>stop working on legs
>happiness and enjoyment in the gym increases
Why are you still doing legs, Veeky Forums?
Stop working on legs
Because while I may hate working them out, it pays off in the end
i do them once a week for posterity. totally adequate for my goals. essentially, i'm running a PPL with two rest days per week instead of three
because it also works out my glutes and I want to have a nicer ass than 90% of the women I meet
because people with goals don't structure their activities around what is most enjoyable in the moment
Pfft I figured this out two years ago.
I've built my legs by training them directly, now all I do are pulls, and my legs remain the same size. All of the benefit, almost none of the work, (any more). Feels so fucking good man
so your leg muscles stay the same size even though your body has no reason to keep them that size? if you stopped going to the gym altogether, would your upper body stay the same too?
OP why don't you just stop going to the gym? Your enjoyment will increase even more, you lazy fuck.
stop doing everything that's not enjoyable, see how far you'll get in life
existence is struggle, but it all works out in the end
I love working on my legs and ass.
They are way more powerful than anything else in my body, and it's nice to see 100+ kg weights
>Why are you still doing legs, Veeky Forums?
Honestly I don't know, my legs are big enough even though I went from 3pl8 to +2pl8 squat
I could substitute that with something else but I like how it works the ass and legs
I don't know they do a good job keeping my torso upright and walking so I figured why not give them some attention
hahaha enjoy not doing squats you weak bitch
This right here
You're not gonna make it, user.
Because I train weightlifting and I finally hit a 100kg clean and jerk.
You have no idea how good that felt. Now I'm just training for a 100kg snatch and I'm sure that will feel even better.
Retarded, struggling doesn't make it worth it
yeah it does lmao
Because I'm not a faggot
The mentality of a man
Honestly all the main lifts can be enjoyable or a bitch in their own way. But I still prefer them to just mindlessly pumping away on a machine or cable.
Mirin my juicy quads and glutes is one of life's simple pleasures.
Because I'm not a manlet so small chicken legs are a lot more visable on me
maintaining is easier than building you stupid faggot
even if you just row & cardio you'll maintain your legs
fatty virgin spotted.
>there are "people" on this board who will never experience a tight glute/quad pump
fuckin fags