what are the keys to training for hypertrophy? Stuff like
> rep ranges 8-12?
>how many sets?
>slow and concentric?
>ton of volume?
Training for hypertrophy
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example, here's a routine for a push day I was making
Thursday: Chest/Triceps/Shoulders
>Bench 3x8
>OHP 3x8
>Incline 3x8
> Chest DB Flyes 3x10
>Front Delt Raises 3x12
>Lateral Delt Raises 3x12
>Rear Delt Raises 5x12
Volume is key, lots of reps at moderate weights. Personally put on 9lbs of muscle over two months by doing just lots of pushups, pullups and situps.
Lots of sets and with slow and controlled good form, keep rep ranges between 6-12
My gains got alot better when i started doing reps slower but lots of reps and sets
That's all you need to know.
None of that shit matters.
to prevent myself from plateuing, could I alternate rep ranges on certain days? For example, Monday I would do bench and Incline bench for 6 reps and thursday I would do them for 8.
the >LIFT part is what I'm asking about though
I don't wanna look like pic related and his 3x5
Take Bench Press for example, would it be better to do 5 sets of 8 with a lighter weight, or 3 sets of 5 with a heavier weight?
If so, why?
5 sets of 8 because that rep range makes muscles grow more than low rep ranges
I do a full body workout 2 or 3 times a week and my gains are way better than when I was doing certain muscle groups each day
What about 3x8 heavy, or 5x8 lighter?
It comes down to preference though...I don't like HAVING to take days off from the gym
dont listen to these kids
I recommend looking up the PPL on reddit if youre a beginner. you need a mix of low rep compounds, so like 3x5 or 5x5 bench, to build strength, and then lower weight higher rep accessories like flies, etc.
Oh lol that's why I started doing a full body 2 or 3 times a week because I didn't want to have to go everyday, I work long shifts at a labor job and the gym is a chore after work
I've literally read people on this site saying the Leddit PPL gains were pitiful.
>build strength
lmao you think 3x5 is some magic number that skyrockets bench? EAT, LIFT, AND SLEEP AND THE STRENGTH WILL GO UP
>and, you'll look good
to add to my point, 3x5=15 reps and 3x8=24 reps, there's literally a 9 rep difference, it's not going to completely "fuck your recovery" and "fry your CNS"
Anyway, research has shown that exercising with a hypertrophy routine let's you gain muscle mass 2.5x as fast than with a strength routine.
training for hypertrophy is so much more nuanced than "high reps"
the best way to train for hypertrophy is to induce recoverable fatigue through high-volume training stress. so yes, this sometimes necessitates higher rep ranges. this means operating in submaximal loads in order to accumulate enough work to disrupt homeostasis and trigger muscle protein synthesis. that concept is also true for strength training, but strength training usually differs in working loads, exercise selection, and rest periods (sometimes)
I like to do fives, sixes, and eights on the big lifts, eights, tens, and twelves on supplemental lifts, and myorep schemes on ancillary/isolation work, with work-up and work-down sets, and high frequency on compounds (at one point I was doing bench press and bench variations up to 4 times a week to grow my chest
whats the right temp to use while benching 4 hypertrophy
doesn't matter. you could do tempo bench which is a specific variation, but it's mostly for technique purposes and not for hypertrophy
Frequency > volume (everything 3-4x/wk is optimal)
Keep going up in weight
Rep range really doesn't matter as long as you continually progress in weight
TuT is a meme, negatives really shouldn't be longer than a second, just keep it controlled
Use proper form, SLIGHT cheating on certain exercises if it helps you provress
Focus on the big compounds (ohp, dl, etc) with accessory work for anything not hit all that well. For example on days I do rows instead of chins, I'll add in some bicep work.
Eat a lot
greater frequency means youre accumulating more volume, it's not like the two variables are in opposition
Do you mean it's better to spread out your volume throught the week than do it all in one day? bc that's absolutely right
you just contradicted yourself
>people have said gains were minimal on this routine, don't do this routine
>nothing matters just eat sleep train bra
so if I did xPPPPPP (push pull) I would be optimal in terms of frequency
you can accumulate as much frequency on compounds, aka the lifts that matter most, going 3 or 4 days instead of going 6 times a week
also if you have no intention of doing legs you're a fucktard
I have a huge squat ass due to low T and being a squat loving faggot
lots of volume, primarily in the 8-12 rep range, occasionally dip lower than this (maybe 1 out of 4 mesocycles)
look up "volume landmarks for hypertrophy" mike israetel article
what does that have to do with the post you replied to
he said if you have no intention of doing legs ur a fucktard
I have huge legs why would I want to grow them further shrink those motherfuckers
there is literally nothing wrong with having a big, masculine butt my dude
also how in the world does low test make your ass big
low test makes your ass big bc of fat storage around the lower areas, making it look even bigger
if I want lean aesthetic from this, would i be as well going straight to a PPL or doing a few months on a strength program? Was looking at Ivysaur 4-4-8, seems to have a decent mix of volume/intensity
So what you meant to say is, "I'm fat and "heavy" squats are giving me a chunky, feminine, ass."
I'm actually 5'9 130 lbs but ok
>not lifting 6 days a week
jesus christ