Okay, so i am a healthy male. Im 10% bodyfat, practics sports & weightlifting regularly. Recently i have acquired a girlfriend. And i am having regular intercourse with her. But the intercourse is not good. I have troubel maintaining my erection during the intercourse, and things like her riding me is not possible. I only achieve a good, not even full erection during missionary and doggy style. What is the problem, the female is attractive. This problem also exist during masturbation, where i am not fully erect but erect. Any help Veeky Forums
Okay, so i am a healthy male. Im 10% bodyfat, practics sports & weightlifting regularly...
I fail to see how this is a problem
Height and weight?
You might be gay user try guys. If that doesn't work either might as well get some ED meds.
Cease masturbation
My dick becomes so sloppy, there is no point in continuing intercourse. And i roll over in shame, knowing i did not satisfy my woman.
Op talk to a doctor
Age? Porn habits?
Stop watching pornography faggot. You are ruining your libido.
Fuck off LGBT shill
How does ED meds work.
23 i do not watch porn, used to but on a 140 ish day no porn now.
Not a shill. Not my fault if OP is a faggot but doesn't know it yet.
>how does ED meds work
You take a pill then you get a boner.
But, like. I will always have to plan sex...
Also curious is masturbation okay if you don't watch porn or nah?
Stop jerking off too. It fucks up your dopamine response.
normal dickslaps are perfectly healthy every other day or so.
I dont fap, i only cum inside of the woman
take one every night you're going to be with her?
So it's not like i take one and my donger becomes a pole for all day?
idk, but if it does, I'm sure she'll notice and take care of it
Hey OP. Go get your test checked. Low testosterone may be hindering you.
Post body. I don't believe you to be a healthy male if you can't keep your dick up.
My body is pretty known on instagram, so i wont post that here cause it could get recognised. But take my word for it.
Also, i do not think my testosterone is low. Im literally the least soy boy known to man
Are you attracted to your gf?
>the female is attractive
Thats' not always enough. You could be more turned on by a less attractive female sometimes.
woah r u me? it comes and goes, sometimes we fuck twice a day everyday, sometimes i cant fuck for a week.
Do some cardio, do some kegels.
My girl really likes grinding down on my cock, that feels good to me but it isn't the type of stimulation that gets me diamonds so I just have her suck it for maybe a minute every fifteen minutes or so and we're good to go.
So. Pull the cock out when it's not as hard as you'd like and shove it in her mouth. It's good practice for her too.
Maybe you are depressed?
Do you feel safe with her?
Anything negative weighing on your mind
Have you tried taking a week off exercising.
go vegan, cholesterol can lead to ED
Similar problem. Met a girl that is really cool and have lot in common. Want to start seeing her but don't want to keep her dragging on since I have ED.
Been trying to quit porn and exercise more regularly.
You might be gay dude one of the guys I lived with last year had this problem and he turned out to be a closeted homosex
Literally just go vegan. I've never had a problem when vegan with ED. And I unironically grew at least an inch when fully hard. That bloodflow is no meme.
>~140 day noporn
>still can’t get hard
Look into test
32 years user here
Look, the thing with the boner depends on two factors :
60% Physiological
40% Mental
Physiologically speaking - how does the dick becomes hard? The dick is an organ that changes it form depending on the bloodflow. Moar blood = more hardness.
What problems may arise in the physiological sector? Most commonly is sedentery lifestyle and/or tight muscles on the pelvic floor. Others which I doubt conserns you is changes in the circulatory system - cholesterol plaques etc.
You can fix that easily if you are a young dude -, mobilize the tissues aroudn your pelvis. Do regularly saunas, do cardio.
Viagra works by increasing the bloodflow in the dick. It's shit, I do not reccomend it.
Mental -
90% is too much porn and lowered response to sexual stimuli. Others - stress, problems, anxiety issues, not being immersed in the moment, worrying about "satisfying her". That shit with SATISFYING THE WOMAN is the stupidiest meme ever. What turns me on is seeing a woman enjoying riding my cock... guess what turns her on? - seeing YOU ENJOYING HER.
I was a nofap enthusiast for a while until I realized it doesnt really matters that much. Actually I feel a lot better fapping once or two times a week that going full nofap mode but you might be different. Just do what feels right.
She needs BBC asap
Had the same problem for years. Just stop jerking it all the time and you are good. Like once a week max. Rest of the time dump the load in her.
>10% body fat
Found your problem
Being that lean can often fuck up your erections, I had the same problem when trying to get that lean
Just eat more, being ripped is not worth a dysfunctional dick imo
fucking idiot. he needs a blood tesxt to check.
its often progesterone levels you stupid fuck, no matter what he does won fix it if his progesteone is fucked up
OP go to a doctor and do a blood test
It's either mental or physical.
If you can get full erections, it is mental.
It's usually anxiety, even if you don't feel it consciously.
nigga u gaaaay
how to kill progesterone?
fuck off you disgusting fucking ape
no this is wrong you fat nigger retard
OP i don’t know how to break this to you: you’re not a machine, just because you’re masculine doesn’t mean your dick will always work. you may just sort of have gotten bad genes. try cardio and foreplay. if nothing works, then if you want to risk damaging your heart and nervous system, cialis and viagra are options. sorry i wish the idiots on here would shut their fucking mouths and just tell you this. also you may be fucking when you’re not actually really turned on but are just using the available sex for stress relief. also, again you’re not a machine
Dude I jerk off like 5 times every day and I can still keep a monster boner every time I'm fuggin a qt
bulk to 12+% bf
Just fuck men dude.
Do a bloodwork op. Also some user posted another solution, your bf% might be too low. (You know how women stop bleeding if they get to thin? It's similar for men.)
Bottom line is get your bloodwork done. If there is nothing physically wrong then it might be a mental thing. My money is on the bodyfat, anyways.
1. Stop watching porn (and stop fapping to if you wanna go all the way, but I personally think it's a meme). If you want to masturbate, use lube as to avoid death grip. This will stop your dick from getting so desensitized. It should effectively increase your libido.
2. Do male pelvic floor exercises. This will increase blood flow to your dick and make you hard as a rock. Google it.
These two should honestly help you out immensly. I've heard zinc and magnesium supplements help with libido but Idk
Unironically, try fucking a a guy
Maybe.... when your dogging her you can't see her face, thus allowing you to pretend it's a man?
>My body is pretty known on instagram
lol sure
Hey lads tore my frenulum pretty bad 2weeks ago, it still stings to pull back my foreskin, sex is impossible any tips to speed up healing?
Are you on an AI?
Betadine to minimise infection and keeping the area dry, so allowing to hangout in the open air when it’s appropriate.
Just do as little as possible to aggravate it, you should be okay again in around 4 days.
Satisfy her with your mouth, dude. Lick that pussy. Suck that clit. That'll make her cum. That's what she wants . . .
without porn, without deathgripping and with lube its probably good
Good advice here. Also get a cock ring, winner's choise
get one of these bad boy, OP.
women love cock rings.
especially the ones that vibrate.
why do you talk like a machine you robofag?
you have good genes
you fap too much, dingus. Quit for 90 days
i'm watching porn regulary for the last 10 years, and have no issues whatsoever
yeah boners are psychological bro, try sticking your dick in a man
i have a similar problem... i'm a healthy 19 year old male, low BF, and it's tough for me to keep my dick hard throughout sex even if i'm really into it. however every time i've had sex i've been pretty drunk so i think that might explain it. im too much of a pussy to do anything while im sober lol. anons here can you get hard while drunk?
they should have this on all porn sites like a cancer warning on a carton of ciggarettes
>~14% bf on a bulk
Body dysmorphia much?
Having problems with erections can have many reasons, of which many physical reasons have been discussed.
The other reason is that you're not into it. This can have many reasons as well. Sexual orientation, any kind of stress, uncomfortableness, psychological issues.
I woud gamble on the latter. The reason is the way you write. It's the only thing that really gives me information about who you are in your text. You write in a cold desciptive manner about yourself, sex, your gf and your problem. So there might be miscommunication between your head and body. Might be a trauma, depression or possibly a personality disorder (with light dissociation?)
You could always buy sex toys and just casually play around after you get soft~
weöll clearly you have to lay off the roids
Why do you speak like a fruity faggot?
>started having ED during a relationship with an unarousable gf (later turned out to be a lesbian)
>have this horrendous fear of ED with the next few thots I get with
>use viagra for a while, works wonders
>get with a new, stable gf with a healthy sex drive
>never have problems again though the fear never really leaves me and have trouble from time to time (not using viagra anymore)
>years later I get on trt 100mg/test-e a week because I wanted better gains (getting old here)
>raging boners. Sex drive back to what it was when I was 16. never had a problem after that, the fear is gone forever.
tl;dr: high test will cure all of this
why do you talk like a numale
This is so fucking wrong if you're healthy and not low test its hilarious. Workout and get plenty of water, zinc, selenium and vitamin D and you will be blowing loads like a god damn fire hose. You should also be horny enough to cum 3 times earlier that day and then be horny enough to pop a stiffy and urge to fuck after just spooning your girlfriend, maybe seconds and even thirds after she's ready again afterwards or later on that day. You just need to adjust your lifestyle, that or i'm cursed with an insane sex drive.
Sounds like depression
you are obviously gay or overweight or you have early onset CVD. Pic related is a gift. Are you hard yet? :)
So hard 4 u bby
I had ED for a long time (years) and I tried Viagra. Half a pill gave me the hardest boxers I've ever had. After using it for a few months I started getting morning wood again, could get hard on my own masturbating. Finally tried with a girl and I was able to stay hard. Viagra can cure you, not just treat you, it is a miracle drug.
fuck off normalshit
Fuck! I tried so hard but I just woke up after jizzing in my dreams. I had this really weird dream where a cute redhead came to take my order at a diner, but instead of a menu it was a picture of her hairy twat, then we went outside and she started saying in russian how she wanted american citizenship, so I said, "One american baby coming up", then I woke up covered in jizz. Fuck nofap this is god damn impossible. I still have a boner too, and I can't get back to sleep.
You should just be proud that somebody as autistic as you found a girlfriend
I have the same exact problem. I think it's a mixture of physical and psychological issues for me.
>19yo gf
>She orgasms
>dick is crushed and goes limp because blood is forced out like a wrung towel
i never understood guys who cant get hard, if you aren't ROCK hard before you even begin, wtf are you trying to have sex? tickle each other, cuddle, lick feet and armpits, but for gods sake why would you try to fuck with a limp dick?
if i can't get hard i just eat ass for like 1 hour and enjoy doing giving multiple orgasms. i dont even really like sex all that much, tfw thin penor. T H I N N N
death grip, too much fapping and porn.
Stop fapping now that you have gf.
Also, onionpill erections are real af
You must only last like 30 seconds then
STOP masturbating and STOP watching porn.
the problem will fix itself in less than a week.
Mate I'm 3282 ng/dl and in range E2, normal prolactin. Struggle with an erection too. That's 500mg test E and 25mg e3d Aromasin.
you mean 2.5mg aromasin.
>normal E2
>not getting boners all the time
you're clearly a faggot. it's ok.
Are you taking stims like caffeine throughout the day?
whenever I have a good dose of caffeine pre I will have ED for the next 6 hours or so.
Daily sex and masturbation too? Your dick is just tired. Try nofap for a week and see if it helps.
very low bodyfat does that. Are you sure it's just 10%?
>meet up with an incredibly hot and horny swedish girl for a long weekend together in a hotel
>we basically spend a little over 3 days in bed
>fucking about 5-6 times a day
>i bust so many nuts that after a couple of days I’m barely shooting any cum, just a few drops
>last night together
>alright it’s time for one last epic fuck to leave a mark on this bitch
>started out fine
>go soft halfway through, can’t get it back up
>try to get it up and in but it won’t work
>go to sleep awkwardly
No I mean 25mg aromasin. Aromasin, not armidiex.
Well senpai, the high hematocrit makes me tired as fuck, so does the high blood sugar. As a result, I have high blood pressure, tirdenss, and clear vascular issues that inhibit erections. This is causing me problems with studying for semester 1 exams, btu fuck it.
Nah, same issue here. I don't drink anymore but when I did and had sex I had to go down on her and jerk myself hard every 10min. Not that the women complained but it takes a toll on your ability to enjoy sex if you constantly worry if you are hard, which makes it harder to stay hard and so on. If you have to drink maybe experiment at home, drink x number of bears and try to get hard and stay hard, then slowly go up and see when it fucks with you?
>not vegan
Found your problem
>don't fap
>don't get turned on by porn
>taking care of everything that could cause my low libido, from a physical standpoint, I really do
>test is good
>still never get turned on
I used to fuck like a rabbit and now even women hitting on me doesn't make me interested. It's probably depression but I don't want to take meds. What do bois?
this guy gets it
>>oh no my dick is soft, i guess sex is over