How affective is a water diet?
I've friends try it and said it was a fun challenge and they enjoyed the cleanse. Others said they hated it. How good will I feel after a week? How much weight loss?
How affective is a water diet?
>using meme diets to lose weight
I mean you literally shit out stuff that's been in your intestines for a long time. How is that not cleansing?
>the thing that's been around for millennia (fasting) is a meme
>the thing that's been around for decades (calorie restriction) isn't a meme
>you literally shit out stuff that's been in your intestines for a long time.
Oh boy
And you are empty, so it will be good. Because you are much lighter, no carbs that store water, no food.
But you have to be careful. In one week xou may lose 10lbs , but that is mostly water. Maybe 1,5 lbs fat and you will lose some muscles, too.
So you have to. Carry a bagpack which is so heavy it contains the weight you lost. And always carry it in the time the fast goes. So you will not lose muscles.
Should I wear my backpack to bed? What about when doing the Olympic Lifts? Like the behind-the-neck overhead barbell quarter-squat.
During the lift you can let your backpack down. But just during! In the time between the exercises you have to wear it.
In bed it is bets for your spine to use a heavy blanket. I just put some stones in it during my waterfast.
Does it still count if I eat at night like Ramadan? I hope my intestines will be partially cleansed.
Calorie deficit is 'modern' because we didn't have 2000 calorie foods you can vacumn down and still be hungry 100-200 years ago, fucking dickhead.
You eat less then you can maintain your current weight, you lose that weight. No need to fuck your body up like a retard, dumbass.
It's clear you've never tried it. After a few days your shits start smelling utterly foul. And since you haven't eaten for days, it's obviously stuff you ate in the past.
Are you joking or being serious? Do you think your body stops producing waste when not eating?
>I hope my intestines will be partially cleansed.
Eat more broccoli
Poop isn't actually waste. It's food that you didn't/couldn't extract nutrients from. It's excess.
Urine and sweat, however, is waste. It's how you excrete waste products created during metabolism.
>No need to fuck your body up
>recommends calorie restriction
You can't make this shit up.
>It's food that you didn't/couldn't extract nutrients from. It's excess.
To be this stupid. whew
Why is always someone telling me to wear a backpack for gains, no muscle los, etc.
This is more stupid than the onion shit. Will i be a superhero with 10 onions and a 200lbs backpack?
>he's never taken biology
200lbs of onions in your backpack should do it.
Does it work if I eat nothing and only drink diet coke?
This retard doesn't even know what makes poop brown
>watching Philly and still not understanding the madness in fasting in order to look good
Think about a diet you can maintain for years. You can lose weight in a short time but it will come back just as quickly.
>>the thing that's been around for millennia (death at a young age from disease) is a meme
>>the thing that's been around for decades (vaccines) isn't a meme
I legit shat bricks when by poop stopped being brown very briefly once. I presume the cause wasn't too deadly because I'm still here.