Why can't men get away with this bodytype and women do?
Why can't men get away with this bodytype and women do?
Curves are sexy on a woman, they imply high estrogen and fertility.
High estrogen in a male is a genetic defect.
>Why can't men get away with this bodytype
it is almost like you never saw a chubby guy with a cute GF....
The leaner i get the more attracted i am to this bodytype
this. i see chubsters with thin gf every day
>Aesthetically attracted to slim petite girls
>Sexually attracted to big titted sluts
How do I combine this.
Left one tho
>that picture
Pick fucking one, man. They're obviously blubber monsters and would even put boogie to shame
Can't get away? Have you never seen any of those retarded before/after pictures with people taking a shit in the comments
>He looked happier before!
>Oh man, the before picture looks like a dad and the after looks like a douchebag!
>The left guy looks like someone who enjoys a beer and pizza while the right guy is probably afraid of pizza. HE NEEDS TO EAT A BURGER
Men can literally get away with anything. When is the last time you've seen a good looking guy with a hambeast?
Women have a more even fat distribution than men
Maybe you could try cutting up and combining those pictures you have.
Because women are mainly useful as a holder for children.
Men have to be able to actually influence things.
What? Women lie about preferring a dad bod over muscles all the time
slim thicc bro
they dont lie. they fall in love with a guy who has dad boy and rationalize it. same for everything women prefer, its always a rationalization for something they already feel
Good luck with what is the most overrated and hardest do find and maintain body type there is.
looks like the worms for MiB
Just embrace it. I've had this fetish since I was 10 and was just as embarrassed as you are now.
Yep, her, I choose her.
literally perfect body type. a bit small if anything. would wife the 2 on the left
* meant right
>pancake tits with brown nips
>no hips
>malnourished, skinny thighs and arms
shit-tier taste, lowtest af
Where the fuck are her hips
Muh patriarchy
We're giving the fat guys a chance, because after all, they're still our brothers.
>i will never be a soft feminine chubby manlet who can pass for a modern american curvy girl and get an autistic 6'0" or taller Veeky Forums bf willing to settle for a tummy shemale like me
They look great post pregnancy
Women aren't getting away with it. The only people that claim that fat is attractive are other women.
not sfw.
enjoy your ban
except they need to lose like 15-20kg to be hot
Oh yeah clearly you fucking retard. They're all over 500lbs each.
>the two on the left
>tfw you find out today you made your thicc wife pregnant
Men want relationships more than women do, so the odds are in their favor. That means women make the rules. Men are desperate and have to settle for fat chicks, while women get to demand high standards.
And it just gets worse. As there are more and more fat chicks, men have to lower their standards. Which lets women get fatter, which forces men to lower our standards. Until men start saying no to fatties, we're going to have to keep dealing with them
Woah calm down pussy slayer.
Feel like the male equivalent of this does just fine in the real world. They aren't worshipped for their bodies obviously but they can get gfs if they have the rest of their lives put together. Also those some fine women and I just squeeze their tits while I slide my dick between their ass cheeks
>As long as she isn't literally 500 pounds she isn't fat
user you need to work on your self esteem
I'm not sure why you think we "get away with it"
I was teased for having this body type relentlessly in school and now am v. insecure.
This also isn't true in general. If you look at the fashion industry males have a greater range of acceptable weights than do women. All of these models are plus-sized.
Also, women are biologically more inclined to have higher body fat and less muscle mass so a woman of this size literally looks more feminine to some men.
tits/soles or stfu
FUCK you , gtfo my board you snitch ass mothefucker
Fuck off you tofu eating faggot
faggot bitch
Being categorically overweight does not equal being more feminine or desirable.
She looks deformed. Also the weight of those tits on a tiny skeleton body with no muscle is going to be devastating on her back, I feel bad for her. I'd get a reduction if I was her
I'd like to believe this, but there's a scary amount of fat fetishists on this board. As long as these males exist this body type will be accepted
if you are tall and strong, you can get a decent qt
You’re saying there’s something wrong with this?
Because women like those were built for babymakin
Looks like she's made out of fondant icing.
She's literally got visible abs. She just has wide hips. I swear porn has destroyed people's ability to accurately see body types
Wtf cucked board is this
the one on the right in OP's pic looks EXACTLY like one of my ex's who I was with for years.
To the point where I had to look close to see if it wasn't her
Yeah no, sorry man. She just has that face that screams "Hey guise, I'm not very smart"
the "male equivalent" of that bodytype is literally the average guy on the street. wtf are you asking?
I understand this, it is actually the basis of my comment.
However, women having a higher ratio of fat to muscle than men do is more feminine.
Becaise women are supposed to have more fat, fat in women is used to do all kind of woman shit like periods, hormone production and complaining.
in USA perhaps, this is fat everywhere else
U R gay
>chubby, curvy, BBWs
nah brah i'm sayin those chicks are this guy. spare me the US hate.
Whenever I see pretty chubs like this, I think "Damn. They'd be hot if they had any self control whatsoever."
It looks soft and cuddly, The female equivalent would be a really lean women doesn't look good.
yes. and that man is fat.
It's almost as if women are biologically predisposed to needing to nurture the younger ones in our species, and men needed to be physically fit to be good hunters/warriors...
Yeah, but they don't look good. A thin girl gains weight she looks thicc (if she's got assntiddy genetics), a guy gains weight he's just fat.
Is this a cope? When women gain weight they look thicc and that's in vogue right now, when a guy gains weight he's just chubby and less attractive
>Put boogie to shame
Boogie is 530lbs you mong. That was my point
what a fucking faggot
>reddit spacing
Get out of my board faggot
hows it feel user?
>mfw you'll never impregnate a thicc titcow wife
Right there with you.
feels bretty good.
just let everyone know
>tfw you impregnate somebodys daughter and then tell them about it with a shiteating grin
i love fat girls.
>Men want relationships more than women do
what world are you living in dude, get out of your basement gym
wow i will literally kill for these kidna women, so its pretty motivating for me...
Are we just not gonna talk about the right chick's Slappy the Dummy-ass face?
Yet you would still bang her.
Nah. The other three sure, but I can't bear the thought of that staring me in the face as I bust.
My new years resolution is to find a thicc braphog gf
My wife is thicc, DD tits. We're looking for a Polish snapchat buddy.
Because they have warm pussies that are heaven when you stick it in. These girls are more fun to have sex with than any fitness model or rail thin anal ballerina
Be a good dad user, from their conception it's your fucking patriarical duty to teach them the way of zyzz.
because numales
no man worth their salt would even look at a fat cow with lust
Shut up you fucking kissless virgin
be female
>can be fat
>any personality
be male
>must be 6'3, white, Veeky Forums
why must it be like this
>Why do women have it easier in life?
Honestly if your white and not ugly that's usually good enough
3 and 4 with reluctance and alcohol
The only way to fly.
>you can look any way
>Be a Chad and own your looks and girls will be into you
>be a bitch and whine about girls only wanting a brad Pitt looking guy and never get laid(This is the male version of being a fat cat lady, completely needy & pathetically desperate)
this is me exactly somebody give me a workout reg
Lmao like you could get any of these bitches. I love when guys who can't get laid act like saying they'd bang somebody is this magnanimous feat. It would be funny if they'd ever actually fuck you, but chances are they wouldn't.
Its all about status for men.
Everything bows to status.
Not size, not looks, not strength.
Just status.
Wjo slayed in school?
Biggest kid or most popular? Slim popular dyels had their choice. Worldly life is same as hs but larger scale.
2 guys walk the street. One yoked, one slim in suit, nice watch.
Guess whi gets mired?
Women dont know what is love. But thry dig the status.
I dont know user I get mired more often by women when I am wearing a well fitting t-shirt than when I wear a suit or buttondown shirt. or maybe I am missing the point here but to me it seems like it doesnt matter all that much what you wear as long as you are comfortable in your skin and have confidence. some women dig the bluecolor worker style more than the businessman style atleast in my experience. also it is very hard to show off your gains in a suit so when wearing a suit it is literally all about height and face. so if you have a nice body you are better off wearing t-shirts or tighter buttondown-shirts I feel.
>just beeeee urself
this picture unironically holds the answer to your question if you look for it hard enough. if I would tell you the hidden meaning however it wouldnt do you any good I think so you will have to look into yourself user and see the truth from within.
Lmao you're an angry one aren't ya
They guy who carries himself the best wins every time. It doesn't matter what the fuck you do 98% out the time, and it definitely doesn't matter how much money you have.
You can keep crying about your made up blackpill, but crying about how shit is will never get you laid. Ever.
Women have a preliminary advantage in that guys will still fuck them for just showing up, but men will ALWAYS have the ultimate advantage of choice. Women have to sit and wait until a chad worth being with somehow agrees to be exclusive with her, but we as men get to eat everything we capture. We can bang all kinds of women and then decide who we want to be with out of our bullpen of girls we're dating.
This idea that a girl is going to cuck and leave you comes from this childishly needy as fuck idea that a girl fucking around on you is the worst thing ever. A Chad would think of this as a chance to go bang more girls indiscriminately.
It's not as simple as just being yourself. You need to be able to go up to a girl, talk like you would with a friend while also being flirtatious, say how you feel in a not needy Chad way(unflinchingly, straight faced, no apologizing), and you need to learn to the rejection as a funny, helpful process, rather than twisting it into some fucked out Elliot Rodgers autistic reaction that warrants revenge.
Not angry, disappoint that you post in tfw no gf threads and then say dumb shit like this
I don't post in those threads, I have a gf. I just numbered the 4 women in the OP pic you autist