Should I get a boob job?

I'm a 26 year old woman who is currently losing weight. Even when I was overweight, my breasts were already going a little south. I'm pretty sure once I reach my goal weight my breasts will basically be flat empty sacks on my chest. They're not down to my belly button or anything, but I'm still not confident about how they look.

I wanted to know what I should do once I finish losing this weight. Should I leave them natural, get a breast lift, or get implants? Do men care what your breasts look like after you've lost a large amount of weight? Do sagging breasts bother men? I know I should just accept my body the way it is, but part of me worries I'll be too self-conscious about my breasts to truly feel confident.

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well are you gonna post them or what

gonna have to see those sweater puppies to make a final decision

Nope. I'm not even at my final weight so there's be no point anyway.

You know the drill. Post milkies!

delete your thread then fatty


Listen little baby, you're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that aint what I'm about.

You're perfect the way you are. You hear me, sugar? Perfect. You deserve everything and anything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.

>MFW thinking about you hurting

Go find attention elsewhere

you're dying alone roastie

then get off our board you fat roastie

Imo most guys don't really care that much about the size but them being droopy is an issue. Personally if I had to lose weight and had a lot of loose skin I would get surgery

wong. im running 500mg/wk test and im insanely horny post them


Be skinny. That’s most important. A lower BMI is the most attractive thing a woman can have until she’s underweight. Hip to waist of 0.7 is next. Not bigger or smaller than 0.7. Face and tits are next.

Big, firm natural tits are best. Form there, opinions vary. Small firm or big natural looking fake tits are next. Big saggy tits are unfortunate. Small saggy tits are just sad.

>asking when you don't even know how you'll look without them
>unironically considering breast implants

You're fucking retarded. A THREAD DIED FOR THIS.

I'm at a healthy bmi now but thanks for your concern.

I mean sure thanks. I just want an answer though.

I said nothing of my relationship status but okay.

I'm really considering it. Eventually I'm going to get a higher paying job so it isn't out of the realm of possibility.

Post those fat and saggy milkers cunt!

>Veeky Forums is this insecure
even the females on here are insecure fucking hell, why cant you just stop doing shit for others and do something for yourself for once

If you feel like it will make you feel better JUST DO IT. Fuck everyone else, it's you that should feel good with it. Just don't go overboard. If you think it might potentially be a turn off for dudes then don't worry- unless you get a porn star like melons most dudes won't even know.

The answer is always YES, but only if the end result looks natural.

Big tits are awesome, but fake plastic tits always look horrific. Pic related, a pair of plastic tits

Do it if you want to.
There's always danger to going under the knife, though. People always seem to think that cosmetic surgeries are risk free.
I recommend looking deep inside yourself and pondering if you can love your body and feel attractive without invasive surgery. If you cannot do that in any way, get the surgery.

>I'm really considering it. Eventually I'm going to get a higher paying job so it isn't out of the realm of possibility.
no one is going to hire a girl with droopy tits

Making my partner happy would also make me happy.

Good to know user. I'll take it to heart.

>my partner

>lifting for others
>surgery for others
shit goal desu, what about when you get an infection or when your partner leaves your ass for having shitty fake tits?

what about when your baby trying to suckle the milk and getting silicone poisoning?

tits are much less important than ass / hips anyway

It depends on the guy. I'm a legs/ass guy so I'm okay with perky/non-existent tits. I'd still give your nipples some love and appreciate the fuck out of them if everything else about you is good.

The answer to your question is that if you honestly don't think you'll be able to get over that insecurity, then get a boob job. But to be honest, I would make the decision after you lose your weight. You might gain so much confidence with getting sexier that it won't be as big of a deal for you. Cross the bridge when you get there.

good luck, OP. I thank the fucking universe every day that I was born a male. It's fucking hard being a chick in this world.

A breast lift without implants wouldn't have that problem.

kill yourself

Classic female insecurities thread. Girls wanting to get surgery for big boobs is like manlets wanting to have their shins sawed in half and stacked to be taller. It looks fake, and you'll draw the wrong attention from creepy fucks who think fake tits are the meaning of female beauty. Just because you can do something and thots do it because they hate their dad doesn't mean you should.

I appreciate this answer user. Honestly I've been feeling more confident in the way I look with every point I lose. Having a straight jawline instead of a prominent double chin is especially enjoyable.

Usually when we ask to see tits its just because we wanna see tits.

However, a boob shot would actually help make a judgement here. Keep a bra on if you don't want to go all the way. Leave your face out to protect your identity.

Post tits

Only bad operations look fake. Plenty of successful boob jobs look completely real and natural.

Silicone poisoning is bullshit. Implants will look better with saggy boobs anyway, as you have plenty of space to fill

sure go ahead. Just don't go for the bimbo look. The "natural" look is much better -- look at Japanese boob jobs.

Spotted the incel guys!
How was your Christmas alone? :)

Nope, you can tell the difference from fake and real just by touching them.

Well, I figure there's forgiveness for less than perfect breasts the older I get. Sort of like how older guys get saggy balls. 26 isn't exactly "old" but it is around the age many women's chest starts to change due to age/weight fluctuation/gravity in general.

NO! Never do this .

No man who tells you to get a boob job cares about YOU.. they also prove they have retarded aesthetics becasue NO BOOB JOB ON EARTH HAS EVER LOOKED GOOD

They always are obvious and always detract from your narural beauty.. You will only get degenerate retards interested in you if you do this as any intelligent guy worth your time will be turnd OFF by fake breasts..

again tldr: No. they always look gross and only moronic men like women who get them.

There is literally no argument against this so any dotards on this board who disagree prove their imbeciles..

With implants, sure. Without, probably not.

By not posting them you insure this post has no point.

Yeah sure, if you think it'll make you look better then go for it.

Just don't go overboard with it and you'll come out fine.

You're a bit extreme in your views.

your post is probably the best argument in favor of getting a boob job.

thank you

At least post what cup size you were and what size you're at right now!

FOUND THE RETARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


mens taste in boobs goes all the way in both directions, do not waste time guessing what your ideal husband will want.

if confidence is what's making you lose weight then that should guide your attitude to surgery too, imo

Lies. Some of them you can only tell if you look really carefully. I have spent many, many hours on MetArt looking at them, you clueless roastie

ummm sweetie ;) xx

Barf... proves his point if you ask me,.

Looks like shit, obviously fake tits.
Real ones don't stretch out in every direction like an African horizon


>I thank the fucking universe every day that I was born a male. It's fucking hard being a chick in this world.
Are we all just gonna ignore this beta posting?

He's right though, stop acting like your life is hard you neet fucking virgin

Not really. Prime age for women is 20, regardless of the man’s age. Prime age for men is whatever age the woman is.

Life is hard for anyone who’s not rich or not a hot 20 year-old chick. Get over yourself and your willingness to believe femtard propaganda.

found the soyboy


They look good, but they don't feel good.
So unless you plan to live until you're 30, get all the attention you want, and then kill yourself, it isn't worth it.

>Prime age for women is 20
To you. It's okay to have preferences.

Objectively. It is the age men of all age groups find most attractive.

>another female poster
Can't you obnoxious cunts fuck off to lolcow or something?

is this bait? show boobs and we will tell if you need boob job or not

I'd say it's the idea of being 20 more than the age itself. Since there are women who look older or younger than their actual age.

Buy a silicone implant off eBay or something and play with it. They don’t behave quite naturally, but they feel really nice.

I'm here to ask men their opinions though. Bitchy gossipy women aren't my target demographic for this question.

I'm well aware, I just don't want women here, period.


It’s easy to control for women’s real ages by simply not disclosing them.

Too bad.

>be a grill
>post anonymously on the internet asking for opinion on ur bewbs
>refuse to post pic
I'm no public opinion expert but I'm willing to guess the likelihood of you getting an honest answer to your question is zero.

Best age for a woman is objectively 20-23. Younger than that is okay, and older than that, you're just asking for trouble.


Stop being such a puss and post your tits for the faggots to judge.

I'm not interested in men who only consider women between ages 20-23 anyway so that's fine. Go after what your heart desires.

This is what sexually frustrated virgins believe. It's almost like young hot women are used by everybody or taken not seriously because of their looks or something. Maybe they have to guage every single person who gives them attention because they want something from her, or want to take something(out of bitter neckbeard resentment, like you) from them due to retarded preconceived notions. Don't forget that they have to worry about being raped everywhere they go and have a need to protect their personal space at all times. It's not like you'll ever get called a roastie, whore, or dumb slut for (ironically) not fucking somebody. It's not like some faggot could decide to stalk you or tell people that you'll fuck anybody thus ruining your reputation and making people avoid you. Nope, you're just some sperglord nobody talks to, and you think some young girl getting attention isn't fair because you should get that manipulative attention instead for watching anime and playing fortnite alome.

You're fucking pathetic.

Holy shit incels are this autistic

Just to be clear, I'm the thread OP and didn't write this.

Yes it fucking is

If you want to figure out what people find attractive, you don’t ask them what they find attractive. You show them various things that cover a spectrum in a statistically reliable way, then measure physical responses.

Knowing up the woman’s real age is a confounding factor. So if you take her real age out of the mix, you get an accurate response for a population to physical appearance at a particular age.

Doesn’t mean you personally can’t be more attractive at 30 than you were at 20, just that it’s unlikely in the extreme.

Just hide the thread if it offends you.

*knowing not knowing up


Its not the thread, I thought I made it clear it was female posters in general I took offense to

It's good that you're trying to save face with all the neet virgins who spent Christmas alone because they're too good to fuck a fat chick or they turn their nose up at any girl who makes them feel short. Great place to ask for advice.

The girl version of an incel, everybody.

The reason why most implants look terrible is because people tend to think bigger is better and go for a minimum of a DD-Cup thinking huge ta-tas won't look fake and shitty on their frame. Fake tits are actually fantastic IF you don't go too big - they provide ample support for your busoms by lifting them up, making them perkier, and making them rounder while pushing them out. The trick is to only increase your size by 20% max. That would mean going from a low C to a high D. The result isn't so much in cup size, but in the general shape which results in a much more natural looking titty that looks perfectly rounded instead of like a bolt-on.

Think of it as the difference between having a saggy C and a perky D. Compare Jessica Nigri before and after who kept the size pretty modest:



Or for larger bazongas, check out Denise Milani before her boob job to after:



Some people can't breastfeed after getting a boob job. If you want children, this is something to consider.

>It's almost like young hot women are used by everybody or taken not seriously because of their looks or something.
Everyone tries to use them because they are so highly-valued, just like every millionaire has people hanging on their coattails. Sure, they might get called a whore, but no ones ever gonna call them a loser incel virgin sperglord. The disparity between men and women is a mile wide.

But I'm not the guy you're replying to, I don't really give a shit either way

I mean, whatever. Men who are this autistic about age aren't really on my radar in the first pace. I just want to have tits I can be proud of.

Maybe in the end I'll just keep them natural. Hmm.

Not only that, some lose breast and nipple sensitivity.


It would have potentially derailed the thread. I want to talk about boobs, not feminists vs incel politics.

But yes, the idea that anyone would think I was that oversensitive was embarrassing.

So what you're saying is you ego getting hurt is more important than your ability to interact with others like a normal human being ruined by what other people have said about you or what creepy manipulationlords are trying to get from you.


It’s not about obsessing over age. It’s about biology. The further a woman is from 20, the less fertile she is. The less attractive you are, male or female, the fewer options you have.

If you really didn’t care about being attractive, you wouldn’t bother with a boob job.

Not the guy were debating, but he's correct. You are objectively incorrect. Ages 20-23 are literally, statistically, confirmable, prime-age. OKCupid is not the only website that found this out. Even looking to history back when women were treated pretty poorly and as nothing more than ass for harems would show you the world over had a preference for 20 and a bit younger when you remove equality entirely and go solely by what rich dudes in the 10 BCE to the 1800's CE preferred.

I’m the person telling you that 20 is the most attractive age for women. You wanted the other guy.

I have no idea what this means, sorry

Just having a vagina in this incel lair derails your thread. Pretty sad that of all the places you could go for attention, this is your first idea.