Current Body Thread /cbt/

Didn’t see a CBT up.

6’2 270

S: 500
B: 405
D: 645

Bf way too high, starting my NYR cut on the 1st... goal is to get down to 235 and see how things look at that point. Also hoping to hit 550/435/700 squat/bench/dead in 2018.

Merry Christmas fags

be my beardaddy?


nice numbers, my man. You cut that chub off you'll be olympia tier. Keep up the good work.

S: 330 (I hate squats)
B: 250
D: 425

5'11 162
Haven't done compunds in a hot minute

Got a gf, sorry bro.
Cheers m8. I hate squats too, only really been doing them since October last year.

Yeah, no. either ur not 6'2 or ur way heavier than 270 aight.

How do I have close to the same numbers as OP yet I’m 75lbs lighter? Quit being a fat bitch.

New Requirements for this thread


how do I achieve this body type?

21 natty

203 Ibs
Roiding soon

OP here

Eat 4000-4200 cals a day, do compound based workouts, lift 4-5 days a week. I let myself get way too fat so next goal is to get down to 13-15%.

Whats your routine?

Why are there two fridges in the pic?


6'2" 195lbs 29.5" waist

Achieved 1/2/3/4 and currently bulking. Should I keep bulking or cut soon.
>tfw chest is extremely hard for me to build compared to my other parts

Should i Cut or continue bulk?

is the Sandow look intentional?

we have the same body looks like

i'm bulking till march

I’ve been doing a 4-5 day program the last year or so. Currently doing my own programming, but the week always looks about the same.

Monday: Squat programming, 1-2 assistance exercises, 8-12 sets of back “pump” work (pull-ups, rows, pullovers, anything that gets a big pump going in the lats/rhomboids) 8-15 reps
Tuesday: Flat bench programming, 8-10 sets of competition bench or bench variations. 6-8 sets of triceps/rear delts. Skullcrushers, dips, bar pushdowns, rear DB flies, band pullaparts, facepulls, etc.
Weds: optional shoulder/biceps/triceps pump day, 2-3 sets of 15-20 reps of 6-8 different exercises.
Thursday: deadlift and 1-2 assistance exercises, 8-12 sets of 8-15 reps back pump work
Friday: same as Tuesday. Usually different flat variations on this day. Staples are slingshot (red) bench, close grip, and board press.

primarily doing body weight exercise can I get an opinion probably around 170 5'11"

how do i get round delts like these pls help. Also how long have you been lifting

4 years doing push pull rest
5'7 175lbs

Mirin shoulders. Routine?
Same issue with chest. I feel you.
I kind of look like you from the front but with bigger obliques. You have good potential

Critique me boys

You look like a renaissance painting. Congrats

mirin hard. how do i get juicy arms like yours?

With better lightning


Iam 6,4 btw

Rear delt flies on the incline bench 10x12 with 30s

Thank you, just the usual isolations like Tricep extension and hammer curls. Dips are really great though and I do those frequently.


>tfw still dyel and can't post here

>190 lbs
>22 yrs

How much further cut until ottermode?

Buff Escobar mode

Well it's a good idea to actually gain muscle when you bulk so maybe go into maintenance and start lifting weights.

You asked what I do for shoulders didn't you

stay natty you have a good build don't be a fucking quitter


maybe bulk and build more of a chest? otherwise I would classify as otter mode

solid arms and lats

I hate you with all my being. Expect a visit from my tulpa.


I don’t ohp, I just bench twice a week. No ohp, no side raises. Just tons of flat bench, incline DB or BB once a week as accessory, and lots of rear delt stuff.

do you have a third nipple?

Its a mole

You have Jason Blaha's body


You look fucking great, mate. What would be the point in roiding?

2 weeks ago, been hardcore bulking (read eaten christmas food and candy, along with normal good food) ever since.
C-Can't wait to start cutting again.


are you being serious?


Progress pic because 5 month mark.

150 -> 170 at 6'3

How am I doin boys?

A wee bit o' gear.

You have to work your rear delts to get them capped off and low bf%

T. Dyel

5'11 155

taking boyfriend applications

he's right, you need to cut.

145 lbs
Obvy not roided

>be my bear bf
I need a thiccdaddy bf

mirin, whats your chest routine?

6ft 200lbs
2 And half year liftan
I havent done a strenght routine in two years
Numbers are
90/145/190/260 in kg

Arms coming along nicely.


who doesn't

stop posing a variation of this every time, it's pathethic

195 at 6ft
B 280
S 385
D 405
2nd year lifting. Gonna bulk till 210 then shred.
>please be gentle


Merry Christmas to all the sick cunts

Good shit

205 lbs.
22 yo
About done bulking

173 lbs
225x7 bench
135x8-12 ohp
4 pl8 diddy.
have not maxed out. how am i doing for about 2 years lifting

Looking good for 18 user, I wouldn't go too heavy on squat or diddy since you might still grow some. Just keep reppin' 225 on both.

157 lbs

why you say this?

he's like 6 inches taller

this is an 18+ board

You look like a kid

Growth plates closing from lifting heavy is a fucking myth. Please stop regurgitating unfounded mom science.


Thicc strong boy

what surplus have you ran? i'm getting too fat real fast


I don't think that women should be in charge abortion laws. The whole "my body my choice" and "why are MEN allowed to dictate what women do with their bodies" is fundamentally flawed.

PPL is the best program for aesthetics for intermediate lifters

Right side pics are from this week.
Hit my goals for the year, and thinking about 2018. Mostly going to hit traps and shoulders and get a bigger squat.

Mirin all the thiccbois in this thread.

250 bench 365 squat 440 deadlift

Gains you should be proud of user.

Dude I am straight af but wtf you have the perfect body wtf you must smash hella puss this body is my end game goal desu hope you don't mind that I saved this pic, this is my motivation now

184cm ~6ft
89.2kg ~196lbs
Cutting atm for the beach weather.

Impressive transformation mate!

fuck you


that body... that bulge...

you're doing everything righ

pls be my bf

Thanks bro. Got a hot crossfit instructor gf so I guess I’m doing alright.

Thank you, m8. mirin your delts


come to NYC bby

Solid progress, get up to 200 by December 2018 senpai.

181 5'10 30yo Constructive criticism plz

this board is so fucking gay

Can I going to make it guys?

Hahaha. Made my day lad.
Is that poster in the shower wanking material?

looks thicc solid tight

new york? more like jew york. post dick.

i want to have sex with you
non-homosexual sex