I've heard many times that a break from masturbation increases the attention you get from women and I've even experienced it myself, but what exactly explains it? Does testosterone make you smell in a certain way that increases your attractiveness to women?
Other urls found in this thread:
>posture, confidence, motiv8ion, charisma
I don't do nofap, but did adopt a fapping rule after NOvember 2016 and stick to it since then.
No more than twice a week, never two days in a row.
The effect is basically the same and the desire is to fap isn't that strong, sometimes a month without just happens.
nofap is a meme all that matters is being good looking but i am ugly
Just smoke twice a week, goyim
You're wrong. Refraining from pornography and masturbation definitely boost confidence and masculinity. I know this from personal experience and I've read this many times online from many people.
can confirm
If you're afraid of Jews, watch JAV and Hentai
I neglected how nofap works. I have for the couple of years being aware of nofap thought that it meant you don't cum. So every time I nofapped, I edged myself to blue ball hell and got a little more interest in girls.
But now that someone told me that THERE IS A DIFFERENCE, that you do NOT nut. Now that I've done it for over a week I notice the benefits that I thought were pure bs.
>comparing masturbating to smoking
The worst part of living during an addiction/drug epidemic is that people think goddamn everything is an addiction. "Do you like [thing X] a lot and do you have shit priorities in your life? Well, [thing X] has you addicted, bro! It's like a drug, dude!"
To be quite honest, I don't even like western porn much anymore. If it wasn't for H and JAVs I would probably have stopped watching porn five years ago or so. At this point the japs might be even worse than the eternal jude.
Quitting masturbating is harder than quitting smoking, by a monumental margin
This is how you destroy your dick.
Use it or lose it lads.
this. fuckkk
This is the stupidest way to display that chart. Why not reverse it?
No fap decreses your test overtime
Did nofap for a week and I ended up fucking my ex. Do not recommend
Dont blame nofap retard. Just ghost her
no its not you fucking retard
on day 6 how the fuck do you people survive this
Youre in luck, the optimal time to fap is every 7-8 days
It's not nofap it's noporn. Fap once a week sure, but don't watch hardcore porn with dudes in it. That's fucking your mind up to be aroused by watching someone else fuck a woman. That's some unnatural cuck shit.
It's no fap and no porn.
When the fuck am I actually allowed to fap?
I started doing this and didn't even think about how long to go before fapping and now I can't get a straight fuckin answer from this rhodesian sandle washing shithole forum and every day I get hornier and angrier and I don't know if I can bust a fucking nut or not cause there are so many contradicting opinions on the fucking internet that finding scientifically unbiased sources is like winning the god damm lottery
Just go every 7 days
Have sex instead of fapping, you're not a 12 year old boy anymore
That desire you have is to find a woman and mate with her, not make love to your hand. Porn is a shitty substitute.
This. The feeling you're having is a natural urge to start your husbando life.
Go forth. Game, get get dates, find someone worth your life.
never understood this mindset. not noporn, i understand there's various logical reasons one would want to do that. but the notion of seeing a woman get fucked in porn as cuckoldry. it seems, and i use this term sparingly, like some sort of projection, as if someone's trying to conceal their own latent cuckoldry kink.
when i watch porn, i'm watching a woman get fucked, not watching someone else fuck a woman. i'm not aroused by the concept of her getting fucked my someone besides myself; i'm aroused by the visual stimulus, the moaning, the dirty talk, etc., and my mind wanders to my own fantasies with women i know
give me a fucking source or a logical explanation as to why every 7 days
>having casual sex
Too bad girls my age have STDs, are looking to become professional rape victims and/or are fucking cunts to deal with
I don't think I have it in me to find a quality girl to fuck and then ditch considering how I am well aware of the state of women in my State
any advice?
>I don't think I have it in me to find a quality girl to fuck and then ditch considering how I am well aware of the state of women in my State
1. find quality women and don't pump and dump them
2. find lower quality women and do
3. be a sexless loser that has to tell himself he's only celibate because of muh female degeneracy
literally your three options
How the fuck do I know if a woman is quality or not?
>option 3.
Not all females are degenerate, but let's be real user..
>nofap for a month
>Dick doesn't work with GF(was out of town and didn't get to fuck at all that week either)
>Start fapping twice a day to either imagination, or nudes of GF
>dick works again
Wew what a fucking meme. Unless you have a big fucking problem, like sitting in your room for hours on end beating your dick to nigger rape porn or some shit you probably should just stop worrying about it. Still, porn is fucking gay, just get nudes from thots or even better from a GF.
post the template
you'll know they're quality when you treat them like a bro you can have sex with.
hey man, if you wanna pick option three, that's your choice. you'll find good company here on Veeky Forums if you do.
>How the fuck do I know if a woman is quality or not?
i... don't think i understand your question. i'm guessing you don't have experience with women
>consider the qualities you find desirable in women
>identify these traits in potential sexual partners
>implying women don't act all nice and cool then up and leave one day because they believe they deserve better or some other selfish reason
Quality bait numale
you ever met one like that that wasn't a "girl"?
do no fap, prostate massage it increases test
you're the man. you're not at the whim of whatever your SO wants and does, so don't get so hung up on that shit. you're young, too. don't cuck yourself waiting for the "right woman" to come along just so she can put you down the way you're so afraid of because you never took the opportunity to learn relationship skills.
p.s., walking away from a relationship because you misjudged your shitty partner and know you deserve better isn't selfish, it's healthy. you're as capable of terminating a relationship with a girl as she is with you. don't play the victim in relationships if you've never even been in one
I've been in plenty of relationships, but nevertheless, I suppose some points you make ring true.
what are some relationship skills you speak of that can help me make things work better?
I think no porn + occasional imagination only fapping is master race. Your test levels start dropping if you don't fap for a while. It's also easier to sustain compared to pure no fap. Would love to be debated on this issue
>be on 2 week leave from army
>be on forced nofap
>day 14
fuck. this. shit.
>Your test levels start dropping if you don't fap for a while
NoFap isn't healthy after 1 week you become a desperate fucking degenerate.
I fucked a couple of crossdressers and trannies.
I let a femboy sucked my dick.
I fucked a old black girl and some fatties.
That shit ain't worth it.
"On the 7th day of abstinence, however, a clear peak of serum testosterone appeared, reaching 145.7% of the baseline ( P < 0.01). No regular fluctuation was observed following continuous abstinence after the peak."
"Lack of sexual activity from erectile dysfunction is associated with a reversible reduction in serum testosterone"
I know these aren't 100% conclusive, but I've seen these sorts of studies many a time and they seem to match the average no fapper's subjective experience.
It doesn't increase the amount of attention. It just makes you a horny fuck so you notice it more or try initiate it more
my guess is the attention from women doesn't increase, it's just that nofap makes you hornier, which makes you 1) more likely to look at women and therefore more likely to see them checking you out, and 2) more likely to interpret their body language as sexual interest
why is she kissing his belly button?
I fap 1-4 times a day, been doing it for years, even while in relationships, and I haven't acquired any kind of erectile dysfunction or weird fetishes. I'm curious about the hormonal effects of nofap but a lot of the downsides of porn that people talk about don't seem relatable to me.
Hmm. One would think that after you fucked the first one, the urge that led to the others would subside. Or did you repeat the nofap/degeneracy cycle multiple times despite getting burned repeatedly? Really makes you think.
Are you sure femboy, old black girls, and fatties aren't just your thing?
It is you cunt.
Smoking a couple cigarettes a week would be a lot better for your health than smoking a pack a day. In fact, there are actually some health benefits to smoking, so this was a really bad analogy.
does hmanga count as porn?
Dude if you're on day 6, the big testosterone boost is tomorrow. You're so close!
Do you feel any different, aside from being really horny?
I did repeat the no fap cycle every time. I really wanted this to work.
Now I'm just fapping if I'm starting to become desperate for a hole. It helps avoiding shit like this
Nah, I'm not even into black girls. I just wanted a hole to fill. it didn't matter the gender or race.
I often wonder when this meme will die out.
Then again theres the chance that people make these threads to placebo each other with words of encouragement.
In case its not, and you want actual benefits:
Cut out porn, masturbate no more than once a day, but no less than once a week, but enjoy sex as often as you and your partner are willing.
>Health benefits
citations needed
>In fact, there are actually some health benefits to smoking
i agree but idk about the test levels dropping, i'd need to see a source
I don't think the act of masturbation is nearly as harmful as tricking your brain into thinking you're fertilizing pixels. Occasional imagination only fapping keeps the horniness at bay.
reduces parkinsons risk
Does it count if it's masturbation and/or hentai? I've always preferred watching girls getting themselves off to watching her taking gross cock
I think its more about external stimulation. Spank bank investing from human encounters becomes gradually more valuable.
NoFap is a total meme but NoPorn is not, freeing myself from porn was the best thing I ever done
there are actually. reduced incidence of ulcerative colitis on top of my mind
no fap caused my cancer markers to spike and me to get a CAT scan because i fapped so much before that my dick was chaffed so i had to stop for a while
I feel really fucking energetic but apart from that no
its still good to limit it to 2-4 times a week, never two days in a row if you can help it
>blaming NoFap for you being a weak-willed tosspot freak
Nah lad.
>masturbating and sex increase your testosterone levels according to numerous scientific studies.
top athletes:
> I always have sex or at least ejaculate before a match.
>masturbating made me get a sex my bros. do not masturbate is porobs killing testosterone! womon love nofap look at me!! I'm one single example so it's more valid than anyone else!! also buy my merch.
>tfw made a new years resolution of quit porn in 2016
>I made it 6 months no porn
>some user posted some porn on /tv/ and I broke.
This time I'm going to quit porn and this place for good.
He's not wrong lol
[citation needed]
>haven't fapped in over a year
>can't go longer than two weeks without watching porn
It sucks desu, but I figured I would post some things that I've experienced
>you might develop premature ejaculation, but you'll be able to cum multiple times
>if you're doing this to get over some /d/egen fetish and you cave, you might get even more degenerate for the next day or two.
>you can use this time to learn to hfo if you want
>wet dreams every two weeks or so. Mostly depends on sleeping position and friction.
>dont fucking edge. Youre only fucking up your prostate and if you find that you are, its better to break your streak than feel aroused for longer than you need to.
>the dopamine rush from watching porn after a long streak might make you physically nauseas
By fapping I'm referring to old school 5 on 1, so I considered my noporn streak broken if I willingly orgasmed.
>he fell for the nofap meme
Wouldn't no sex count under no fap? What's the difference?
Bonding chemicals
Can you explain further? Does this have to do with released hormones and brain conditioning and whatnot?
Not off the top of my head and I dont have any links saved, sorry, but you can probably find some interesting stuff when looking for the effects of oxytocin.
I think nofap fucked me over.
I never had a problem with abstaining from it so I just did it for the hell of it for like 60 days. Was horny to the point of not being able to concentrate which was really annoying during the finals week so I just gave in. The problem is that now my dick is super sensitive and I come in mad quick.
Should I fap multiple times a day now to build back the stamina?
This user is correct. One fap every 7 to 8 days with just your imagination is optimal.
Test production from not fapping peaks after 7-8 days, after that youre holding it in for no good reason
By dating
Do girls mind if you look at their butt at the gym? What about a 2 second look?
See you tomorrow lad
Why does nobody ever address GIRLS doing this? They suffer from sexual dysfunction from too much porn too, they dont get erections either when it happens.
In that picture, is Pepe forcing her to blow raspberries on his stomach, or is his dick at belly button level?
I'm on tren and I laugh at your faggot nofap threads. I can jerk off twice right now and then go fuck a girl tonight. If I don't fap, I'll probably go to OPs house and fuck him and kill him- just have to see what order it happens in
>they dont get erections either when it happens.
You do realize biological girls have a "penis" too right? No the trans morons either, normal girls.
yeah, but that's the clit and not a fucking penis you nigger
So you think its just something TOTALLY different? If so you lack a knowledge of anatomy and biology.
Gandalf definitely jerks off
I was on day 27 i lost today, whoops!
>ignoring basic primal instict to nut all over the world isn't hard!
t. soyboy
Incorrect, it is all males that have a clit, and then turns into a penis.
All embryos are created female.