I cant believe some of you faggots actually are falling for the ONION MEME
I mean how fucking dumb do you have to be to eat a whole raw onion every day based on IRANIAN science
I cant believe some of you faggots actually are falling for the ONION MEME
I mean how fucking dumb do you have to be to eat a whole raw onion every day based on IRANIAN science
shoo gains goblin
t. Soylent enthusiast
So you are saying that I planted all my onions in vain?
I thought Iran actually contributed quite a lot to scientific discovery.
I ate a whole sweet onion last night, just made my gut and mouth taste like fucking shit for 16 hours. Definitely worth it.
Yep, they fell for Le Epic May-may, and now believe they are IRANIAN LAB RATS. That's how desperate some of the losers of Veeky Forums are. Of course if they have an ounce of personal discipline, a lick of common sense, and any amount of patience, they'd know they'd need to lift for at least a YEAR before they'd even start to show any real progress to the naked eye, but this is the smartphone/xbox/playstation generation so they have none of the above.
assmad trolls been called out, lol
pretty racist of you op
>Eat a whole white onion one night after gym
>Think it's not gonna do anything
>Wake up next day with a boner so hard and large that it hurts
>Mind far more clearer, more motivated, way more horny
>Cum 4 huge loads to slampig porn
It's not a meme. If those are placebo results than I'm gonna keep doing it anyway because that day I felt great. Combining it with nofap just might be godmode.
onionman's test results are gonna btfo all you fraud faggots
The madman is eating TWO whole red onions per day. I wish he did just one so we could see the effects but still, good on him.
You overdid it and gave yourself away with the nofap part. But good try mate.
Don't forget at least 3-4 cloves of garlic a day. Godspeed user
I'm not baiting matey
>tfw no gf to onionfart on
>IRANIAN science
But when AMERICAN scientist tell you that corn syrup is good for you, you gobble that shit up like it's going out of style.
>thinks it takes a year to make noticeable gains
maybe doing ss the whole time
>IRANIAN science
pretty sure the results were confirmed by some mexican intellectuals
>I can't believe people are willingly eating more vegetables!!
Whether it works for Test or not, it shouldn't affect you one way or the other. Fuck off
Shut up you fucking scum
It does affect me
It offends me and I am having you arrested for it. Enjoy prison
I doubt it garbagebag
That's why I'm eating onions and nofapping, silly.
>when your gf is a normie
But srsly it works.