How Veeky Forums is your frat?
How Veeky Forums is your frat?
>UF KSig
Lol, got a lot of friends who are alumni of that chapter. Dope house, worst location, not remotely Veeky Forums brotherhood
FSU Greek Life is over anyway
My Frat isn't very Veeky Forums. a couple of guys I lift with every once in while that are pretty Veeky Forums
Are you a UF Kappa Sig???
I am a UF Kappa Alpha
How does it feel to lose Chi O to us even though they were are second choice?
Get a life.
either d1 sports player or undergrad published dyel
>Are you a UF Kappa Sig???
that was the first image that came up on google
>How does it feel to lose Chi O to us even though they were are second choice?
Congrats, always a good feeling.
gay af
>bragging on an anonymous image board
yea he's the loser here dumbass
It's less anonymous though, he assumed I was someone of relevance.
>paying for muh brotherhood
My frat got suspended for a while after a new recruit got raped in the ass by a couple of our senior members. Good times
Where do you think the money goes buddy
People knock Frats but I think it's beneficial for most of you autistic faggots on this board who are too retarded to make friends like a normal person.
I was a KA at OU
Key word being "was"
the dean of the school, Rabbi Schlomo Shekelstein
no u fag
but usually the people who join frats are chads
low quality ones with 2 digit IQs
This is honestly the truth.
When you're just going into college, or even as a sophomore, you're still impressionable for the most part. If you're at least a cyborg and not a complete shut in autist and you truly want to try and become more outgoing, going greek literally can't hurt. Sure, you can die, but that's only if you're too stupid to say no and don't know your limits.
UF sophomore checking in
How do I into frat life
Playing rugby was enough for my first year but now I want to step it up
>How do I into frat life
Firstly, find a house that is right for you. You want to join a house that has the guys in it that have personalities most compatible with yours. Obviously every guy is going to be their own person, but generally everyone in the same house can get along well with each other (that's literally the idea behind Greek life). A good indicator of this is your pledge class. If you don't get along well with anyone in your pledge class, that fraternity might not be right for you. Don't suicide rush (i.e. "it's this frat or no frat"). You have to be yourself or you risk having a miserable time.
Secondly, learn to handle your alcohol and drugs.
That's all I care to spoonfeed you. Just rush and don't dress or act like a fucking scoob and it'll all come to you.
>Secondly, learn to handle your alcohol and drugs.
frat bros are so cool
u kno it cuh
Delta Chi canadafag reporting in. I’m old now. Doesn’t matter. Shit was great back in the day.
Honestly don't see the appeal even though there are obvious benefits
>Getting into a top frat means you'll be doing push ups on glass, getting violated with a beer bottle, or something even worse people have literally died
>Have to pay money and likely have your grades suffer
>The Stacies you have access to often have to do fucked up shit to get in their srat like videotape themselves get anally gangbanged to be used as extortion if they ever go against the senior members
>If you're not doing any of that shit you've just been herded into a loser frat
Though if I had hot sluts and unlimited cocaine I'd probably change my mind
Pike @ USC here. Definitely do it, you can always go inactive if you don’t like it, there really isn’t much risk.
Iowa State Delta Chi Alumn.
When I was there, I would say pretty fit. I lifted as well as some others who wanted to look aesthetic. One of my bros competed in powerlifting too.
I’d rate a good 7/10.
We dominated a few intramurals and other sport events for Greek week/ homecoming.
Do you know Kimble?
>Delta Chi
>not Sigma Chi
low energy
super rich chad alert
>Sig Chi
Might as well be TKE at that point
Are you kidding me?
Sigma Chi is literally known as the frat for all the rich white boys that went to private college preparatory schools and get fucked up every chance they get here my dude.
UofA? Alumni? Matt wagg?
>I’m right next door to you on row
Can we stop feuding, it’s really gay. I don’t dislike you guys. Let’s just be ourselves