*blocks your path*
*blocks your path*
Other urls found in this thread:
I kill every man that stands on my way.
I would do lewd things with her... extremely lewd things...
*blocks her anus with my dick*
>thanks for inviting me to your family's Christmas party, user
She looks familiar, is she Hungarian?
*begs for milkies*
>she is crippled by an agonizing bout of back pain
>I can easily walk around her
*pushes her off balcony*
path cleared
Nope, from either NJ or NY i forget
Miss, could you please move? Thanks.
I gotta do muh squats.
I don't find ridiculously out of proportion tits that attractive, but she'd be a high 10/10 if reduced them by 30-50%
As of now she is merely a 9/10
i want a gf now
>mfw i'm half joking and half crying for help
Her face is like that of a latino man
How about you be my gf? You don't need a gf if you're the gf.
>*Teleport behind her*
>Wow user, you're so fast!
>Yeah that's because I work out *smirk*
>Y-yes, i can see... *Blushes*
>*Looks down* Can i touch your muscles? *Giggles*
>I don't know, can you?
>Wow user you're smart as well!
>Psh i know, kid.
(I work out my brain as well)
>May i touch your muscles?
>*Approaches me*
Then I roundhouse kick her and she flies away really far because I don't skip leg day so that's what you get for blocking my path stupid bitch.
*bobs ur path*
What lvl are you on this site?
It's right there in his post number.
Level 666 69
Shit bait post.
you drank too many memes.
*blocks your knock off*
*cocks your vag*
OH would you have a look at the time
*blocks your path*
As a latino man, I thought the exact same thing
He's one of those imbalanced oldfags.
This is the only good pic of her, she has bolt ons and they lok like shit
*picks her up and takes her home to her father
>not hold her tits for her so she can finally get some relief from the pain
I'm a bit of an altruist user, I'd also fuck her for good measure
Who is this?
found the alpha
>Shove fist up cunt
>carry her back to whatever slut cave she came from
good taste my nig
Its not fair that women like this exist.
i need source so i can see the truth for myself then
Push her off the balcony, her narrow hips could never be worthy of carrying my seed
>*blocks your path*
Turn 360* and walk away
Who os this fine fine woman?
Too much. At that point is more charicature than sexy. Double down and we cannplay. Khazar milkers is top limit.
Jesus just fucking imagine being this girl.
You are literally living the paradise life. Its just not fucking fair.
But I have arrived at my destination.
Post moar or share insta
Uhmmmm... path to where? Jumping off the balcony? Are you allright user
Blocks your way to what? To the corner of a patio?
*blocks you kiss attemp*
>eeww what a creep
That dude is like 70% white lol look at his face.
Nigs can’t handle the fact that the only ones of them that are attractive are majority white lol
Which path? She's in a corner. I'd block her path and rape her right then and there.
top kek
*blocks your no fap streak*
still waiting for sauce you lying fag
I love this girl, I wish she had a nicer ass.
God damn I love proper autismposting.
It's still decent but she definitely should hit the squat rack
Not if i kill you
Will you ever fuck something so divine?
Will I?
It haunts me knowing I may never.
Thank god we got trump
We won't. Might get a smile from a cashier.
I did yesterday because I laughed at her because she looked cute trying to rip off the reciept but she couldn't for some reason. Maybe I should've asked her if she wanted to go to the gym with me so she could do her job better.
I have. I'm not even fit lol
By no measure is that man attractive.
Then why does he have a thot and u don't?
shit taste bois
t. dyel
just your average italian man
Lmao, why are you mad at me? I'm telling you that his face is not attractive, and any correlation between his supposed attractiveness and race is nonsense. How that statement has anything to do with me, I am unsure. Lay off the steroids you fucking retard.
If you think women want a hulking mass of muscle, you may not understand actual attraction. Look up any survey of women commenting on the physique of men, and you will overwhelmingly find that women want muscle definition on an otherwise dyel body. That man is not attractive, and no amount of Veeky Forums brainwashing will change that.
>Explain to her how I am the last of the famous international playboys.
>and that I was trudging slowly over wet sand
>back to the bench where her clothes were stolen
>in some coastal town
>that they forgot to close down.
*blocks the door*
Can you step aside please, I'm trying to get home.
After some quick reverse-google search detectiving, found her
>post ends in 69
Checks out fellows. We've officially seen the brutal effects of a meme overdose
Horny boy
thats a big girl
for you
I love this gif
Same, also reminds me of this one.
I'd fight her
Slam tight piggy
"open bobs"
who is this fine young lad?