What can I do to reach 5’10”.
What can I do to reach 5’10”.
Whisper 'grow grow grow' to yourself
Tip toe.
wear lifts
nothing. stop worrying about your height you boring fuck.
I'm 6', has anyone tried cycling with a higher seat and the leg and back stretches? How about the hanging/inversion tables? I just want to be an inch taller.
Doesn’t work
That looks weird
I don’t want a temporary fix
This could work, but damn clothes look better on a taller frame
I’ve tried all of those but for only a week each. Maybe I should stick with it.
I'm going to make a manlet to lanklet routine and follow it religiously twice a day for three months user. I'll post a thread about the exact routine this time tomorrow, and I'll post again in three months with the results.
If you really post a routine tomorrow, then I will do it religiously for 3 months and post results.
Alright good.
11pm pst.
I believe in you user.
neck rings
Your growth plates have probably closed.
I know some of your pain; I'm 23 as well, and 5'9. But we need to come to terms with this. On the off chance we still have a little in us, exercise, eat well. But 5'7 isn't too bad. Could be alot worse. Are you white, at least?
I'd like one too
Amputate lower legs and replace with prosthetics of appropriate length.
The only legitimate way is to get surgery. They break your femurs, but pins in on either side of the break and then stretch the gap open. The bones try to grow together, but before they can, it is stretched again. slowly making the bone longer. You can gain a few inches in height this way.
>182 since I was 16
When will I start growing again?
Wear boots with heels. It's subtle and fashionable. I'm 6'1" and I do it, so you're falling even further behind if you don't.
go to outer space for 3 months
Godspeed user I too shall follow suit
Dude, just accept it, you can't do anything real that won't fuck you up
Just wear heels lifts and tall bottomed boots to give yourself a ton of extra height in public.
Unironically jumping
what routine?
Timberland boots
Wear thick shoes and a tall hat.
G you nigger
look closely
>Doesn’t work
lmao he's fucking tried it
Just wait. Males don't stop growing until about 30.
I'm actually a cyclist and my legs are really long compared to my torso.
My height is 183.5cm.
Lenght of my legs are 112.5cm.
Lenght of my torso is 71cm.
I've been a cyclist my whole life, but I doubt my legs are long because I've been cycling long distances. It's mostly genes because I have a tall family. My dad is 195cm.
>dad is 195
>he is only 183.5
did your father fall for the short woman meme? lmao
I still have many years left to grow. Suck my wet dick pussyboy.
If you are above 15 no you don't, and in that case you wouldn't be allowed to post here you dyel faggot
>grow grow grow
HGH but at your age it might be too late.
your dad's penis is 1.95 cm
Kill yourself and hope you get reincarnated as a taller person.
That's really your best shot there.
there is no other correct.
>Feel like a midget next to younger guys
Sorry friendo even if 5"10 you would still be manlet
Stop crying theres probably a chance that you will still be growing too.
Are you sure you didn't mean 19.5cm? Long legs = Long dick. Doesn't it make sense bro?
I get triggered by these kind of garbage "riddles"
behold the stupid dumb little meme wall blocking the pipe from container C to container D
keep coping king of manlets lmao, I'm as tall as your dad and finished at 15-16 as most guys do
he shouldn't have fallen for that sub 5'3" womanlet pusy
I would hate to be any other height
hahah jesus christ, one torture please!
Im a little over 5'10'' and I usually am wearing boots that probably make me about 6' and I'm pretty much shorter than every dude at my uni, besides the chinks and pakis.
Honest to god I don't even take a second look anymore when there is a chick who is taller than me, seems like a good 25% of white women are.
I've always been on the shorter side in school, so it doesn't really bother me that much, fit just made me take notice of it. I don't think I could cope if I was an actual turbomanlet though, you honestly look like a kid next to everyone else.
protip: you're not 5'10", stay away from doctors in case one might measure you at 5'7" and your world breaks apart
5 10 is Tyson tier. Aint even mad t b h.
Excellent cardiovascular health, excellent strength progress, excellent levers.
And dont need to eat an elephant to gain muscle.
Its the best height ever.
There is a reason why its average height, because in millions of years in the past, taller people got killed off.
If your half Asian I'm going to kill you
Why did you think that? XD
not that other guy but
>lack of body hair
>dark brown, almost black hair
>skin tone yellow/brownish
>soft/asian facial features
Jump a couple thousand times a day. Like 2000. Every day. You'll get a little taller. Works better if you're under 20. Went from 5'6 at 18 to 5'9 age 20. I'm still doing it to this day. I want to reach at least 5'10.
Fucking sad sacks of shit whining about height.
Im not pale rn because I still have the tan color from all the cycling in summer. My hair is dark because my family has dark hair. I don't have asian facial features you are just blind. Lack of bodyhair? I probably just have bad genetics and ive shaved my legs multiple times... Jesus christ
What are you talking about?
Lol just imagine what being 5'7 must feel like.
What don't you get? I'm saying to jump. Up and down. It'll make you taller. I'm living proof
Dose your local gym have one of these?
Just because you grew taller from doing it doesnt prove shit. You dont know if its your genetics, you mightve just hit a natural growth spurt. Link studies or theory behind it or it's bullshit.
Honestly you should've done physical activity/sports at a young age. More sports = micro fractures in bones = taller. Probably too lamuch e now though.
All the nerds in my high school who always xv at out PE and never did competitive sports grew to be manlets.
I unironically want to do this torture machine exercise and see if it actually works.
This. I used to be a lazy nerd in high school PE and am only 5'10 even tho dad's 6'1
If you really don't even want to try then you must not wan't to get taller that badly.
I don't know what your complaining about, there are tons of benefits to being a manlet, for instance when it rains you'll be the last to be wet
shouldn't hgh work in your case?
what if you start a fasting lifestyle like omad and 48h fast. maybe that'll do something
Better genetics fag
Stop being insecure. I'm 5'8 and while I realize my teen obesity hasn't helped, it hasn't stopped me from getting laid. My friend is 5'5, fucked up teeth, and balding at 19, but he still went home from college to bang his high school gf.
Post the fucking pasta
Based kek