can someone critique my deadlift
Can someone critique my deadlift
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>that back
nice double dubs
Damn it man, it's so hard not to round the mid and upper back
i-is it really that bad?
am I gonna snap my shit
>actually deadlifting
holy lol how does it feel to be a living Veeky Forums meme, soyboy?
you have zero tightness
some upper back rounding is fine, but this rep was ugly all around
drop down the weight
watch this
i bet you dont even brace yet you use belt
thanks user
it really is dude, drop the weight and work on your form or you're going to snap city
are you trolling because I laughed out loud
your back is terrifying, and if you can't do it both over hand, you have no business deadlifting the weight imo but I know many will disagree
I keep trying to get my back straighter, but I can't reach down that far with a straight back, even with no shoes on
too little ankle mobility maybe?
I feel like moving on from 4plate, but I know my form isn't feeling right
I've never deadlifted and I didn't watch your link but great job man keep it up!
your upper back is fine. it could be a bit tighter, but it's looking rough here mostly because you're not coming off the floor strong. go watch some KK vids - your upper back isn't really much worse than his. your lower back is tight which is what counts.
watch your hips rise then the weight starts to move. fix that and your upper back won't look quite as bad. fixing your pull from the ground will also smooth out the top of your pull, so you dont have to stand up after you lock out, you'll be standing as soon as you finish bringing your hips forward.
if you drop down to 75% or so if this you'll see proper form which you can base your practice off of. practice some singles working to near the weight you lifted in the gif and really get the feel down for pulling the slack out of your body and moving the weight as soon as you pull. eventually you'll be able to tell a good pull from a bad pull off the floor - it'll feel super smooth going up.
im sure nobody else in this thread has ever deadlifted even 4 plates, because your pull from the floor is the most fundamental problem with your form.
i pull 4pl8 for reps so theres that, beltless and i lift for just over 1 year, did my first 4 pl8 six months in
redirecting to this video
especially the "fixing position that was lost at the beginning of the pull"
You need to get tighter starting position op, and stronger back, upper back mostly, do your rows while you work on deadlift setup to make it perfect.
How tight you need to be? As tight as making 3pl8 float off the floor before even starting the pull
watch the vid.
>bend over at the waist like for stiff leg deadlift, straight back
>pull the slack off, never let go this tension
>tighten your lats straighten your back (at this moment bar starts floating)
>small drive with legs and pull through with hips
You will need to see this vud many times before you understand it, also between training sessions
also look up "how to squat with chris duffin" some fundamental wisdom about how to brace core properly and rooting i to floor
thanks based user
I don't think I have the mobility to get low enough to deadlift like that. Getting that tight in the bottom is so forced and unnatural that I can't even pull from the floor
work on your hamstrings mobility then
it will help you squat too
just dont stretch before deadlifting
also what Eddy Coan said and Rippetoe too, if your starting position in deadlift was easy to get into, it was wrong.
I have ape long arms and great deadlift leverages, but still drive off the floor js very hard and uncomfortable.
setup is incredibly important in DL if you start well, you will also finish well
at least most of times
>if you can't do it both over hand, you have no business deadlifting the weight imo
Where does this opinion come from? Not even Rippetoe agrees with this and I don't think I've ever seen any fitness professional that does, the only people that seem to believe this are random shitposters that probably don't lift
It's people who aren't yet strong enough to deadlift more than their grip strength allows them to.
Having said that I'm not a fan of mixed grip. Just use wraps or hook grip.
>people who aren't yet strong enough to deadline more than their grip strength
>wraps are okay though