The science is in lads
>”The scientific evidence is clear as can be that cutting calories simply doesn't lead to long-term weight loss or health gains.”
Your move, Veeky Forums
The science is in lads
>”The scientific evidence is clear as can be that cutting calories simply doesn't lead to long-term weight loss or health gains.”
Your move, Veeky Forums
Yes, that's why WHO put moderate physical activity in the food pyramid
fuck off phoneposter
Well I won't disagree with dieting not working.
Simply eating "healthy" for a few weeks or a few month won't do this, since you will go back into your old habits, if not worse, and eat like shit again.
I wouldn't even be surprised if 90% of diets failed.
The proper way to lose weight, is to do a life style change. You can still eat crap, but you just have to do it moderate amounts.
>won't do this
>do it moderate amounts
in moderate*
Or just put the fork down?
It's not even a lifestyle change, just stop doing something, not that hard? huh? ahah
>It's thin people that don't understand how to eat right
I think science is showing that fasting is actually better for the body than eating reduced calories.
Can some /fast/ autist post those links saying how fasting is literally the bedt thing ever?
>professor of psychology
opinion discarded
>current year
>people unironically believe this garbage
Stay fat, fatfucks
This is peak female brain
>I have failed
>I must make sure others fail with me.
>“The only people who don't seem to appreciate this are people who have never dieted. It's particularly hard for them to believe because it doesn't square with their own eating experiences.”
we been saying fasting is the answer for so fucking long now
Because these fucks won't cut them for good.
>Don’t try to improve yourself, goy. Buy this new product, goy, watch this new television show, goy.
>Simply eating "healthy" for a few weeks or a few month won't do this
it literally will
i started eating only home made foods and in like two months or so I lost like 20 pounds.
yeah, sure. how's a skeleton supposed to just lose 20 pounds.
Started at around 110kg in late April.
I'm now at 73.8kg.
1. Calorie counting
2. Walking 15,000 to 20,000 steps daily
3. Lifting 3 days a week (since July)
But it isn't a diet. It's a lifestyle change. All my diets failed because I assumed they would be temporary, so I made them temporary. This is working because I know it's sustainable even after I lose the weight.
What a fucking load of shit
>lost 175 pounds in 22 months
>oh just kidding I don't actually exist apparently
>less in more out doesn't leave less left
Ok so physics dont work anymore, i'm gonna go flying with my hands then.
>two professors of psychology
>"dieters" as a PC/safe term for "fat people trying to lose weight"
>most of their "research" is focused on how "dieters" succumb to dumb mistakes
>their research doesn't actually try to help these "dieters": they conclude that people should just be nicer to them when they fail
wew. one of the worst articles i've read in a while.
You made it the whole way through? I applaud your willpower, but i guess that's not really you. I applaud your genes being such that you can read on through horse shit.
why is a skeleton trying to lose weight?
Those must be fatties with money to spare that fail. Big reason for me to not eat like shit is because I'm spending about $6.58 CAD a day on food. I get my breakfast, lunch, dinner with snacks just by eating clean. I cannot go back to the old habits, they cost too much.
Also helps a lot that we don't get charged tax on actual food here.
(((Traci Mann)))
Every. Single. Time
far too deep in the BONEZONE
P-please stop being right, /pol/.
It's /pol/'s curse, their burden. /pol/ is always right, especially when they don't want to be.
ok, whatever they want to call psyche
What are these people smoking? I went from 95 kg to 84 in 2 months, i exercised just as much as in any other period BUT i also took up a diet, it 100% works
>professors of psychology
>"researching" the science behind caloric restriction and weight loss
This article is never going to take off, and it's going to be a joke in the kinesiology/physiology/every other scientific community. Anyone with half a brain would realize this is full of shit. Surely we can't be the minority here, right Veeky Forums? I know damn well there's more normal minded people out there than people like this. There has to be
Can confirm. I've been going to the gym since july, but only changed my diet mid november. Lost 5kg since I did that. That's more than I lost during the 4 or so months going to the gym with my old eating habits.
>i started eating only home made foods and in like two months or so I lost like 20 pounds.
Yes, but if you stop eating properly, Because "yay, I lost the weight, my diet is over" and go back to eating like a shit-pig you'll just gain all the lost weight and then some back.
Which is what all the fat fucks who try to "diet" do. Eat healthy for a month or two and lose some weight, then go back to eating like shit and blame diets not working when they get fat again.
Oh my God. Work on that reading comprehension, bro. The article isn't saying that a calorie deficit won't produce weight loss. It's saying that adopting a temporary calorie deficit ("going on a diet") does not typically result in the changes of habit and lifestyle necessary to keep the weight off. Over 90% of people that succeed in losing weight through diet put the weight back on within a few months. That's the point of the article.
This isn't news, it's been known for a long time. I don't know why Veeky Forums is going nuts over something it already knows.
>This article is never going to take off, and it's going to be a joke in the kinesiology/physiology/every other scientific community.
I dunno if this is American education or just plain idiocy.
Diets don't work, never have, never will. It has been proven dozens of times and is the reason you stupid amerifucks come out with a new diet every 5-10 years because "this time, it's really working".
I also love your self-righteousness, Mr America, with your average 40" waist and an average BMI of over fucking 27.
There really must be something wrong with your brains, America. Stop making up bullshit for a start, how's that.
>Less fat
>Still dumb
dieting doesn't work.
improving eating habbits do.
>professor of psychology
>giving opinion on nutrition and biology
>professor of psychology
>coming to conclusions about ANYTHING with the use of logical reasoning
This is pathetic. It's pathetic that these people have a respected profession and even call it a science.
There are two groups of people.
Group A are thin and therefore successfully diet.
Group B are fat and therefore unsuccessful diet.
These people are somehow making money by coming to the conclusion that simply because group B struggle with an issue that group A doesn't, it must mean group B are more knowledgeable on the task at hand... Disregarding success/failure rate. And of course, the big one... Not attempting to find out from group A why they don't struggle with the issue group A does by asking them.
All she did in essence is listen to group B complain about what they think is the problem and believed them at their word. Then assumed only those who are negatively vocal about the issue are the only ones who have experienced it or have any knowledge about it.
It might be the tren. But I'm enraged. I can't believe these people make more money than me even though they are using the same kind of reasoning a 10 year old would make.
This, unfortunately
the faster you move the more calories you burn
>life style change
I fucking hate this term. Changing the shit you shove in your gullet is hardly a lifestyle change. People act like you have to overhaul your entire way of being to lose weight, of course people aren't gonna do it. The reason they like the idea of "going on a diet" is that it's a stepping stone. Only a frothing retard goes through a big change in diet then goes right back to eating cake and ice cream without thinking they'll put it all back on. And yeah, there are a lot of frothing retards in the world, but there are also a lot of people having their minds filled with fucking garbage who literally just need someone to point them in the right direction, and have that direction not look like a spooky foggy forrest surrounded by glowing eyes and lightening.
It's not that fucking dramatic. Just put down the cake.
Gimme an archive.
Counting calories has literally gotten me down 16kgs since October 20th these people are fucking losers man.
It's called confirmation bias. People instinctively resort to comfort and lazyness, so when someone says "It's okay to be lazy", and it's presented as a scientific article, they will use it to delude themselves.
That's exactly the problem and why a lifestyle change is needed. People think diets are temporary, hence, they lose the 10 lbs and think they can go back to eating like shit, and gain it all back.
>professor of psychology
Irrilevant opinion
This is pretty much the issue.
People don't understand what the word "diet" means.
To people like us, diet is referring to "our diet", "my diet", "your diet". It's a word that describes our food intake habits.
Even fat people who don't want to lose weight have a diet. It's just that their diet is terrible.
Then there are people who say "dieting" to mean the process of trying to eat better. They are actively improving their diet, therefore they are dieting... Which is a useful way to describe it. Nobody should be confused about that.
But THEN... you get people who think going on "a diet" means picking a diet that they find in a magazine or the internet. These are almost always bullshit and are the "diets" that aren't sustainable and don't lead to consistent weight loss.
The issue is that thin people, Veeky Forums people, bodybuilders, athletes etc all have a good diet, consider themselves to be "dieting" at different points of the year and assure the fatties that dieting DOES work.
Fatties see this as a lie because they have tried dieting in the form of "A diet" they read somewhere. They don't realize that being on a diet doesn't mean you need to be on a specific diet with some hidden secret to it that will work in 3 weeks.
They literally believe that either successful dieters either just have good genetics, or that they successfully completed one of these diets and it worked... but they haven't found that one yet themselves. Which leads them to continue trying different diets at random. Apple diet. Lemon diet. Activated almonds and two strings of spaghetti every hour diet... Lol.
Holy shit this article
>muh genetics
>fat people are fat because they are fat
>people that eat a lot eat a lot because they eat a lot
And these people are doctors?!
I despise /pol/ for always being right
bois you gonna make a racist out of me even tho all the kikes in my country went out of the chimney during ww2 and I don't think I've ever see one in rl
Ex fat ass here
They told me diets fail 95% of the time
So being a brainlet I was all like that means I just need to have 20 attempts at getting it right (seriously attempts)
Every time I failed I learned what I did wrong
>mfw chicken plus broccoli is not the same with KFC chicken
Fast forward 6 attempts later
Not fat anymore (still has stretched marks)
Makes gains
They say diet don't work cause it only has 5% success rate (if that was a drug u would call it a shit drug)
But the important part they confused up is
Diet not ment to work
You are supposed to do the work
And diet just help get u there
>Diet not ment to work
>You are supposed to do the work
>And diet just help get u there
wise words
>Being so fat that even the laws of physics break down in your body.
I hate this meme. I have my BA in Psychology. I got my MA in Psychology. But I got my PhD in Behavioral Neuroscience. I do real science. I use patch clamp electrophysiology to study electrochemical signalling on the cellular leve. I use micro PET scanning to do 3D imaging of brains to study the effects of acute and chronic drug use. What I do is essentially a very specialized area of biology. And I have to go to mixers within the department and talk to social psychologists with their pop science bullshit and act like we're peers. FUCK.
>psychology professor
Okay, post a study by someone with an actual degree.
>what thin people don't understand about dieting
>what people who have succeeded at thing don't understand about thing, t. people who failed at thing
cool blog post nerd maybe tumblr will like it better
I am confused. The body burns a certain amount of calories and burns even more with activity.
Then, wouldn't having less calories in than calories being burned mean a loss in fat, or muscle?
>implying all thin people used to be fat
the snakebois were right all along
Of all sentences possible in the english language, none of them pain me as much as "/pol/ was right again"
>implying obesity is not a natural state for our species even in time of hunger
r u racis
That goes against empirical evidence of fat people having perfect weight loss diets and leading a healthy, active lifestyle, and being unable to lose fat.
>cutting calories for a short while does not lead to long term results
>I fucking hate this term. Changing the shit you shove in your gullet is hardly a lifestyle change.
Learning how to cook and actually doing it every day for the rest of your life instead of getting all of your food out of a box or bag is very much a lifestyle change. If you arent willing to stop regularly eating garbage for the remainder of your life, youre going to fail. Hence, change in lifestyle
That's shit
I counted calories and I lost weight
>implying I implied that
>”The scientific evidence is clear as can be that cutting calories simply doesn't lead to long-term weight loss or health gains.”
That basically just means
>"when not controlling people's calorie intake in a clinical setting they go back to their usual eating habits and just gain their weight back or even more"
The problem is willpower and incompetence to understand calories, but you can't fault people for that. People don't want to learn about calories and having to worry about what and how much they eat, but they also can't just "listen to their bodies" because their bodies are also too fucked up and addicted to sugar and other compounds in processed food, so listening to their bodies would mean just getting fatter and fatter. It's a complex problem and brushing it down to "lazy fat people" isn't a solution.
I've gone from eating cake and ice cream whenever I wanted to having a very responsible diet and disciplined exercise routine. Obviously my lifestyle has changed, but I never once set out to change my lifestyle, and the insistence that I needed to do as much if I wanted to be anything other than a tubby piece of shit for the rest of my life was something that stood in my way for a long time.
You don't have to just go out and change your lifestyle, you adopt changes here and there and eventually your values shift, your commitment strengthens, your sense of personal responsibility is developed, and you look back to realise all of a sudden you simply HAVE a new lifestyle.
It's a fucking joke how easy this shit is if you just stop listening to all the bullshit buzzwords. People push that shit to sell magazines to revolving-door fatties or to exaggerate their own accomplishments, it's nothing but hot air.
>I have my BA in psychology
Opinion discarded
>Cutting calories for two days and then bingeing for eight weeks doesn't help you lose weight.
Goddamn it every time
>>mfw chicken plus broccoli is not the same with KFC chicken
Are you retarded.
The studies aren't wrong though. There's a huge psychological factor to losing weight and keeping it off. This is something people who have always been fit or skinny will never understand. I'm almost lean now, from severe obesity, and I can still devour thousands of calories in minutes without a second thought. A fat person will always be fat on the inside. Everyday is a struggle to keep that fat side of yourself under control.
>Real science
Read some actual psychologists
you should read the studies instead of getting overly butthurt over clickbait?
>The prevalence of obesity and its associated health problems have increased sharply in the past 2 decades. New revisions to Medicare policy will allow funding for obesity treatments of proven efficacy. The authors review studies of the long-term outcomes of calorie-restricting diets to assess whether dieting is an effective treatment for obesity. These studies show that one third to two thirds of dieters regain more weight than they lost on their diets, and these studies likely underestimate the extent to which dieting is counterproductive because of several methodological problems, all of which bias the studies toward showing successful weight loss maintenance. In addition, the studies do not provide consistent evidence that dieting results in significant health improvements, regardless of weight change. In sum, there is little support for the notion that diets lead to lasting weight loss or health benefits.
>“Success” in dieting interventions has traditionally been defined as weight loss. It is implicit in this definition that losing weight will lead to improved health, and yet, health outcomes are not routinely included in studies of diets. In this article, we evaluate whether weight loss improves health by reviewing health outcomes of long-term randomized controlled diet studies. Across all studies, there were minimal improvements in these health outcomes, and none of these correlated with weight change. A few positive effects emerged, however, for hypertension and diabetes medication use and diabetes and stroke incidence. We conclude by discussing factors that potentially confound the relationship between weight loss and health outcomes, such as increased exercise, healthier eating, and engagement with the health care system, and we provide suggestions for future research.
the study is on diet alone, you also exercise, you are young, and you are probably socially isolated since you spend most of your free time on an anime board. Less temptation.
she didn't conduct the research though? who gives a shit if shes jewish or not? shes reporting what the SCIENCE is telling us
pol is so low IQ
>Muh genetics
>talking about nutrition
fuck off dumb bitch
You need roughly 4000-5000 mg of Potassium daily to function properly.
Weird worked just fine for me
T. Just cut down from 179 to 153 over the past few months by cutting back cals and keeping proton high
I would bet $100 you didn't read the studies
low iq mouthbreathers fall for this shit every time.
>in moderate
So you're a retard grammar nazi? It's "in moderation" dip-shit.
Why bother reading the study and taking this shit seriously when it's click bait bullshit to begin with
I have about as much effort as i can to this shit thread
>CICO and thermodynamics just aren't real
Suuuuuuuure it doesn't, OP. Did you vote for Trump or something? Are you really this dumb?
More likely you're a fatass, you can't stick to a lifestyle change that has you eating a PROPER amount every day, keeping track accurately and honestly, and are now in the Deep Denial Phase, looking for (alternative, LOL) 'facts' to back up your chosen narrative.
...because, OBVIOUSLY, my having been >300 pounds at one point in my life, then having started cutting calories, tracking what I eat, exercising vigorously and regularly, and losing my fat ass and getting down to the 190 pounds I am right now is just SO TOTALLY FALSE, I'm obviously hallucianting being 6'4" and being able to not only fit into 34x34 Levis, but have them be LOOSE on me, despite being able to leg press about 4 times my bodyweight and solo sprint well past 30mph on a bike, from a standing start. Yep, I'M OBVIOUSLY MAKING UP BEING ON A RACE TEAM NOW TOO.
Get correct, OP. Your self-delusions are embarassing.
bro wtf just eat less, get all your protein, vitamins, omegas and probiotics. stop being a fat shit and lift weights