Are chads better than us?
Are chads better than us?
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omg what's wrong with his chin
Talk for yourself.
You want to know how I know you aren't lifting?
short answer yes.
They meet more girls than normies, they have more friends than normies and they generally live happier lives. Unlike normies, They are very comfortable in public settings.
Normies (or virgins) tend to struggle with these things especially in public where it matters the most. Said normies then spend more time in there rooms and online. They live sad lives.
I force my self to go out at least twice a week even if I have to go out alone. Public events, bars etc. sometimes people talk to me, sometimes I talk to people. For me it is not about findings girls but about being in public and not devolving into a weird creep.
Thanks to this the few times where I have met a girl I don't come of looking like a weirdo since I know about hangout spots, places to go, drink names etc. and I have gotten a few girl friends thanks to me stepping out of my comfort zone.
Chad isn't real, Chad is a nightmarish caricature that a council of virgins came up with so they could cope and blame for their fates.
cut the memes
Chads are Top tier genetics with no self awareness
when they are younger they get everything they want handed to them
as they get older they reach the limit to what not putting any effort into life brings you, where people actually question their confidence levels and self assuredness
their health eventually fails them, their drinking catches up with them, their cheerleader wives get old and age badly, and as they get fatter and weaker from not doing a lick of exercise since college they can't pull good chicks so their standards drop.
Chads are not true alphas, alphas pull others up, chads push others down
this (inb4 some lookism fag calls cope)
regular high school chads will start to decay in their 30s-40s. Only the high IQ slayers that don't succumb to degenerate desires will stay true alphas their entire lives
Well done baby boy
holy shit this
there are men who are genetically gifted, but they still have their own insecurities
they have to live up to very high expectations and are constantly competing with the best of the best
Youre talking about Brad who has to push others down in an attempt to elevate himself to Chad status.
Chad is a true leader that thrives on the success of others around him because he doesnt feel insecure about his own situation. He also doesnt need to overdrink to compensate this doesnt have a drinking affliction that will catch up with him and his relationship is genuine and wont deteriorate as his wife ages.
You have some projection issues buddy
This. Chad is just a reflection of r9k's own insecurities.
Depends who you ask. If you ask us (chads) no we don’t think we’re better than you. But if you ask women or employers then unequivocally yes
Chad is a caricature. Slayer is the term, slayers are real.
That guy is not a chad. He's a retarded edgelord who cried on tv
Sometimes you have to drink to dumb yourself down to the level of the majority of women. I can't tolerate their stupidity if I'm sober.
Holy shit it's the human embodiment of Veeky Forums
>normies are now nervous in public and live sad lives
the fuck?
Chads are superior in literally every way
Spoken like a true r9k
And thats why you’ll never be Chad.
Robots, normies and chads are all just guys. The only thing that makes someone any one of these is believing that they are one.
>tfw transchad
>I can't tolerate their stupidity if I'm sober.
>*hits vape*
>implying anyone who isn't currently Chad can ever become Chad
You can become a Brad but never a Chad.
There are no Chads
There are no Lanklets
There are no Manlets
There are only PEOPLE.
Fucking get over yourself already.
Yes I am
Wow the Justice League CGI was terrible
Incel detected
>t. 5'6'' virgin
Look at the average normie guy now. Addicted to video games, left leaning, no muscles. Now look at what normie girls can get on tinder, chads who will happily fuck all of them (tho not date). So now the average normal guy might get laid if he enters a long term relationship, but otherwise it's unlikely. I'm not sure if this something that has been proven with studies yet, but I live in the UK and I am absolutely convinced that it's the current reality. The "lad" normie is become much less common. I've slept with about 30 women at age 28, not much at all but most men I bring this up to think I'm lying or that it's huge numbers (meanwhile actual chads are in the hundreds)
>durr look how many dumb whores ive stuck my dick in u mad????
>he looks down on guys who slay
The definition of cucked. Hating on manly things is soiboi behaviour
fucking dumb whores isn't manly. The opposite actually, it's a thing a degenerate soyboy would do
Look, i know fucking whores isn't cool. I shouldn't have even brought it up. My point is, normie guys are having less sex these days (but not normie girls)
what does this t shit mean?
Yeah I agree, I'm a different guy than the one before
with that said, r-selection fucking around like rabbits is degenerate and how they want you to act, be k-selective instead faggot
Fucking and chucking is fine. Bragging like it's a huge accomplishment is cringe.
duuuuur sex
Youre literally a nigger
> (OP)
>Chad isn't real, Chad is a nightmarish caricature that a council of virgins came up with so they could cope and blame for their fates.
This. Goddamn newfags.
You sound like a bitter old man.
>hurr lifting
>hurr shooting
>hurr X, Y and Z
See I can do it too.
It's ironic as fuck that /pol/ hates casual sex yet loves masculinity. Fucking hot women is manly and cool as fuck, and I have a strong suspicion that /pol/ doesn't like it for 2 reasons:
1. Lack of experience with women and bitterness over missing out
2. Autistic larping internally as a noble Christian knight or some shit, distanced from degeneracy and upholding traditional values (while snivelling about women on the internet in bubble communities who very obviously have no idea what the world is really like due to lack of social life and jaded worldview)
Go back to your hugbox.
>go back to your hugbox
>he says while using the typical /pol/ strawman projection tactic
1-800-come-on-now, maybe you should have worked out at the library instead, brainlet
Hey there, buddy. Welcome to Veeky Forums. It's a strange place but we hope you enjoy your stay.
Strawman or not, it's all true, and it seems like you know it.
Why don't you go and discuss international jewry with the other little men over there.
Other guy wasnt me
Also I'm black (so im better than you in every way) not a pol tard
Didnt read any of that shit you typed
You're an insecure child, far from being the chad you wish you were. Get off Veeky Forums. Stop trying to brag.
"Signed". I think it's a throwback to forum signatures.
fuck off faggot degenerate, I've been on Veeky Forums since 7 years
but sure, go jerk off to your zyzz porn degenerate lifestyle
Fuuuck! You ruined /pol/ in one post.