> "user are you serious? Why would you want to weigh 200kg. That is not a healthy weight.
"user are you serious? Why would you want to weigh 200kg. That is not a healthy weight
>Go mad? Don't mind if I dooooooooooooooo!
>You declined press but did it anyway?
>pfff say that to me when I'm a solid 200kg, and can casually lift 135kg over my head you twink fag, get mogged
> "user, we have to talk about what got you here. At approximately 10:30 pm last night you ingested a mix of twenty tablespoons of salt and an equal amount of creatine monohydrate. Your phone was found with a half written post on a Patagonian Mustard Collectors Forum about how you would drink this mix to help you 'bloatmogg' twinks at the gym. user, your heart stopped due to extreme blood pressure. We're you trying to kill yourself?"
>...you've been eating how many calories?
>Sir, what is powerbulking?
you have to live it
plus implying I would trust a black doctor
>"and everyone who uses this website now thinks an adult male is at least 200kg..."
black doctor here. Posts like these are the reason whitebois get lethal doses of morphine.
>"user, I'm only your psychiatrist because your family asked me to help you with your extreme autism, racism, and inferiority complex. Have you tried what I told you to do at the gym? You say your squat is only 230 pounds. Are you doing the program I perscibed? Your blood work doesn't show signs of a gallon of milk a day."
Are their even black doctors?
Drug dealers are not doctors, user
Hippocrates thinks you're a hypocrite and not a real doctor.
Probably, since their MCAT scores get bumped up because of (((underrepresention)))
God damn it feels good to live in Freedomistan and choose who my doctors are.
>implying I would trust a black doctor
>black doctor here
You got into med school because you're black. Deal with it.
People who can't use there/their/they're properly don't have the right to degrade anyone, regardless of there race.
My dad's heart surgeon to put in a synthetic valve was black. He did a successful heart surgery, and many others. What the fuck have you done?
Dude who invented the tech to make blood transfusions successful? Also Black.
>implying i'm white
>My dad's heart surgeon to put in a synthetic valve was black. He did a successful heart surgery, and many others.
Really? That's the best you'll say for this practice of admitting unqualified people into medical school? Sometimes they don't kill people? What an argument.
>What the fuck have you done?
I got an MBA from a top 10 business school WITHOUT any kind of affirmative action. And I'm a white guy who grew up on welfare. I know all about poverty and coming from a shitty school district with horrible public schools and teachers who have given up.
>Dude who invented the tech to make blood transfusions successful? Also Black.
You're saying a minority of black people actually have a three digit IQ? Great. See pic related.
>proving his point
Unfortunately, yes. They're extremely unqualified and dangerous people who are likely to kill their patients but they get in to medical school with shitty grades and test scores thanks to white liberal guilt. See
So you're a parasite on the society yet think black doctors do harm?
Oh boy, another user claiming to be from a top 10 school. Yup, the entire Harvard class posts here.
Kek underrated
What if I told you that MCAT scores mean shit and are used to artificially depress the number of doctors available to keep pay and prestige high for the profession, and that not only is it theoretically possible for people with the MCAT scores of the average black doctor to be an excellent caregiver, but that it is true in practice, since, despite its deficiencies, the American medical system provides some of the best care in the world, even with the majority of it being administered by nurses and pharmaceutical reps?
You'd probably say something dumb because you're an idiot racist, but it wouldn't make me any less right.
>got an MBA from a top 10 business school WITHOUT any kind of affirmative action. And I'm a white guy
That's a funny joke, user. The mere existence of a white person in 21st century America is affirmative action, both on a social and historical level.
Could the /pol/tards fuck off please? "hurr hurr p-pickshuur has blak man in it time to shit this thred up"
Why is there a nigger cosplaying as a medical doctor while holding a tablet?
This is eastern europe, the only niggers I've seen are drunk transfer students from the local university.
t. pol false-flagger
>My dad's heart surgeon to put in a synthetic valve was black. He did a successful heart surgery, and many others.
>you're a parasite on the society
Not an argument.
>Oh boy, another user claiming to be from a top 10 school
See above.
>What if I told you that MCAT scores mean shit
I'd say you sound a lot like the people who try to argue that IQ and SAT scores mean nothing. By this, I mean you'd be wrong and grasping at straws due to the urge you feel to denounce anything that shows intellectual differences on average between the races as "racist."
>used to artificially depress the number of doctors available to keep pay and prestige high for the profession
Show me the evidence for this claim.
>not only is it theoretically possible for people with the MCAT scores of the average black doctor to be an excellent caregiver, but that it is true in practice, since, despite its deficiencies, the American medical system provides some of the best care in the world, even with the majority of it being administered by nurses and pharmaceutical reps?
Are these nurses and pharmaceutical reps performing lobectomies? Because someone has to. And if I ever need such a life saving surgery, I want it to be performed by the best person for the job rather than someone who got into medical school with below average grades/test scores and graduated near the bottom of their class.
>you're an idiot racist
The irony is that I'm not a racist. I would never bar the passage of a qualified applicant to medical school. I want brilliant black students—best described as outliers, if we're being honest—to get into medical school. In fact, I'd be enraged if they were turned away while a less qualified candidate were let in with lower grades. But this is exactly what is happening right now with brilliant Asians being turned away as comparatively stupid blacks are let in due to "diversity" requirements.
>a test meant to measure science literacy and improvisation ability is irrelevant to being a doctor
What exactly do you think doctor's do redditard?
Haha, this. NYU did a pilot program where they let humanities grads in on their GRE scores and they did literally just as well as pre-meds. It was written up in the NYTimes metro (local) section years ago. I think it was discontinued over AMA butthurt.
Test scores don't mean shit. My brother is an autist who aced the LSATs and went to an "OMG BiG LAW" top school and he has no work ethic or people skills so he works under a bunch of former poor fags who went to Shit Tier U.
>My brother is an autist who aced the LSATs and went to an "OMG BiG LAW" top school and he has no work ethic or people skills so he works under a bunch of former poor fags who went to Shit Tier U.
Look at this image Then this one Then kill yourself.
MCAT scores don't do anything to depress the number of doctors, retard. The bottleneck in the physician factory is the number of residency position in desired fields and areas, and followed by medical school positions.
Medfag here.
This whole discussion is pretty dumb. So you need the world's best mechanic to change your rotors?
As long as schools still require the same training and same minimum standards for graduation, and as long as boards and residencies have color blind status, affirmative action doesn't actually matter much.
I've worked under a "giant in his field' opthalmologist. He paid attention to interesting cases and delegated novel ones. You could visit a genius of a field and your treatment might be mostly planned by a tech.
For routine care, your honesty better off paying attention to price and the amount of attention you get over what school they went to or race.
If you're undergoing a risky, or new procedure, research the individual doing it! Race is a horrible way to figure out qualifications. If you used race as your main marker you'd only ever use Asian doctors, because guess what, our test score gap is almost as large as Whites to Hispanics! But wait, that'd be stupid right, because there are tons of competent White doctors, Black doctors etc., and there are incompetent Asian doctors. Waddya know!
Right. And they determine fitness for those using...
>Tyou need the world's best mechanic to change your rotors?
No. But if he's doing something really important to my car and I'll die if he screws up, then I'd want the best mechanic I could find. In other words, this is a bit of a false analogy.
>As long as schools still require the same training and same minimum standards for graduation, and as long as boards and residencies have color blind status, affirmative action doesn't actually matter much.
If nothing else, it matters to the qualified Asian students who are being turned away. If you're an Asian yourself, which you appear to be, then you should care about this at least as much as I do.
>If you're undergoing a risky, or new procedure, research the individual doing it!
> If you used race as your main marker
Who said it's the main marker? It's one marker, not the only one or even the most important. But if someone said that based on race alone, they would never trust a black doctor, I could hardly hold it against them. They'd always have the nagging suspicion at the back of their mind that this guy is an affirmative action baby that they would never have with an Asian doctor. If nothing else, they would have peace of mind.
>our test score gap is almost as large as Whites to Hispanics!
All the more reason for you to oppose affirmative action.
>But wait, that'd be stupid right, because there are tons of competent White doctors, Black doctors etc., and there are incompetent Asian doctors. Waddya know!
A more accurate analogy than your mechanic one is this: you are walking through a long forest and you see three colors of snakes around you—white, yellow and black. Not all of these snakes are venomous but some of them are. You know that there are more venomous black snakes than white, and more venomous white snakes than yellow, but that is all you likely know. Which snakes do you feel most comfortable around on a gut level?
Audibly chuckled in the bus and got a few weird stares
Smdh l fuckin hate wypipo
Thats a bad analogy, because the color of the snakes is not all you know (if you look). What the other poster was saying was that you should research an individual doctor to get an idea of their skill rather than just judge based on the color of their skin
>What the other poster was saying was that you should research an individual doctor to get an idea of their skill rather than just judge based on the color of their skin
And I said I agreed with that. I do; you should always look closely into a doctor if you need an important procedure. But I also understand why people would feel uncomfortable regardless due to a nagging doubt at the back of their mind.
Filthy Frank looking motherfucker
>I am not racist
>You got into med school because you're black. Deal with it.
>>implying I would trust a black doctor
You've told a guy he got into school despite being stupid only because of his skin color not knowing his grades and then said you wouldn't trust a black doctor. You're racist but just want to prove there is a reason in your racism because blacks are statistically worse students, so you judge every single black as an idiot.
His point was that the pool of black students that they pull doctors from is lower quality in favor of higher quantity
And the overarching point is that they're still good enough to practice and that the concerns of having some amount doctors that don't automatically give shittier care because their patients are black or brown outweigh Pendleton Brasmouth III's need to make daddy proud by getting his MD. If he's really that good he'll get in next year.
And then he assumes every single black person is getting everywhere on blackness alone and can't be a doctor
lmao are you retarded
Great Pabst
I'm not a racist, just a race realist. I acknowledge that there are differences between the races. While there are some brilliant black people who absolutely deserve to be doctors, most blacks are stupid people with a two digit IQ. An exceptionally bright black student might have an IQ around 115, two standard deviations above the IQ of most American blacks. As great as that sounds, that's only one deviation above the white average and less than one deviation above the national average for east Asians. So yeah, he probably did just get into med school because he's black, if you're going by the numbers. Perhaps it was rude of me to point it out and say "deal with it" but then, it seemed a well leveled response to his post which was also fairly insulting in tone.
>And then he assumes every single black person is getting everywhere on blackness alone and can't be a doctor
Not every single black medical student needed help from their race. But most of them? Absolutely. Medical schools across America have openly stated that they will do whatever it takes to reach their goal of number of black medical students. This is not exactly breaking news. In the early 90s, the Association of American Medical Colleges created "Project 3,000 by 2000", the end goal being 3,000 desired minority medical students by the year 2000.
This Indian guy even pretended to be black just to get accepted to medical school with a 3.1 GPA and it worked.
> black doctor
And I'm a female professional wrestler
>people are falling for this bait
Silly bait
Its not bait, hes saying youre are dum
t. Nigger Medical technologist who thinks he da doctor
The group of people benefitting the most from affirmative action are actually white women. Yet, you would trust them as doctors.
If you want to be a racist, fine, but don't try to rationalize it with shitty justification.
>This is eastern europe
Nobody cares about your shithole. God I wish Hitler successfully gassed slavs and the likes when he could.
user l don’t need a gynecologist
t.abdul muhhad al germani the new german
Which isn't even true. Affirmative action just allow some people to pass with a slightly slower treshold. It doesn't mean than ton of black people are way beyond this treshold and would have gotten into med school regardless of affirmative action.
>The group of people benefitting the most from affirmative action are actually white women. Yet, you would trust them as doctors.
It sounds like we agree that affirmative action is a joke that doesn't help the people it is designed to help. And no, I judge white female doctors on their individual merit. If there were a program created by the Association of American Medical Colleges called "20,000 women by 2020" designed to increase the number of women in med school, regardless of qualification, you'd better believe I'd think twice about visiting a female doctor. While white women may benefit wrongly from affirmative action, we're specifically talking about black doctors and the program created by medical schools directly to increase their enrollment.
>If you want to be a racist, fine, but don't try to rationalize it with shitty justification.
I don't identify as a racist. A racist thinks their race is superior and/or hates people of different races. I don't think this way at all. In fact, despite being a goy, I believe Ashkenazi Jews are basically the intellectual master race and east Asians are a close second. Does that sound like white supremacy? I don't do research on race and intelligence, I just read the findings and base my opinion on that of the experts.
Dr. Ben Carson, Dr. Dre, Dr. Huxtable, Doctor Jay, and Dr. Pepper I assume
>be black doctor
>Every bitter fag thinks I'm in because of affirmative action (maybe I am kek)
>Tfw scored 90th percentile in my MCAT and board exams
>tfw go along with their theory so they get buttblasted
Feels so good having admission boards on my side, get fucked brainlet soyboys.
>t. Chronic underachiever
Maybe if you studied and weren't a genelet you too could become a doctor.
Ben pls stahp. We get it, you are one of the few based blacks.
Is that your way of saying you're not up to date on the literature, dumbass?
For you
Go to bed, Ramirez.
Grades, extra curricular activities and race.
>TFW OP and you just wanted a funny thread but nu/pol/ got triggered by your stock photo
Ahh the good ol' based businessman. We need more like you.
>Thread is about funny Veeky Forums stuff
>/pol/ DYEL and soyboys derail it into a shitty affirmative action discussion
Genuine kek
you're the most rational person i have ever seen and i agree with everything you posted.
Upvoted, fellow Redditor!
MCAT scores, smartass.
>TFW /pol/ can't even samefag non-transparently
I don't trust a woman who isn't pregnant and baking something.
>enter thread expecting quality intentionally-retarded jokes