>take the aspie quiz
>see pic related
Take the aspie quiz
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what does this mean
>tfw diagnosed aspie
Well shit
Fucking wew lad
can someone plz tell me what it says
So I'm normal or what?
yeah, not autistic.
Wew lad.
does this mean im a retard?
This is some BS cuz I sure as hell am not a social 0 kek
went on one date since last test. I dont know if Im making progress or not.
But apparently I'm retarded because only now did I realize how this diagram is supposed to be read.
I guess I should take the test again; it's been about a year.
jelly autists?
Just a dash of sperg, I'll take it lads
The ethnicity and country options are fucking wild, shit I've never heard of before.
>Do you like toungue kidding
Tfw my first kiss was all tongue and after i was balls deep inside my first for a good 20min. Shit i was even licking her breasts and made her suck her juice off of my fingers before our lips ever touched.
Oh to be young and horny...
Well, looks like we are the only legitimate aspies here
What are your aspie feels, friend?
Neurotypical scums pls go
its alright pals
>that relationship
im introverted to the point of it ruining my first love and im still torn up about it.
I'm getting kinda scared lads
Same, diagnosed when i was 8 years old. Ive learned to deal with it though, hitler had aspergers supposedly which is pretty neat.
I know that it says I'm not autistic but wew my scores are everywhere
>do you like to jump over things
really wanted to say yes
it looks like you became more autistic in perception and relationship but got better at communication, so there's that I guess
Fucking Autzes
How did I do?
What does this mean?
A lot of these questions are really stupid.
>Do you prefer that people touch you firmly rather than softly
What the fuck does that mean?
>acoustics cheked.
Where do i sit on the spectrum?? it says i scored 8.3/10 :/
my personal favorite was
>do you feel the need to jump over things?
lmao nigga wat
You and I are the most normal dudes in here.
Anyways, my brother is a literally Aspie. Knowing him really well, I understand where they are going with those questions. Aspies don't like to be touched lightly or to be brushed by something. My little bro would freak our if you rubbed him with a feather, for example. He doesn't wear underwear because the feeling of them touching his legs makes him sick. Everyone on Veeky Forums jokes about asbergers, but no one really understands it outside of the socially retarded part.
>are you homosexual?
You have answered inconsistently on too many control-questions.
>yes- a little
are you bisexual?
>no, never
Thankfully, a lot of that stuff gets way better over time in a lot of cases, so if your brother is not an adult theres hope he'll get over it. The lack of social skills and obsession with certain things is alway there though no matter what, which sucks.
t. Literal sperg
Is it really that strange? I answered yes
I also answered yes but it is clearly a sperg move to want to jump around on top of things.
That's pretty fucking spergy desu
I feel this really bad, I can't stand heights as it is and this makes it way worse.
Autists don't like being touched. No idea what that has to do with the exact firmness, though.
I'm to autistic to understand this. Can any brah help me?
The more neurodiverse something is the more aspie you are. The more neurotypical something is the more normal you are. These aren't necessarily contradictory. That said, what in the fuck nigga lmaoo
Why did I have 3 options for sex and 6+ for gender, explain?
Shiitt.. I'm fucked. Trying to make sense of this chart.
>someone with those results is here
There really is no escaping this place, is there?
I also score INTJ on the Meyers-Briggs test
unfortunately, he's 20 and has gotten worse after puberty
I said I could sense people when I didn't see them, because sometime you just know someone's around. Then when the optional question at the end popped up I got creeped out, like they thought that I thought that I was psychic or something
mine is similar and I do as well.
want to be friends :)
Huh would you look at that
You have assbergs if you finish a fucking 132 question quiz.
Sex = physical traits
Gender = mental traits
i'm probably just an antisocial cunt who is too busy lifting to care about others
>last time I tried this test I broke it by answering too many questions ina conflictionary way.
its an autism quiz
kek I was thinking this
Chad coming through
Actually I just sit on my computer all day unless I need to be somewhere and i could have sworn i was autistic as a teenager but oh well
You browse /pol/ a bit too much
That's coming from a National Socialist
I assume this means I'm not autistic?
Am I a normie? When do I get to leave this place?
plz help
I'm autistic as all hell apparently
Me too bro
A lot of those questions were like "holy shit, yeah"
I was worried it was like those rigged depression tests that basically if you put down any points above 0 it counts towards your "depression score"
I don't think anyone actually knows how to read this shit
>red is retard
>blue is normie
congrats, you're half-normie
You're really fucking plain also an autist. Sorry.
Dude you're so wrong you have no idea. Being socially inept doesn't make you retarded. Socialization is a skill just like knowing how to find a good anime rip is. Both improve with practice.
the last time i took this is kicked me out 75% of the way through and said i wasn't choosing answers consistent with any patterns.
Fuck that test. every question had multiple correct answers, I would study each one and pick the best answer according to a randomized schedule of simulated emotional impact from the question. Fuck that test
So I like to jump over things. Fuck it; normal enough.
Most of you need help.
Wtf the choice of analogy...
Just more evidence that there is absolutely nothing outstanding about myself
Is this good or bad?
well fellas..
well I guess it's official now
ohhh shit.
Okay, so I took the quiz but I'm not sure what it means.
>Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 70 of 200
>Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 134 of 200
>You are very likely neurotypical
it's gonna be ok meine brüder, we're gonna make it
Mental health threads go on Thank you for making Veeky Forums a place of actual fitness threads!
Jesus dude. How are your social skills so shitty?
I need a second opinion
You're a bit aspie
1/3rd I guess
I’m my gfs only real friend it’s all making sense now
yea i did that one before
I said yes dude that's not atypical. Half of the test is admitting to enjoying things that normal people enjoy