tfw I get to play skyrim and smoke weed
I have to get back to work soon enough, but this break is just amazing
> went from 85.5kg to 78kg in 4 months
> couldn't even lift 10 pounds chest, now 70 pounds
> getting good grades at uni