is there anything worse than these whores
>no gains
>face covered in makeup
>only works out their ass
is there anything worse than these whores
>no gains
>face covered in makeup
>only works out their ass
Still better than 90% of women who don't work out at all.
Out of shape girls who put no effort into their bodies or appearance.
obese femayos?
I don't really get the appeal of wanting a grill who's swol af. Cardio girls are much better
yea almost all other chicks
How is "thot" pronounced?
is it tho user? is it?
idk u tell me
>fit chicks won’t even look at me so I’ll display my bitterness by calling them useless on a Scandinavian underwater plant watering forum
Literally exactly how it is spelt. Rhymes with spot.
>implying doing only butt exercises will prevent a girl from getting fat
...this was the pic OP used tho, implying that this is the kind of girl he hates
Yes there is.
Those who are too dumb/lazy and go under 20 surgeries on top of all the makeup(liposuctions, injecting shitty to to get more volume on certain parts).
yes you dumbass
how many fat girls do you know that consistently work our their ass? high end of a normal bmi, maybe, but the really fat ones can't do much because "muh knees"
I can't tell if this is bait... or just average stupidity
r9k trying to get back at the "chad board"
oh, so both?
>implying squats, lunges, and deads don’t help with fitness
tch... leg and glut days are for beta cuck shills...
Fit chicks look good but the pussy is way too tight. What’s the point of a hot chick if you can’t even work your dick in?