Please don't tell me you are a Gay Alien.
Please don't tell me you are a Gay Alien
What the fuck is this shit?
I'm some weird hybrid
Is that Mussolini on the left?
I have warrior skull + long Alien occiput. At like 180 lbs I had the biggest helmet on the football team
(Also fuck handegg, wrestling is life)
Warrior Skulls are truly magnificent physical specimens.
life is truly hell
Homosexual Extraterrestrial
literally me but I have a super verticle head.
my head looks like a fucking brick
What am I gonna do with this nose
Im a mix
>Strong jaw
>Small nose
>Thick neck
>Weird occiput
>No chin
Even better, Im Ascended Warrior tier
Where's the crystal skull
I look more like the right than the left, but not nearly to that extent. wew.
>almost vertical forehead
>strong brow
>big nose
>ram bow chin
>strong jawline
>medium neck
>flat occiput
I'm more towards the left
The brachycephalic warrior skull is symptomatic of Neanderthal traits, which include:
Prominent occipital bun
Prominent brow ridge
Deep set eyes
Upturned nose
Smooth chin
Large skull in comparison to body
Morton's toe
Broad shoulders
Barrel shaped chest
Tall height
medium to big nose always better
say that to my face not online fagot
Everyday I browse here I find something else horribly wrong with my body that I had no idea was even a thing.
theres nothing wrong, ops pic is a meme
404: Chin not found.
People with melon domes like that are usually very intelligent. If I'm correct you are very good at socializing and often take a leader role in a group.
>first trait mentioned is prominent occiput
Fucking retard.
Does this describe me?
Currently a bloatlord warrior atm
That's a consequence of the middle part of my face being projected outwards.
A more extreme non-neotenized example would be pic related
>People with melon domes like that are usually very intelligent
They're not though, the most dolichocephalic populations are congoids and australian aborigines.
>be me
>strong chin
>sloped forehead with a strong bow
>medium nose
>prominent jawline
>thick neck
>slightly curvy, but mostly flat combat occiput
>strong checkbones
Yeah, it does. You actually kinda look like my brother
>"Ram Bow chin"
>middle part of my face being projected outwards.
>has negative orbital vectors, retruded glabella nd what appears to be fair vertical maxillary excess
Don't try to excuse your complete lack of ramus height and severe mandibular retrusion on midface projection.
Consider head size, caucasoids have larger skulls than both congoids and aborigines. Dolichocephaly is believed to be a Denisovan trait, and aborigines have a high percentage of Denisovan DNA
I'm 6'1 by the way. Primarily Mediterranean ancestry. Very small amount of Polish and British Isles ancestry though.
>vertical forehead
>all that other bullshit
Probably because you actually don’t have any of those and you just think you do
Thanks for your input. However, is that the case? Here's a picture from another angle. Also consider the fact that my head is 25cm in circumference.
Interesting. I'm 6'4, and of Irish ancestry.
Why should I lie on an Ugandan message board for Chinese cartoons?
Here is another picture under better lighting.
Would you say I have a warrior, high test, facial structure?
Merry Christmas.
By examining head casts and preserved skulls, it is clear that brachycephals are overrepresented among the most genius germanics, from Napoleon and Beethoven to Von Neumann and Von Braun.
And yes, even though absolute head size does seem to have an (insignificant) correlation with IQ, the most brachycephalic groups of Europe such as Finns, Estonians, Germans etc. still maintain the highest average IQs.
Way to look like a gay alien dude
my sides
>my head is 25cm in circumference
What did he mean by this?
Also your gonion are >130°, indicating a severe mandibular deficiency and retrusion.
Maui mode
[Spoiler]you're welcome[/spoiler]
Yep. You are pretty much the opposite of a nu male/soyboy, which have very neotenized (infant like) faces.
and a Merry Christmas to you too.
Take a real profile shot, a twisted neck shot with forward head posture is useless for assessing anterior projection of the face.
Is this Spotty McSeamus?
I was trying to give you an idea of proportions. Anyway, if that is true, then it's a genetic thing, because all my family members have jaws like that.
Funnily enough my name is English for Seamus, lmao
I want a buzzcut white girl
>25cm in circumference
beyond microcephaly, did you mean 25 inches?
In either case, the scale of your skull does not matter, you have a mandibular deficiency nonetheless. It is becoming pretty damn common in modern individuals anyway so its very possible that your entire family suffers from it.
>tfw strong brow, thick neck, good jaw, medium nose, but dolichocephal head shape and perfect forehead slope
Kill yourselvessss
>tfw every person with the hyper-materialist skull shape I have ever met is an ultra-normie
*Scribbles in my notebook*
Here you go.
It will be difficult to assess the Jawline because I am fat right now but you can see the general shape.
another one
I meant 25 inches, yes. Little drunk tonight.
It's also worth nothing that I have TMJ, and my jaw isn't sitting where it's supposed to.
Funnily enough, I would say the vast majority of German idealist philosophers (and associated artists) in general resemble the right caricature, though of course none have the abnormally low cranial vault.
Because you're so unsure of yourself that you seek validation from strangers on the internet.
Stop being fat. You have good bone structure.
Yeah, so you have an orthodontic condition.
Your midface projection is poor and you have a midly retruded maxilla, but you are indeed pretty close to what the caricature describes. Very nice photograph as well, you are one of the few I've seen to be able to resist tilting their heads to produce a more "attractive" profile.
I'm curious about your craniometric data.
I'm working on it bro!
Yes I'm not so vain as to do that. I want a truthful judgement.
I have studied European subraces and cranial types as well.
Judging by the photo, do you think I'm brachycephalic or mesocephalic?
Extremely underrated
ayy lmao pls be my twink bottom bitch
I know a guy who legit looks exactly like that right pic
I'd need at the very least a frontal shot (preferably a top down shot) to assess it, a simple profile (or frontal shot for that matter) is useless for assessing skull shape in all but really obvious cases such as this gracile nerdic I would guess based on your facial features that you are low brachycephalic though, just to make a wild guess.
I agree with that. I'm trying to get a top down shot but it's difficult to get a proper angle.
Would you say that my jaw line, and facial structure, in general, is masculine?
And if you had to guess what kind of racial type I was, what would it be?
Your jaw is not necessarily masculine or not, it's just sufficiently developed in all dimensions. The fact that it, along with your upper third is tall in relation to your middle third creates a masculine impression moreso than necessarily any structural element. The anterior projection of your face in general is above average though you suffer from slight maxillary retrusion and deficient infraorbital bone mass.
I'm not really an anthrocel, but I think a lot of them would call you "gorid". I'd be curious to hear what your skull circumference and total facial height (nasion to menton) is.
I think I would agree. As far as I know the Gorid is just a combination of the Pontic ( Eastern Atlanto-Mediterranean type) and Alpinid type.
It makes a lot of sense given my ancestry.
whats to cure for a gay alien skull
brachycephal with less sloped forehead. i have a huge fukin head with a fwhr around 1.95. my jaw is as wide as my skull. i usually skullmogg everyone pretty much. everyone respects me and likes me. oh also im 187 and 90 kg with a 6pack. come suck my dick.
HAHA lmaoooo
skull crushers
Bruh, i might be a manlet, but my skull is that of a fucking chad warrior. I'm not a gay fucking ayy lmao fuck that shit
why is it so funny to laugh at uglies?
R8 my skull
Goodman my glasses are broken
>that nu-male that criticizes SS
Are you introverted?
I'm fat :(
I'm an entp
Get a haircut and don't shave your beard like that
75% plebeian, 25% patrician.
Fancy that. From gauging your face I guessed that you were a little stubborn, opinionated and an independent thinker.
you aren't lying, you just think you are a big handsome neanderthal aryan boy you actually ugly
bruv you're a fat neckbeard, but you look like you have potential to be a sexy boy
> fat neckbeard
Soon I will just be fat because I'm about to shave bro.
>receded chin
>very weak jaw
>no brow ridge
>disgusting acne on neck and acne scars on cheeks
absolutely disgusting
>those suicide eyes
>It ain't me starts playing
Are you all right?
Warrior but Jew
Never lucky