How accurate is this image and will this work on a man? Asking for my roommate
Better Butt
why do women think this is attractive?
better to do them with weight/resistance.
>How accurate is this image
It is complete BS.
There are videos on youtube where girls have to do 200 squats a day, every day, just to get a mild visual result.
this doing 3 sets of 10 is complete horse shit
the woman in the picture has an obviously fake ass, and those bodyweight exercises will do jack shit
Because of the way my dick reacts.
You'll get a decent butt once you hit 3 - 4 pl8 hip thrust
Nigger asses are in trend right now. As the huge lips use to be a few years ago. Dumb women will always be dumb
I love new America. Thanks sir mix-a-lot.
What's a good workout routine for girls? One of my friend girl asked me fitness advice abd I told her to do some research on her end because I don't know jackshit about workouts oriented toward women. I don't imagine recommending PPL is a good idea
white women as a whole got negged by hiphop culture and are now trying to qualify themselves that they too have ass
>Bodyweight squats
kek what a joke, nobody should be doing bodyweight squats unless you're doing like 1000 as a finisher or are overweight and new to working out.
Squat heavy, hip thrust heavy then toss in whatever accessory you want and you'll get a bigger butt.
You're a fag and so is your 'roommate'
>1000 as a finisher
bitch you couldn't do 100, finisher or otherwise. enough with the worthless hyperbole.
Come back when you can find a picture of a woman's ass where her back isn't at a 90 degree angle
It is actually
Just more focused on legs
Ignore the fags but the pic is completely bullshit.
Bubblebutts come genetically or you can get some results by hip thrusts, squatting and bulgarian split squats. No bodyweight fuckaround but with heavy weights and low reps. Also eat a LOT
because bubble butts are really hot
why don't they just use weights?
This + kettlebellswings
>worthless hyperbole.
It isn't a worthless hyperbole, I'm saying they do so little you'd have to do 1000 to get something useful out of it.
No, pic related is the best for glute hypertrophy.
Augmented by this, leg press, and deep squats.
Is there a way to do these at home without a barbell? It's too embarrassing to do it in public.
You really need a lot of weight. Just buy some weights
Yeah, have your gf sit on your crotch and trust her upwards. It's fun. Escalates into sex most of the time.
But indeed, when I used to do this at the gym faggots always felt the need to comment on it, saying it's bad for my back.
Can I use a 40 pound box of cat litter
Or should I just buy a barbel
B-but I am the gf.
I bought a barbel especially for this. Totally worth it. You also want the weights with the biggest diameter so you can sit down and roll the barbell comfortably over your legs. You're going to need way more than 40 pounds anyway really quickly because you have glutes and they are very strong, you're just not used to using them.
How much did you spend? Did you buy it online, if so, do you have a link?
I probably don't live in your country.
You can just get any barbell with 2x 20kg plates for starters.
And one of those pads that go around the barbell.
I prefer a short barbell so you don't have to pay much attention to balancing it, but that is less useful if you also want to use it for other exercises.
jamal and tyrone pls leave. there's cotton to be picked.
glutes respond well to volume, but most of those exercises are bull. you're better off doing
>running (sprinting for more size)
>high volume kettlebell swings
>stepper (any form of incline cardio is underrated for glutes)
>hip adductions (bands or machine)
>hip abduction (bands or machine)
donkey kicks are alright too but you need a machine (leg press machine) or bands to add a bit of resistance. high rep for all of the exercices (more than 5 sets of more than 15 reps)
as a woman trying to put on mass, it's also very important to eat at a surplus, and otherwise optimize recovery.
>bodyweight squats
>workouts oriented toward women
Same as a man, unless they're on something/or eating ridiculous calories their bodies will sort themselves into a feminine shape.
The only difference is women will use lighter weights.
>why don't they just use weights?
women simply don't know any better. they think they can grow just with light calisthenics.
>3x10 bodyweighted
Thats like absolutely nothing.
Without question ham glute raises and hip thrusters will give both male and females the best ass gains. Plus youll pound that pussy to dust.
Begone thot
Are you people gay? how can you NOT find an ass like the woman's in pic related attractive?