it hurts when doing squats and diddlys, mild discomfort is a better word actually but its definitely not healthy. also all my lifts are stalling (dead is actually down), should i just reset SS and work on form? how do i reset?
It hurts when doing squats and diddlys, mild discomfort is a better word actually but its definitely not healthy...
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Take a week off lifting
bad form, youre lifting too heavy for your form
this happened to me, it might suck ass but ice it and don't gym for a week. You must have squatted with bad form and strained your lower back/hips. Switch to a low-bar squat and properly brace next time you gym.
Might be your SIJ
Need to focus more on building up core, glutes etc. to prevent injury and get a form check too
bad form
read SS, and follow the instructions on how to do the lifts EXACTLY. you'll most likely feel fine afterwards next time.
I just got back after a week off thinking it was healed
Probs SI joint.
Try this
>isn't a doctor
>new to working out if he's on SS
>feels perfectly normal pressure in lower back after squats and deadlifts, 2 lifts that load the back
>lol must be unhealthy
don't listen to this retard
I felt this and lifted through it and ended up bulging my l5 disc and being unable to get out of bed for three weeks
I had this my dude, try stretching your hips and glutes out! Foam roll back, glutes, hammies, quads and do heaps of the 90/90 hip stretch memes.
taking a week off is the worst thing you could do. All its gonna do is detrain him and make the "pain" worse when he starts back. he's not fucking injured, mild discomfort is normal to people who are new to squatting and diddlying, and you need to strengthen your back so you can adapt to the loading. He's freaking out at the first sign of discomfort because hes new doesn't know any better.
don't give advice on topics you know nothing about
that's a completely different thing. you were injured. op is not
OP talk to a medical professional. Don't come here for medical advice, because 100% of the people ITT and on this board are unqualified to give medical advice
Hmm, I get a similar but very mild discomfort in this area (feels like it's right under my tail bone) whenever I work on stretching my hips in frog pose.
Any ideas?
I'm going to second.
There's some muscles running through your hips that attach the lower back to hamstring and i bet they are tight as shit.
Do you know how bad your butt wink is?
Oh and do you high bar or low bar squat, and how much back is involved? Are you good morning-ing that weight?
It’s this. Tightness in the musculature of your hips are aggravating your SI joint. Commonly tight piriformis, hip flexors, or QL.
All deloading in the world and form fixing isn't going to help.
Had the same shit.
Make a fist and press it into the side of your hip bit more towards your ass. If it hurts, which it shouldn't, stretch that muscle and smash the shit out of it with a lacrosse ball. The muscle is called gluteus medius if you want to look it up.
Do you do high bar squats?
all the time? only recently?
>calls people retards
>read SS
t. retard
Your form is probably shit OP. I know from experience. Did heavy high bar +6 months no problem. Took a week off for finals, came back, felt pressure and pain in my back during squats that steadily got worse after workout. I filmed myself next session and saw that I was doing 1/3 of a good morning. Focused on squeezing core, leaning back, and pressing down through midfoot / heel, no problems or pain since.
no op but have the same problem whats a good stretch for piriformis and QL
t. memer
A squat plug might help you out a bit
Pseudoscience invented by chiropractors. Don't listen to these retards
>tfw squats/crunches hurt because of asscrack cyst
This fixed it for me instantly (NO JOKE!)
Try this and your pain is gone in seconds.
Also work out your core more with kettlebellswings and work on your diddly and squatform. I know this well.
DONT do nothing, your back needs to get stronger.
Everyone in this thread would probably benefit from this stretch.
Muh dick
Will try it out. Thanks brah
This is unironically something everyone should be doing.
I am not fucking kidding, you autistic betas
Years of working at a partly sitdown job and getting less fit convinced me to shape up.
I started with the usual beginners routine, but eventually hit the dumb injury wall
Mine was an L5, and not from lifting but a car accident. During recovery from that I pulled my right hamstring
I could have listen to the standard "just take a brisk walk" doc shill
Instead I tried foam rolling, lacrosse balls, stretching, inversion, and low back pump work.
All of the above work to some degree, but they should be somewhere in your regular schedule to prevent injury
Yoga was what took me from "I might feel a bit drained after a heavy DL session" to "DL and conquer the world"
You need to attack sore or tight areas that are causing pain. The older you get the less likely it is they will magically loosen up with rest. Movement, massage and diet will keep you going. Don't throw out a tool just because you get the bonus panorama of nice asses
Also, couples yoga is awesome and there's so few men that will touch it that you will have one of the few situations that the buyer/seller market of gender interaction gets flipped.
You have a pilonidal cyst. Go to the doctor and get surgery or you will suffer so much.
This video is so unintentionally funny.
Gonna try it tho, thanks.