How do I fight a drug addiction without spending any money on treatment?
How do I fight a drug addiction without spending any money on treatment?
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You stop taking the drugs, then you just keep on not taking them.
>t. someone who has never been addicted to anything
by stopping
The action of taking the drug, lighting it up and then consuming it is conscious. So consciously dont do it. If I wanted to I could only wear one sock. It would be fairly easy to do. There are many things like that which are conscious. Not sure why its such a problem. A human being only needs food, water and some oxygen to survive. You dont need cigarets, drugs, alcohol or anything else.
I dont have a thing where I beat my dick with a hammer so I cum in pain or some dumb shit like that. But you, all drugs users have the equivalent of something like that. You are so far away from your natural baseline that its just even funny to think about if you are even remotely human.
Allen Carr method, used it almost a year ago to beat smoking, heavy pornography and cocaine addiction
Speaking from the baseline you've described, as someone who has never had an addiction, you are unbelievably fucking retarded and should consider suicide. Cleanse the gene pool of your idiocy.
> Thinking there is a way to stop doing something other than to stop doing it.
This phrase has real wisdom in it, and I'm I'm not a buddhist, but I studied and tried some precept of it because it has a various precept like this one, basically different method of thinking, like reading this phrase and seeing the truth in it lighting a fire inside you, like when you do a perfect streak in QWOP.
Study this phrase and go deeper
Yea i am sure you are right on that baseline lol. Just like the investment bankers who eat children. Or the abbo's who sniff petrol. Quite quite natural you are.
many such things in society, all of these weird people who think that the thing that they have is a must have for you need those brand new sneakers or else! You need a BMW i3 or else!
The only deviation from the natural baseline which is violence. ICBM's, assault rifles, tanks etc. And for industry the various processing apparatus. All actually just functional. But what you have has zero function. Its part of the decrepit pool of mongoloids and retards of society.
Replace your addiction with something less harmful. A wank releases 1/10th of the endorphins that heroin does, so simply wank 10 times instead of taking a short of heroine.
step 1: buy the drugs
step 2: place drugs on table
step 3: say to drugs, No, not today drogas!
step 4: turn 360 and walk away
step 5: ????
step 6: PROFIT$$$$$
The insult that these deranged humans have on nature, oh god. Why is civilization so retarded? OP has a list to a dealer, has an idea of how to travel to him or how to get the dealer to him. He already knows how to get it out of the bag, which devises to use, how long it can be used...this whole link of actions are all conscious. All you need to do it just to break one of them.
It used to be that in the past a positive action that you strived for...was DIFFICULT. People used to work hard for houses, vacations for family, making their neighborhood better, helping the people around them, organizing events etc.
All hard work to attain something good. So to me it just seems fairly rediculous that something as strenuous as using drugs, is a thing to "quit". The drugs dont come flying into your mouth all by themselves, your mouth or blood All these thoughts in each step of attaining the drug...people used to have a view of an endpoint for such long chains of events, of work which drove them. If your end point which motivates you...well I am not sure what it is. If you already want to quit you most likely still reason to yourself that its necessary, somewhere buried below the conscious.
but srsly, you are an insult to your parents, to your bloodline and to your country men. You work hard...for evil.
>porn addiction
>I don't know how to reply to the right person
So you're telling me that I just need to stop?
I don't believe that.
Tell your family (or if they're really shitty some good friends) that you have a problem with drugs and you have decided its time to get past it. Ask them for whatever help they can give you. You never know, someone you talk to might have experience in how to fight drug addiction.
Leave Veeky Forums and don't come back, all the body dysmorphia this board creates will only make the task you've set yourself harder
Delete the numbers of anyone you can get drugs off of from your phone.
Have a think about what times you're most likely to take drugs (is it when you're alone in the evening for example) and make plans ahead for those times so you can't take drugs then (go on dates, see some buddies, go to a nice club, go to the cinema...)
Good luck OP
>tell X
Bad advice
Never, ever do this
I have no idea how that happened. Not my first day, year, nor decade.
>six versus nine
[spoiler]I typed it out autistically to keep my typing skills up so that's how.[/spoiler]
meant for
>tried to spoiler on a non-spoiler board
I'm the one you replied too, porn is scientifically speaking an addiction
I know right, but that air addiction I tell you what. It's the worst.
The reason an addiction was bad is because it made your life worse. How does watching porn hurt you or anyone? Did you need money and it ruined your wallet? Did it hurt your health? Did it take too much time?
Messes with your neural wiring
But yea, one could see how porn and drug usage could be similar. Though addiction through dopamine affecting things seems quite different from natural urges of evolution being hijacked by electronics.
>changing the brain chemistry meme
>Did you need money and it ruined your wallet? Did it hurt your health? Did it take too much time?
It literally does (and it did it with me) all of this
>paying for porn
>hurting yourself fapping
>fapping for so long that you're late for work or some shit
What part of that video even remotely mentions nihilistic value? My view is the recognition of this reality, and then having a desire to change it for the better. It has nothing to do with your pic related.
Besides, in your cognition it is not solely the chemicals that are responsible for your being of self, your neurons, which are fleshy things, play an important role just as big as "chemicals" do. I hate how you use that pic related in poor context. Third time in a while it has happened to me.
>How do I fight a drug addiction without spending any money on treatment?
Tell us about your 5 closest friends, and tell us what drugs your 5 closest friends take (including legal drugs, cigarettes and prescriptions) Anything with a frequency of more than once a year counts, and weed is a drug.
Live a non backward thirdworld shithole where insurance pays.
The reality is that if you fap and like it there's nothing wrong with that. The change in your brain is like anything that you like changing your brain. You being afraid of your brain changing is to be afraid of time itself. Pure idiocy.
i kicked shooting heroin by starting to shoot cocaine.
i kicked that by just getting tired of it and haven't used for over 2 years now.
Wean. I'm a coffee addict and the withdrawals are brutal. Tryin to keep it to 1 cup/day now. You have to slowly replace the drug with something else that makes you feel good, like Indiana Jones putting the bag of sand where the idol was. Patience and persistence boyees
And to add to my post prior to this one to you, you need to learn to read between the lines, get some common sense. That is your problem, not masturbation causing spooky changes in your brain.
Thats actually a very nihilistic way of looking at fapping user. Kinda ironic considering your picture. There are good ways a brain can be in, and bad ways. And fapping to porn definitely is a bad way.
You know what other chemicals are important? Testosterone. This chart alone to restore its normal state has cost me quite a bit of time.
What kind of jewish, kike ridden garbage are you playing at shill.
Distance yourself from anyone associated with it if you don't do this I guarantee you will get back on it because after all a little bit wont hurt. Replace that addiction with something else start running, hit the gym more often and use that as your high, study something, find a new hobby, move away its a cunt to give up but you have to remember why you quit.
I used to be a meth head about 2 years ago, I cut everyone who i used to associate with out and moved away in this time ive slipped up twice once when i caught up with one of these old mates and another a few month's after i quit.
I feel so much better since im off and its only now i realise the damage i did i lost alot of good friends and the strain it was putting on my family and when i was on i never even realised.
It's a long road op but you can do it
The point of the picture, dumb ass, is to remind people not to take scientific bullshitery too seriously. You are that chemical, so it's pointless to think about it.
And you're using the word nihilism like a buzzword, also, for no reason. You are most probably trying to insinuate that humans are meant to only feel pleasure when it gives you some sort of """"real"""" gain. What you're missing is that fapping will just make you last longer in sex, and just because you're horny, does not mean that you will then properly operate and thus get sex. No, you'll only be you, but less happy. Like a dog begging to be fed rather than a wolf. Do dogs lick themselves though, sure, but a wolf doesn't become omega because it's a dog, it's just a wolf. IF you're some bitch it's got nothing to do with how often you masturbate, you are just that kinda animal, and monitoring your brain scans science isn't going to change that.
This is fit though, so I'm sure you're probably just being memed into thinking you can pump more iron if you jack off less, rather then attempting to make actual sense and say it will motivate you to get a girl.
I've read testosterone (just refreshed page and hue was right) lowers if you never fap.
And jews don't condone fapping, why they cut kids, duped idiot.
What was I selling by the way. Fucking retarded people. Glad I never use Veeky Forums
Literal retardation.
Lift more weights and worry about tiny changes in testosterone that may or may not be there at the expense of your own comfort.
>You are that chemical, so it's pointless to think about it.
but we are not, chemicals influence the neurons and much more than that, our consciousness is quite complex. We are also flesh, the neurons. Fuck you are dumb. Fuck off kike. Or AI bot.
Regardless of how "addicted" you are, there are people - probably millions -
who have managed to quit despite having more difficult circumstances than yours.
The first step is to realise that you can do it.
>I can literally upload my mind into a computah
You are the chemical. There is no separating yourself from it.
>or AI bot
How insane are you again?
The point of the picture isn't meant to be taken literally. It's the moral that you're missing.
What drugs are we talking about? If it's hero, meth, fenta, crack or similar level, you're going to need serious help.
>the brain is made out of chemicals, therefore nothing matters since there is no intrinsic value(nihilism)
>but you yourself which is telling me this right now is also chemicals, we dont know stuff mang,DO STUFF (...positive absurdism!?)
That was the plot of it more or less, of your comic. Why do I have to explain this to an AI bot lol, the ones who post that picture always are AI bots, or just so dumb that they may seem like it. Probably jews or something lol
>how do i fight
and not
>how do i beat
you lost already
You do progressive overload but the other way around.
You wont get high anymore but you wont collapse or kys.
>spending money on drugs
>doesnt want to spend it on treatment
Just overdose untill you pass out
I weened myself off of anti-depressants by cutting my consumption in half every week until I was only taking half a pill every other day. After that, I just stopped. This helped minimize the side-effects of withdrawal.